Mildly Interesting - Images
My dad built a temporary home inside of a school bus while moving houses | /r/mildlyinteresting
Mildly Interesting
The sun has faded my mail box and left a permanent outline of the flag | /r/mildlyinteresting
Mildly Interesting
Removed an old desk drawer and it looks like an abandoned store | /r/mildlyinteresting
Mildly Interesting
Tiny water droplets on a decorative grass plant this morning! | /r/mildlyinteresting
Mildly Interesting
An aluminum solo cup which can be recycled forever, meant to replace the plastic solo cups | /r/mildlyinteresting
Mildly Interesting
The way they post the keypad code in this Memory Care facility | /r/mildlyinteresting
Mildly Interesting
This little necklace which looks like a sky. | /r/mildlyinteresting
Mildly Interesting
Alabama Department of Transportation’s sign is just one big road sign. | /r/mildlyinteresting
Mildly Interesting
This Toronto public park has instruments and sheet music. It’s named after Sharon, Lois and Bram. | /r/mildlyinteresting
Mildly Interesting
The difference in my legs after being in a cast for 1 month | /r/mildlyinteresting
Mildly Interesting
Our new rescue pup has another pup on her back. | /r/mildlyinteresting
Mildly Interesting
This guy managed to break a plate perfectly in half | /r/mildlyinteresting
Mildly Interesting
This cupcake “bouquet” I made yesterday | /r/mildlyinteresting
Mildly Interesting
Check out this tiny turtle crossing our driveway. Finger for scale. | /r/mildlyinteresting
Mildly Interesting
This chip is supposed to be so hot that it is sold as one chip. | /r/mildlyinteresting
Mildly Interesting
This giant driftwood in Washington State. | /r/mildlyinteresting
Mildly Interesting
Train station in Paris had a machine that printed out short stories to read while you wait | /r/mildlyinteresting
Mildly Interesting
A Burger joint with its own radio station that plays fifties music and calls out your name when your order is ready. | /r/mildlyinteresting
Mildly Interesting
Loads of these mushrooms appeared overnight on an oak tree stump outside my parent's house | /r/mildlyinteresting
Mildly Interesting
Dunkin’ Donuts changed their sprinkles to mini D’s | /r/mildlyinteresting
Mildly Interesting