Greta Thunberg - Images
All You Had to Do Was Decrease Carbon Emissions, CJ

Greta Thunberg

Greta Thunberg
she lives

Greta Thunberg
"If she's mature, I can fuck her, right?"

Greta Thunberg
Cartoon critical of Emmanuel Macron (French president)'s response to Greta.

Greta Thunberg

Greta Thunberg
“We will make them hear us.”

Greta Thunberg
Giving up can never be an option

Greta Thunberg
How dare you.

Greta Thunberg
A large float featuring of climate activist Greta Thunberg makes its way through the annual Rose Mon...

Greta Thunberg
Talk about white privilege

Greta Thunberg
Slovak media blames the youth for climate change (google translate from Slovak to English)

Greta Thunberg
Where is he??! | r/okbuddyretard

Greta Thunberg
meme checkpoint 9/30 #9

Greta Thunberg
greta what???? ? | r/okbuddyretard

Greta Thunberg
boomer moment | r/okbuddyretard

Greta Thunberg