Steve Bannon - Images
Breitbart's dilemma
Steve Bannon
Racist Trump Smashes Creepy Racist (Scapegoat for Charlottesville Debacle)
Steve Bannon
Drudge Report Headline
Steve Bannon
Trump’s Legion of Doom by Jon Rosenberg
Steve Bannon
Bannon looks like that 1 guy from Sci-Fi movies who gets infected with a deadly virus and refuses to tell the rest of the crew
Steve Bannon
#roastbannon Herpes goes to the doctor and gets tested for Steve Bannon.
Steve Bannon
When the movie theater charges too much for snacks so you gotta sneak em all in under your coat. #roastbannon
Steve Bannon
Let's Start
Steve Bannon
Get your Bannon gags in order, folks. Tomorrow, 4/13, we roast Steve. Use #roastbannon - I'll RT best ones.
Steve Bannon
Tomorrow, let's roast a WH staffer all day. Who should we pick on? (Pres is too easy)
Steve Bannon