Chelsea Manning - Images

Chelsea Manning
Taken Into Custody

Chelsea Manning
Facing a Hearing

Chelsea Manning
Beef With Chelsea Manning

Chelsea Manning
3. Also, FFS, Chelsea Manning is NOT alt-right. Give me a break with this crap.

Chelsea Manning
I've been supportive of Chelsea Manning, but this picture of her riding Splash Mountain with Richard Spencer is certainly giving me pause.

Chelsea Manning
Chelsea Manning said she was crashing @Cernovich’s party last night but here’s a picture taken in DC before Christmas where she certainly does not ap...

Chelsea Manning
I like Buzzfeed News (fuck you) but Wurzel called Chelsea Manning a "guest" at the Cernovich party. Bernstein went further, said Manning was with Cass...

Chelsea Manning
Yes I literally shook hands with Chelsea Manning tonigut, the left is freaking out, it was not a big deal. It was a huge and amazing party. Glad she s...

Chelsea Manning
crashed the fascist/white supremacist hate brigade party 😂 all selfies were denied 😎💕🌈 #CrashTheFash #WeGotThis #NightForFreedom

Chelsea Manning
The reactions to Chelsea Manning’s run for senate, as told by the cosmic brain meme
Chelsea Manning
Chelsea Manning, who exposed the military killing innocent people including a Reuters reporter and laughing about it on video, filed for a Senate run ...

Chelsea Manning
Didn’t @xychelsea already have a chance to serve this country honorably and fail? #askingforafriend

Chelsea Manning
Comrade Chelsea

Chelsea Manning
Two more days until the freedom of civilian life

Chelsea Manning
"First steps of freedom"

Chelsea Manning