Mildly Interesting - Images
Holy water dispensers being used for hand santizer
Mildly Interesting
All those stamps
Mildly Interesting
Door symbol has six fingers
Mildly Interesting
Perfect circles made by a blowing leaf
Mildly Interesting
Fog 35 stories up
Mildly Interesting
These bubbles in the beet juice
Mildly Interesting
This dog's walking pattern
Mildly Interesting
Delorean in the school parking lot
Mildly Interesting
Microwave has a built-in toaster
Mildly Interesting
15 pounds of cheese, shredded and unshredded
Mildly Interesting
Fossilized Nokia
Mildly Interesting
Pharmacy gave 29 pills in one bottle and one in another
Mildly Interesting
This perfect snowflake
Mildly Interesting
The cow represents the fat level
Mildly Interesting
This sphere formed in simple sugar
Mildly Interesting
Colored lights made a chromatic shadow
Mildly Interesting
Lights on only in the reflection
Mildly Interesting
This request to avoid false claims
Mildly Interesting
Found an empty wheelchair on the beach
Mildly Interesting
These pills are round
Mildly Interesting