Old School Cool - Images
Jack Nicholson at home, 1969

Old School Cool
Carrie Fisher and Mark Hamill, 1980

Old School Cool
Helen Mirren during a performance at the Royal Shakespeare Theatre, 1968

Old School Cool
Karen Allen, 1981

Old School Cool
Alicia Silverstone and her grandpa at her Bat Mitzvah, 1989

Old School Cool
Julie Andrews age 17, before she became Mary Poppins, 1952

Old School Cool
Bryan Cranston in high school, 1974

Old School Cool
This photo from a camera a girl snuck into a Queen concert, 1978

Old School Cool
Carrie Fisher trying on Peter Weller's glasses during Giorgio Armani fashion show, 1980

Old School Cool
Sigourney Weaver's high school yearbook, 1967

Old School Cool
Marilyn Monroe, 1950s

Old School Cool
Anita Colby and look-alike mannequins, 1954

Old School Cool
Michael Caine with his mum in the 1960s

Old School Cool
Jennifer Connelly in the 1996

Old School Cool
Drew Barrymore and Billy Idol, 1980s

Old School Cool
"My dad in the 1980s"

Old School Cool