OH DESIRE / Kinzo shop - Images
![Binky's FACTSPINIONS Decide if Francine and Buster are saying facts or opinions 2 4 This is a desire 2 Fact OROpinion](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/000/039/124/1265678381428.jpg)
![Binky's FACTSPINIONS Decide if Francine and Buster are saying facts or opinions 2 4 This is a desire 2 Fact OROpinion](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/039/124/1265678381428.jpg)
OH DESIRE / Kinzo shop
OH DESIRE / Kinzo shop
OH DESIRE / Kinzo shop
OH DESIRE / Kinzo shop
![OH DESIRE](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/000/039/120/1265680768214.jpg)
![OH DESIRE](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/039/120/1265680768214.jpg)
OH DESIRE / Kinzo shop
![It's Perfecto!](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/000/039/119/1265679820941.jpg)
![It's Perfecto!](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/039/119/1265679820941.jpg)
OH DESIRE / Kinzo shop
![YouS ARE HUGE THAT MEANS YOU HAVE HUGE GUTS RIP AND TEAR YOUR GuTs RIP AND TEAR](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/000/039/118/1265677435319.jpg)
![YouS ARE HUGE THAT MEANS YOU HAVE HUGE GUTS RIP AND TEAR YOUR GuTs RIP AND TEAR](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/039/118/1265677435319.jpg)
OH DESIRE / Kinzo shop
OH DESIRE / Kinzo shop
![SATISFY MY DESIRE..? WOULD You 12](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/000/038/844/satisfydesire.jpg)
![SATISFY MY DESIRE..? WOULD You 12](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/038/844/satisfydesire.jpg)
OH DESIRE / Kinzo shop
![YAMIWO KIRISA KU DESIRE!](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/000/038/843/1265404344759.jpg)
![YAMIWO KIRISA KU DESIRE!](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/038/843/1265404344759.jpg)
OH DESIRE / Kinzo shop
OH DESIRE / Kinzo shop
![File KB, 265x300, rosa young lpg) Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun20 51 № 30205240 Hella, lal, are you wel? Have you ever read a story about an Old Man and his Atemoon Cat? No? Then, please allow me to read it to you. Our story begins with Kinzo Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun 20 51 No 30205261 File12434311i2(200 KB, 800 842 Old Man 1.jpg) Every morning Kinzo woke up just as the sunlight began peeking through his window He heard his children He fat the gentio breazes blowing ュ舋 エーWhat a lovely way to start the day! Blech said the old man as he sat up in bed He hurried to put on his cape and drink his absinthe. 1 hate sunlight and gentle breezes B试most of all I hate the sound of my stupid children talking" Then the old man ate his favourte breakfast of bumt bacon, extraare goat, and a big glass of wine to wash t all down Harump. he said, when he inished. Now it's time for my summoning exercises He tried to summon as he played chess. He tried to summon as he downed his absinthe. He tried to Now it may seam to you that there was no time the ald man wouldn't try to summon. But that is not true. He liked to worship Bestrice. His favourite phrase was, OH DESRE, which made him popular all around lai File 1264384345 109467 KB, 512x512, Old Man 2 jpg) My weak family's second rate. Im "eccentric incamate I jump out windows and catch fire.I ike to yell aut OH m super rich, weathy as can be. Nothing that you think about, can be put past me Na One-Winged mark for Natsuhi Now smile for me, OH Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun20 52 № 30205283 oops i minimized the thread now i cant read the story Mirrored IEhEBam93U 01/24/10(Sum)20.52 No.30205295 I wouldn't put any of this past grandtather Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun20 53 № 30205299 File1264384384 ing91 KB, 400x565, Old Man 3 jpg) Aher singing his song Kinzo was ready for his They just greeted and said "Good luck Humph,"Kinzo answered and walked all the way t in the centre of the courtyard Then, he concentrated very strongly and wated Now, if you were you would hear t followed by a and waiting le flap of butterly wings ing95 KB, 624x579, Old Man 4 jpg) And fyou were vary, very strongly you would hear a louder and more wicked Ah,"said Kinza So you are back again And with that, there appeaned Witches can take a long time get used to so but the old man had waited quietly File 1264384479 ing452 KB, 520x698, Old Man 5.jpg) Then the old summon chin dropped to the old man and the witch, ch until she got a nasty it When the Witch cackled and stired, the old man laughed and stined too Than they both want wharaver it was they had to go until the next twilight File126438459TgTOT KB, 1000x1333, gomen jpg) But one day something strange happened He waited unti all the sibings took thair He waited unti Gen, the head servant called him to come home He wated unal the sun dark forest nea Finally, the old man went back The nexd day, the s what has happenad to my beloved Beabrice Then the old man began to worry he completely forgot about everyone else Finally, the old man knew what to do He had someone draw a picture of the Golden Witch. This is what it looked like: File1264384667 ina4471 KB. 1867x1316, Olid Man 6 jpa) Kinzo showed this picture to Himmm, said Krauss. but I think that's the Golden Wtch I look at the epitaph below her every day at noon, but Ive mever seen her belore The cousing knew her too Thats Beatrice the Witch Mara cried She gave me pieces of her magic of happineas My, my, sald his servant, Mrs Kuma33wa That's the mistreas, Beatrice I try to save her epitaph every night f she's a witch. "said Battler she cannot possibly Anonymous 01:24'10(Sun20 58 № 30205474 95 KB Old Man 7 The old man cursed Battler as fiarce as he could. Sure enough, there were the arange and golden butterties, who camried along a wicked and mad cackle when Kinzo drew The Witch in charge will kill your children for you-she said while the Golden Witch carried out her itua At the frat twlight, you shail Iift up as sacnice the six chosen by the kay At the second twlight, the surviing shall tear apat the two who are close As the third twlight, the survning shall praise my honorable name on high At the fourth twiligh, gouge the head and kil As the fith twilight, gouge the chest and kill Al the sixth twilgt, gouge the stomach and kill As the seventh twlight, gouge the knee and ki As the eighth twilight, gouge the lag and kll At the ninth twilight, the Witch shal be revived and none shall be left alive.> And with that, the old man and the Wnch cackled togethar Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)21:00 № 30205516 File1264384803 ing 105 KB, T07x559 Old Man Final ipgl WTC and his Wtch iat the fest six ictims. They gve she and the old man have a round of massacre At tha next twlght, they iait the two who ane close Kinzo and his doctor share a game of cheas while the Witch tears Jessica and Kanon apar Every twight ater thhe first thè cousins panic ab。试the epitaph of the Witch And on the last twilight, Kinzo is ton apart the Witch whips her dag named Battler The old man is so happy that he has Now he only yells OH DESIRE or f he cant fnd his socks stopped yelling he gn the day he warted to tie her to the bed But everyane yelis OH DESIRE about those kinds of things sometimes because theyre grumbly things](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/000/038/590/Goldsmith_and_the_Afternoon_Witch.png)
![File KB, 265x300, rosa young lpg) Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun20 51 № 30205240 Hella, lal, are you wel? Have you ever read a story about an Old Man and his Atemoon Cat? No? Then, please allow me to read it to you. Our story begins with Kinzo Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun 20 51 No 30205261 File12434311i2(200 KB, 800 842 Old Man 1.jpg) Every morning Kinzo woke up just as the sunlight began peeking through his window He heard his children He fat the gentio breazes blowing ュ舋 エーWhat a lovely way to start the day! Blech said the old man as he sat up in bed He hurried to put on his cape and drink his absinthe. 1 hate sunlight and gentle breezes B试most of all I hate the sound of my stupid children talking" Then the old man ate his favourte breakfast of bumt bacon, extraare goat, and a big glass of wine to wash t all down Harump. he said, when he inished. Now it's time for my summoning exercises He tried to summon as he played chess. He tried to summon as he downed his absinthe. He tried to Now it may seam to you that there was no time the ald man wouldn't try to summon. But that is not true. He liked to worship Bestrice. His favourite phrase was, OH DESRE, which made him popular all around lai File 1264384345 109467 KB, 512x512, Old Man 2 jpg) My weak family's second rate. Im "eccentric incamate I jump out windows and catch fire.I ike to yell aut OH m super rich, weathy as can be. Nothing that you think about, can be put past me Na One-Winged mark for Natsuhi Now smile for me, OH Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun20 52 № 30205283 oops i minimized the thread now i cant read the story Mirrored IEhEBam93U 01/24/10(Sum)20.52 No.30205295 I wouldn't put any of this past grandtather Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun20 53 № 30205299 File1264384384 ing91 KB, 400x565, Old Man 3 jpg) Aher singing his song Kinzo was ready for his They just greeted and said "Good luck Humph,"Kinzo answered and walked all the way t in the centre of the courtyard Then, he concentrated very strongly and wated Now, if you were you would hear t followed by a and waiting le flap of butterly wings ing95 KB, 624x579, Old Man 4 jpg) And fyou were vary, very strongly you would hear a louder and more wicked Ah,"said Kinza So you are back again And with that, there appeaned Witches can take a long time get used to so but the old man had waited quietly File 1264384479 ing452 KB, 520x698, Old Man 5.jpg) Then the old summon chin dropped to the old man and the witch, ch until she got a nasty it When the Witch cackled and stired, the old man laughed and stined too Than they both want wharaver it was they had to go until the next twilight File126438459TgTOT KB, 1000x1333, gomen jpg) But one day something strange happened He waited unti all the sibings took thair He waited unti Gen, the head servant called him to come home He wated unal the sun dark forest nea Finally, the old man went back The nexd day, the s what has happenad to my beloved Beabrice Then the old man began to worry he completely forgot about everyone else Finally, the old man knew what to do He had someone draw a picture of the Golden Witch. This is what it looked like: File1264384667 ina4471 KB. 1867x1316, Olid Man 6 jpa) Kinzo showed this picture to Himmm, said Krauss. but I think that's the Golden Wtch I look at the epitaph below her every day at noon, but Ive mever seen her belore The cousing knew her too Thats Beatrice the Witch Mara cried She gave me pieces of her magic of happineas My, my, sald his servant, Mrs Kuma33wa That's the mistreas, Beatrice I try to save her epitaph every night f she's a witch. "said Battler she cannot possibly Anonymous 01:24'10(Sun20 58 № 30205474 95 KB Old Man 7 The old man cursed Battler as fiarce as he could. Sure enough, there were the arange and golden butterties, who camried along a wicked and mad cackle when Kinzo drew The Witch in charge will kill your children for you-she said while the Golden Witch carried out her itua At the frat twlight, you shail Iift up as sacnice the six chosen by the kay At the second twlight, the surviing shall tear apat the two who are close As the third twlight, the survning shall praise my honorable name on high At the fourth twiligh, gouge the head and kil As the fith twilight, gouge the chest and kill Al the sixth twilgt, gouge the stomach and kill As the seventh twlight, gouge the knee and ki As the eighth twilight, gouge the lag and kll At the ninth twilight, the Witch shal be revived and none shall be left alive.> And with that, the old man and the Wnch cackled togethar Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)21:00 № 30205516 File1264384803 ing 105 KB, T07x559 Old Man Final ipgl WTC and his Wtch iat the fest six ictims. They gve she and the old man have a round of massacre At tha next twlght, they iait the two who ane close Kinzo and his doctor share a game of cheas while the Witch tears Jessica and Kanon apar Every twight ater thhe first thè cousins panic ab。试the epitaph of the Witch And on the last twilight, Kinzo is ton apart the Witch whips her dag named Battler The old man is so happy that he has Now he only yells OH DESIRE or f he cant fnd his socks stopped yelling he gn the day he warted to tie her to the bed But everyane yelis OH DESIRE about those kinds of things sometimes because theyre grumbly things](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/038/590/Goldsmith_and_the_Afternoon_Witch.png)
OH DESIRE / Kinzo shop
OH DESIRE / Kinzo shop
OH DESIRE / Kinzo shop
OH DESIRE / Kinzo shop
OH DESIRE / Kinzo shop