Paranoid Parrot - Images

Paranoid Parrot

Paranoid Parrot

Paranoid Parrot

Paranoid Parrot

Paranoid Parrot

Paranoid Parrot

Paranoid Parrot
Post photo of self on facebook. Nobody "Likes" it. | Everyone thinks you're ugly

Paranoid Parrot
Revolving door | I'm gonna get stuck

Paranoid Parrot
See black garbage bag on the highway | it's a dead body

Paranoid Parrot
Phone rings at 2AM | somebody died

Paranoid Parrot
Get shampoo on eyes | going blind

Paranoid Parrot
Read the whole contract | may be signing soul to devil

Paranoid Parrot
Watch The Grudge | never shower the same again

Paranoid Parrot
Webcam light is still on | someone is watching you

Paranoid Parrot
Friend comes over. | Hide everything you don't want them to see

Paranoid Parrot