Paranoid Parrot - Images
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 premiere | confused my the meaning of "midnight"

Paranoid Parrot
Well, obviously | we have a rapist in Jurassic Park

Paranoid Parrot
Hear door bell | freak out

Paranoid Parrot
Finally meet nice girl online | no chicks on the internet

Paranoid Parrot
Dogs start barking for no apparent reason at 3am | slenderman

Paranoid Parrot
Someone posts on your Facebook wall | wait a few minutes to respond so they don't think you don't ha...

Paranoid Parrot
Finish test first | what did I do wrong?

Paranoid Parrot
Fapping to porn, hear sirens | porn is now illegal and they're coming to get me

Paranoid Parrot
Person staring at your mouth | must have something between my teeth

Paranoid Parrot
Black man asking for the time | snatching the knife in your pocket

Paranoid Parrot
Headache after binge drinking | getting a brain surgeons appointment

Paranoid Parrot
Bald man crossing the street | nazis are gathering

Paranoid Parrot
Save game file | save game file again

Paranoid Parrot
See black man wearing red | it's the bloods

Paranoid Parrot
Kill them all! And BECOME the Mortal Kombat!!!

Paranoid Parrot
Rape before murder? Or murder before rape?

Paranoid Parrot