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Nintendo, Hire This Man

Nintendo, Hire This Man
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Nintendo, Hire This Man
Donkey Kong Country Movie Trailer
![[Return] [Catalog] [Bottom] Archived / 153 /61 File: 2B46B29F-47CE-40C5-BB40-0...).jpg (578 KB, 750x551) BPS5 O Anonymous 12/03/20(Thu)00:02:02 No.534487875| > >>534488325 >>534488332 >>534488338 >>534489802 >>534489889 >>534489948 >>534490230 >>534493785 >>534494187 >>534495308 >>534495973 >>534496626 >>534499807 >>534501717 >>534504358 >>534510683 >>534511213 >>534511863 >>534518385 >>534518542 >>534521460 Woah... Anonymous 12/03/20(Thu)00:05:53 No.534488278 NINTENDO HIRE THIS MAN >> Anonymous 12/03/20(Thu)00:06:18 No.534488325 ► >>534487875 (OP) DONKEY KONG IF REAL U Anonymous 12/03/20(Thu)00:06:19 No.534488327 Sis will be donkey grafix in 2014 Anonymous 12/03/20(Thu)00:06:21 No.534488332 >>534487875 (OP) CRYZENX >> O Anonymous 12/03/20(Thu)00:06:26 No.534488338 >>534488423 >>534488504 >>534488549 >>534488732 >>534488749 >>534489142 >>534489164 >>534489219 >>534489384 >>534489603 >>534489651 >>534489701 >>534489728 >>534489801 >>534489868 >>534489942 >>534489957 >>534489981 >>534490013 >>534490116 >>534490161 >>534490248 >>534490293 >>534490535 >>534490718 >>534490898 >>534491081 >>534491364 >>534491851 >>534491991 >>534492257 >>534492283 >>534492370 >>534492430 >>534493004 >>534493118 >>534493250 >>534493432 >>534493810 >>534494403 >>534494763 >>534495862 >>534496159 >>534496220 >>534497001 >>534497235 >>534497341 >>534497629 >>534497726 >>534497808 >>534500497 >>534500716 >>534500804 >>534500957 >>534501128 >>534501154 >>534501487 >>534503643 >>534504065 >>534504238 >>534504702 >>534504769 >>534505121 >>534505651 >>534506184 >>534507806 >>534508328 >>534510048 >>534510337 >>534511470 >>534512146 >>534512214 >>534513568 >>534513918 >>534514240 >>534514494 >>534514556 >>534514752 >>534514847 >>534516270 >>534516465 >>534516571 >>534516881 >>534517353 >>534517529 >>534517861 >>534519179 >>534519254 >>534487875 (OP) jungle japes drums start >donkey kong, voiced by h jon benjamin, opens the door of his treehouse >"another beautiful day in congo bongo!" >"time to check on the banana ho-" >face freezes, music stops >"ААAAAAAAAAAAAAA" >THIS SUMMER >a dramatic version of the beastie boys' brass monkey starts playing >diddy kong (voiced by chris tucker): how can you lose the banana horde? it's a pile of bananas! >DK: "i didn't lose them diddy, someone must have taken them!" >diddy: "who'd want a bunch of bananas besides... oh no." >cut to scene of k rool, voiced by a menacing danny devito, slowly spinning around in a giant chair and laughing maniacally, but suddenly gets into a coughing fit >DK and diddy look at each other: "k rool." >THE KONGS >diddy: "i'm gonna come with you, we gotta get these bananas back!" >DK: "uh, no offense diddy, but i think you might not be banana rescuing material." >diddy: "what are you talking about? watch this!" *jumps on a vine, slips and flies into a tree, falls to the ground, and a coconut falls and hits him in the head* >DK: "...ouch." >BEGIN THEIR KONG-QUEST >funky (played by the rock): "if you're gonna take on the kremlings, you're gonna need some serious firepower." >DK blows apart bunch of targets with his coconut gun >a couple of peanuts break open on a target >diddy: "why do i get the peanut gun?! what, am i gonna feed em to death?" >TO GET THEIR NANNERS >diddy: "i'll starve without these bananas! what am i gonna eat? ants on a stick?!" >DK: "well, you know, you are getting to be a-." >diddy: "don't you SAY IT!" >DK: "...chunky monke- >diddy screams and leaps on DK >BUT THINGS MIGHT GETA LITTLE OFF THE RAILS >DK and diddy speed down a minecart >diddy: "do you know how to drive this thing?! >DK: "you can drive this thing?!" >AAAAAAAAAA >THIS SUMMER >"exciting action montage* >COME VISIT >suddenly diddy gets hit in the crotch >"right in the little banana..." >DONKEY KONG COUNTRY](
![[Return] [Catalog] [Bottom] Archived / 153 /61 File: 2B46B29F-47CE-40C5-BB40-0...).jpg (578 KB, 750x551) BPS5 O Anonymous 12/03/20(Thu)00:02:02 No.534487875| > >>534488325 >>534488332 >>534488338 >>534489802 >>534489889 >>534489948 >>534490230 >>534493785 >>534494187 >>534495308 >>534495973 >>534496626 >>534499807 >>534501717 >>534504358 >>534510683 >>534511213 >>534511863 >>534518385 >>534518542 >>534521460 Woah... Anonymous 12/03/20(Thu)00:05:53 No.534488278 NINTENDO HIRE THIS MAN >> Anonymous 12/03/20(Thu)00:06:18 No.534488325 ► >>534487875 (OP) DONKEY KONG IF REAL U Anonymous 12/03/20(Thu)00:06:19 No.534488327 Sis will be donkey grafix in 2014 Anonymous 12/03/20(Thu)00:06:21 No.534488332 >>534487875 (OP) CRYZENX >> O Anonymous 12/03/20(Thu)00:06:26 No.534488338 >>534488423 >>534488504 >>534488549 >>534488732 >>534488749 >>534489142 >>534489164 >>534489219 >>534489384 >>534489603 >>534489651 >>534489701 >>534489728 >>534489801 >>534489868 >>534489942 >>534489957 >>534489981 >>534490013 >>534490116 >>534490161 >>534490248 >>534490293 >>534490535 >>534490718 >>534490898 >>534491081 >>534491364 >>534491851 >>534491991 >>534492257 >>534492283 >>534492370 >>534492430 >>534493004 >>534493118 >>534493250 >>534493432 >>534493810 >>534494403 >>534494763 >>534495862 >>534496159 >>534496220 >>534497001 >>534497235 >>534497341 >>534497629 >>534497726 >>534497808 >>534500497 >>534500716 >>534500804 >>534500957 >>534501128 >>534501154 >>534501487 >>534503643 >>534504065 >>534504238 >>534504702 >>534504769 >>534505121 >>534505651 >>534506184 >>534507806 >>534508328 >>534510048 >>534510337 >>534511470 >>534512146 >>534512214 >>534513568 >>534513918 >>534514240 >>534514494 >>534514556 >>534514752 >>534514847 >>534516270 >>534516465 >>534516571 >>534516881 >>534517353 >>534517529 >>534517861 >>534519179 >>534519254 >>534487875 (OP) jungle japes drums start >donkey kong, voiced by h jon benjamin, opens the door of his treehouse >"another beautiful day in congo bongo!" >"time to check on the banana ho-" >face freezes, music stops >"ААAAAAAAAAAAAAA" >THIS SUMMER >a dramatic version of the beastie boys' brass monkey starts playing >diddy kong (voiced by chris tucker): how can you lose the banana horde? it's a pile of bananas! >DK: "i didn't lose them diddy, someone must have taken them!" >diddy: "who'd want a bunch of bananas besides... oh no." >cut to scene of k rool, voiced by a menacing danny devito, slowly spinning around in a giant chair and laughing maniacally, but suddenly gets into a coughing fit >DK and diddy look at each other: "k rool." >THE KONGS >diddy: "i'm gonna come with you, we gotta get these bananas back!" >DK: "uh, no offense diddy, but i think you might not be banana rescuing material." >diddy: "what are you talking about? watch this!" *jumps on a vine, slips and flies into a tree, falls to the ground, and a coconut falls and hits him in the head* >DK: "...ouch." >BEGIN THEIR KONG-QUEST >funky (played by the rock): "if you're gonna take on the kremlings, you're gonna need some serious firepower." >DK blows apart bunch of targets with his coconut gun >a couple of peanuts break open on a target >diddy: "why do i get the peanut gun?! what, am i gonna feed em to death?" >TO GET THEIR NANNERS >diddy: "i'll starve without these bananas! what am i gonna eat? ants on a stick?!" >DK: "well, you know, you are getting to be a-." >diddy: "don't you SAY IT!" >DK: "...chunky monke- >diddy screams and leaps on DK >BUT THINGS MIGHT GETA LITTLE OFF THE RAILS >DK and diddy speed down a minecart >diddy: "do you know how to drive this thing?! >DK: "you can drive this thing?!" >AAAAAAAAAA >THIS SUMMER >"exciting action montage* >COME VISIT >suddenly diddy gets hit in the crotch >"right in the little banana..." >DONKEY KONG COUNTRY](
Nintendo, Hire This Man
Nintendo, hire this man: The Movie

Nintendo, Hire This Man
"♫Hire... this man, Nintendo!♫"

Nintendo, Hire This Man
Le high graphics have arrived

Nintendo, Hire This Man
Nintendo, Hire This Man