Pikamee - Images
Im fucking devastated. Keep smiling, Pikamee.
Ohayo! Yes, I have a gun dazo! I am ready for today.
My oshi Pika really does have boing boing

Pikamee liking EndwalkerWaiter's tweet

Pikamee liking telewaifus's tweet
Pikamee liking Rizuma5's tweet
"They will not stop just on Pikamee graduating"

Culture war... culture war never changes

I love pika as my girlfriend and she has boing boing

Raziel1000, in response to ToastCrust

VOMS PARK pop-up store was announced to the public on Feb 10. Per graduation statement, said VOMS PARK was planned with the knowledge that Pikamee wou...

I love Pika as my girlfriend and she has boing boing.

we're sorry Pikamee

"shared stories about being bullied in school"
![uwun luwud @luwudco Pikamee shared stories about being bullied in school because she was different. She talked about vtubing finally being the place where people accepted and loved her. For her to graduate in this manner is the pinnacle of disrespect for the love and joy she brought to the world. Sorry for being silent for almost a month. Thank you so much for all your support and the kind words you guys gave me while I was gone. I am a lucky kettle to have people like you youtu.be/w_ejnHxTWrU t 1,494 389 pikamee @amanopikamee - 29m 43 pikamee @amanopikamee. 29m 本当にご心配をおかけしました...! 5,118 いない間たくさんの暖かい言葉と応援を本当にありがとう! こんなにたくさんの人に思ってもらって本当に嬉しいです 42.6K 219 pikamee @amanopikamee. Feb 7 おやすみなさい~ Good night people dayo~ 805 303 7,170 1,423 pikamee @amanopikamee. Feb 6 7:36 AM - Mar 1, 2023 465.2K Views Have a wonderful day everyone dayo~ 220 253 6,750 27 2,760 Retweets 108 Quote Tweets 17.3K Likes 130.2K 372.5K 253.7K ←-] ↑ :](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/002/542/731/e5e.png)
![uwun luwud @luwudco Pikamee shared stories about being bullied in school because she was different. She talked about vtubing finally being the place where people accepted and loved her. For her to graduate in this manner is the pinnacle of disrespect for the love and joy she brought to the world. Sorry for being silent for almost a month. Thank you so much for all your support and the kind words you guys gave me while I was gone. I am a lucky kettle to have people like you youtu.be/w_ejnHxTWrU t 1,494 389 pikamee @amanopikamee - 29m 43 pikamee @amanopikamee. 29m 本当にご心配をおかけしました...! 5,118 いない間たくさんの暖かい言葉と応援を本当にありがとう! こんなにたくさんの人に思ってもらって本当に嬉しいです 42.6K 219 pikamee @amanopikamee. Feb 7 おやすみなさい~ Good night people dayo~ 805 303 7,170 1,423 pikamee @amanopikamee. Feb 6 7:36 AM - Mar 1, 2023 465.2K Views Have a wonderful day everyone dayo~ 220 253 6,750 27 2,760 Retweets 108 Quote Tweets 17.3K Likes 130.2K 372.5K 253.7K ←-] ↑ :](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/542/731/e5e.png)
Craving for donuts
Pika at the walmart