Mitt Romney - Images
Now this is punk

Mitt Romney
Mitt Romnesia

Mitt Romney
![Romnesia [rom-nee-zhuh] Noun 1. When a politician can't remember what he said earlier in the day. See also: Outright liar, panderer... "I believe that abortion should be safe and legal in this country." 1994 "I do not wish to be labeled pro-choice." 2001 "I will preserve and protect a woman's right to choose." 2002 2007 "We should overturn Roe v. Wade." "I will advocate for and support a Pain- Capable Unborn Child Protection Act." 2011 Yesterday "There's no legislation with regards to abortion that moming I'm familiar with that would become part of my agenda." Yesterday "Mitt Romney is proudly pro-life, and he will be aftemoon a pro-life president."](
![Romnesia [rom-nee-zhuh] Noun 1. When a politician can't remember what he said earlier in the day. See also: Outright liar, panderer... "I believe that abortion should be safe and legal in this country." 1994 "I do not wish to be labeled pro-choice." 2001 "I will preserve and protect a woman's right to choose." 2002 2007 "We should overturn Roe v. Wade." "I will advocate for and support a Pain- Capable Unborn Child Protection Act." 2011 Yesterday "There's no legislation with regards to abortion that moming I'm familiar with that would become part of my agenda." Yesterday "Mitt Romney is proudly pro-life, and he will be aftemoon a pro-life president."](
Mitt Romney
mitt romney smiling

Mitt Romney
Did I ever tell you...

Mitt Romney

Mitt Romney

Mitt Romney

Mitt Romney

Mitt Romney

Mitt Romney

Mitt Romney

Mitt Romney

Mitt Romney

Mitt Romney
What he's doing now.

Mitt Romney
Mitt Romney Shops At Costcos

Mitt Romney