Mocking SpongeBob - Images
How i stare back at little kids when they stare for too long

Mocking SpongeBob
Americans: I need healthcare because I have cancer and I'm dying

Mocking SpongeBob
Bf: "I don't even know her like that" Me: "I doNt EveN KnOw heR liKe thAt"

Mocking SpongeBob
me filling out FAFSA: tuition and books are expensive FAFSA: tUiTiOn AnD bOoKs ArE eXpEnSiVe

Mocking SpongeBob
babe: my phone died I'm sorry Me: "My PHonE diEd.. why ain't u die with it?"

Mocking SpongeBob
"Dont use that weird spongebob mocking meme" Me: DonT uSe thAt WeIrd SpoNgEboB MoCkinG MEme

Mocking SpongeBob
Him: *leaves me on delivered last night* Him this morning: "good morning beautiful" Me: gOOd MOrIng beAuTiFul

Mocking SpongeBob
lEt Me SeE tHaT sPoNgEbOb MeMe OnE mOrE tImE

Mocking SpongeBob
what is this new spongebob meme and wHy ArE PeOPLE tALkIng LiKe tHiS

Mocking SpongeBob
McDonald's: "Sorry our ice cream machine is broken" Me: "sOrrY oUr iCe cReaM mAChinE iS bRokeN"

Mocking SpongeBob
Cop Siren: "WHOOP WHOOP!" Me: "wHoOp WhOoP!"

Mocking SpongeBob
free response problem: find the internal temperature of the potato me: fiNd THe InTErNaL TemPeRaTUrE oF tHe PoTAto #APcalc

Mocking SpongeBob
Twitter is offended again

Mocking SpongeBob
We need a healer

Mocking SpongeBob
I need healing

Mocking SpongeBob
Boss battles

Mocking SpongeBob