Paranoid Parrot - Images
"You're a fine guy." | Rape imminent

Paranoid Parrot
Hear a click during flu shot. | NANOBOTS

Paranoid Parrot
Electric socket retracts | they'll read my funeral rights... when the lightning strikes!

Paranoid Parrot
Mom going to store | she abandoned us

Paranoid Parrot
Cat rubbing against foot in the night | do NOT think about tarantulas

Paranoid Parrot
Read #AdiosAmerica on Twitter | mexicans will nuke U.S.

Paranoid Parrot

Paranoid Parrot
Friend posts to your wall asking how you liked the first episode | everyone knows you watch My Littl...

Paranoid Parrot
Random guy sits next to me at the bus | rapist

Paranoid Parrot
Girlfriend writes on wall of friend and not mine | she doesn't need me anymore

Paranoid Parrot
Bed creaks when I roll over | parents think I masturbare

Paranoid Parrot

Paranoid Parrot
Juicy fart | dropped load in pants

Paranoid Parrot
Girls laughing behind you | must have sat in something

Paranoid Parrot
Return to class from bathroom | everyone knows how long you've been gone

Paranoid Parrot
Lurking /b/, car drives by | FBI

Paranoid Parrot