Mildly Interesting - Images
Full length bathroom window in the Natal Midlands. | r/mildlyinteresting


Mildly Interesting
100 year old flowers found in a 100 year old Bible | r/mildlyinteresting


Mildly Interesting
Dildo package on the sidewalk | r/mildlyinteresting


Mildly Interesting
Bicephalic seaturtle found on Hilton Head Island this season. Was released to the ocean. Good luck S...


Mildly Interesting
This dog in my wall | r/mildlyinteresting


Mildly Interesting
This trash can in Denmark is at an angle so it's easier to hit when on a bike | r/mildlyinteresting


Mildly Interesting
This statue of an absolute unit. | r/mildlyinteresting


Mildly Interesting
This skirt that had the wrong file printed on it | r/mildlyinteresting


Mildly Interesting
I found this raised JFK 3D printed half dollar in my grandmas coin collection | r/mildlyinteresting


Mildly Interesting
Someone made ‘Bold and Brash’ out of trash | r/mildlyinteresting


Mildly Interesting
The Best Toilet Paper Holder Design Ever Conceived. | r/mildlyinteresting


Mildly Interesting
This man’s bizarrely low hairline | r/mildlyinteresting


Mildly Interesting
Changing the lightbulb in an IMAX theater | r/mildlyinteresting


Mildly Interesting
My local arcade has the Oregon Trail game | r/mildlyinteresting


Mildly Interesting
The clouds make the sun look like a rocket being launched. | r/mildlyinteresting


Mildly Interesting
This pill bottle that tells you how long since you last took your pills. | r/mildlyinteresting


Mildly Interesting