Zoë Quinn - Images
Reddit Mod confession 5/8

Zoë Quinn
Reddit Mod confession 4/8

Zoë Quinn
Reddit Mod confession 3/8

Zoë Quinn
Reddit Mod confession 2/8

Zoë Quinn
Zoe's message to tumblr mods
![thezoepost from zoequinn [H] sent just now I am going to take HUGE issue with the thread being deemed relevant to games, WITHOUT EVEN GETTING INTO HE-SAID-SHE-SAID, claiming that I slept with Nathan Grayson for positive reviews because A) The source material itself never claims that, and B) There are no positive reviews from Nathan at all during the time period the original material covers or coverage on Kotaku from Nathan at all (http://kotaku.com/tag/zoe-quinn and http://kotaku.com /tag/depression-quest) and C) No one else mentioned is a games journalist. It's spreading something that has caused me and the people I love death threats, doxxing, and spreading of nude photos of me, and it's not relevant to games because the ONE issue that anyone has with this that could have anything to do with games is demonstrably false Please, please have some sanity here. This is dirty laundry tabloid b------- at best. permalink source report block user mark unread reply mod full comments](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/000/816/852/3ae.png)
![thezoepost from zoequinn [H] sent just now I am going to take HUGE issue with the thread being deemed relevant to games, WITHOUT EVEN GETTING INTO HE-SAID-SHE-SAID, claiming that I slept with Nathan Grayson for positive reviews because A) The source material itself never claims that, and B) There are no positive reviews from Nathan at all during the time period the original material covers or coverage on Kotaku from Nathan at all (http://kotaku.com/tag/zoe-quinn and http://kotaku.com /tag/depression-quest) and C) No one else mentioned is a games journalist. It's spreading something that has caused me and the people I love death threats, doxxing, and spreading of nude photos of me, and it's not relevant to games because the ONE issue that anyone has with this that could have anything to do with games is demonstrably false Please, please have some sanity here. This is dirty laundry tabloid b------- at best. permalink source report block user mark unread reply mod full comments](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/816/852/3ae.png)
Zoë Quinn

Zoë Quinn

Zoë Quinn
Double standards in gaming journalism
![← C fi èwww.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/2ecioa/quinnspiracy-theory innout_edition/ う New Tab Settings load more comments (10 replies) Internet Archiv ↑ H spiritual successors 1266 points 12 hours ago* @) These videos claims heavily look into the issue of one developer, the creator of Cards Against Humanity, being accused of r--- and many gaming sites reporting on his r--- accusation, fueling his harassment Max Temkin, co-creator of the game, has been accused of r---. Temkin has addressed the accusation and asserted his innocence. It's all really heavy and serious and it concerns one of the most successful card games ever released. I mean, that game is massive. So it's weird not to talk about it, right? Why is no-one talking about it? Folow on. - RockPaperShotgun List of media outlets that reported on CAH's creator's r--- accusation and contributed to his harassment Rock Paper Shotgun, Gawker, TheDailyBeast, Kotaku, Jezebel, TheMarySue. NeoGaf allowed a 17 page thread on it, but mocks and bans any who post about ZQ. There are more that I can't find at a glance The difference between Zoe Quinn and Max Temkin? Zoe Quinn is a part of the social justice movement. Max Temkin includes cards in his game that offends the social justice movement. Convenient Edit (If an allegation of r--- against Max Temkin is somehow games journalism, despite having no connection to gaming and being an accusation without proof, so is this. When the same game journats claim his r--- accusation has everything to do with game journalism and ZQ's potentially unethical behavior with game journalists aren't, well I find that interesting. One gets a megaphone by them, the other gets duct tape.) Update False alarm on the shadowban. I was apparently shadowbanned by an automated filter, it has been removed. Plenty of other people in this topic have, though Update2 If you voted or commented on this submission within the first hour of it's posting, create a thread in /r/Shadowban. You may be banned from reddit. I've also removed the confusing part some people were bothered by, since it's not important enough to argue over permalink [-] Mr5 306 759 points 10 hours ago" I would also like to provide this as another example of a blatant double-standard Edit: It seems i have been shadowbanned, not sure if this edit will show because of it, disappointed to say the least permalink parent [-] lostshell 38 points 5 hours ago Here is another more direct comparison: Quinn claims she's harassed by Wizardchan·SJws believe her completely and run with the story Quinn's ex claims she's a liar with proof. SJWs, like Sessler, claim nothing is proven so we should ignore everything Apparently skepticism is appropriate only for one side permalink parent](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/000/816/740/31f.png)
![← C fi èwww.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/2ecioa/quinnspiracy-theory innout_edition/ う New Tab Settings load more comments (10 replies) Internet Archiv ↑ H spiritual successors 1266 points 12 hours ago* @) These videos claims heavily look into the issue of one developer, the creator of Cards Against Humanity, being accused of r--- and many gaming sites reporting on his r--- accusation, fueling his harassment Max Temkin, co-creator of the game, has been accused of r---. Temkin has addressed the accusation and asserted his innocence. It's all really heavy and serious and it concerns one of the most successful card games ever released. I mean, that game is massive. So it's weird not to talk about it, right? Why is no-one talking about it? Folow on. - RockPaperShotgun List of media outlets that reported on CAH's creator's r--- accusation and contributed to his harassment Rock Paper Shotgun, Gawker, TheDailyBeast, Kotaku, Jezebel, TheMarySue. NeoGaf allowed a 17 page thread on it, but mocks and bans any who post about ZQ. There are more that I can't find at a glance The difference between Zoe Quinn and Max Temkin? Zoe Quinn is a part of the social justice movement. Max Temkin includes cards in his game that offends the social justice movement. Convenient Edit (If an allegation of r--- against Max Temkin is somehow games journalism, despite having no connection to gaming and being an accusation without proof, so is this. When the same game journats claim his r--- accusation has everything to do with game journalism and ZQ's potentially unethical behavior with game journalists aren't, well I find that interesting. One gets a megaphone by them, the other gets duct tape.) Update False alarm on the shadowban. I was apparently shadowbanned by an automated filter, it has been removed. Plenty of other people in this topic have, though Update2 If you voted or commented on this submission within the first hour of it's posting, create a thread in /r/Shadowban. You may be banned from reddit. I've also removed the confusing part some people were bothered by, since it's not important enough to argue over permalink [-] Mr5 306 759 points 10 hours ago" I would also like to provide this as another example of a blatant double-standard Edit: It seems i have been shadowbanned, not sure if this edit will show because of it, disappointed to say the least permalink parent [-] lostshell 38 points 5 hours ago Here is another more direct comparison: Quinn claims she's harassed by Wizardchan·SJws believe her completely and run with the story Quinn's ex claims she's a liar with proof. SJWs, like Sessler, claim nothing is proven so we should ignore everything Apparently skepticism is appropriate only for one side permalink parent](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/816/740/31f.png)
Zoë Quinn

Zoë Quinn
A master plan is hatched...

Zoë Quinn

Zoë Quinn
and it gets worse...

Zoë Quinn
Journalistic Integrity

Zoë Quinn
Sins of Gaming Empire, or OPERATION PAYOFF

Zoë Quinn
Banned for promoting charity project part 2
![H aquapendulum 33 points 6 hours ago Fun fact: no mainstream video game websites have given exposure to this charity project. permalink save parent edit delete reply [-] cottoncandysex 13 points 6 hours ago It's seriously f----- up because I want to play Afterlife Empire so bad. PLEASE people vote on their website and show an interest. here's a link to the voting page permalink save parent report give gold reply ↑ [-] BlueBombr 1 point 45 minutes ago just to let you know: You've been shadowbanned. permalink save parent report give gold reply [-] live-free 23 points 6 hours ago" Which is a damn shame. The business owners are going out of their way, when they didn't have to do anything, to support women in gaming. They were tired of hearing how women were always victims, and wanted to give them an opportunity to show they could make awesome games. And what happened you may ask? They were doxxed, black-balled, and claimed to be oppressive by not giving Z.Q. money. All this says to myself, an impartial 3rd party is this: Don't try to help women, you can't win, and when you try you'lI be threatened and harassed permalink save parent report give gold reply SpiritualSuccessors 7 points 3 hours ago Welcome, you've been shadowbanned. Make a thread at /r/Shadowban. permalink save parent report give gold reply](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/000/816/505/acf.png)
![H aquapendulum 33 points 6 hours ago Fun fact: no mainstream video game websites have given exposure to this charity project. permalink save parent edit delete reply [-] cottoncandysex 13 points 6 hours ago It's seriously f----- up because I want to play Afterlife Empire so bad. PLEASE people vote on their website and show an interest. here's a link to the voting page permalink save parent report give gold reply ↑ [-] BlueBombr 1 point 45 minutes ago just to let you know: You've been shadowbanned. permalink save parent report give gold reply [-] live-free 23 points 6 hours ago" Which is a damn shame. The business owners are going out of their way, when they didn't have to do anything, to support women in gaming. They were tired of hearing how women were always victims, and wanted to give them an opportunity to show they could make awesome games. And what happened you may ask? They were doxxed, black-balled, and claimed to be oppressive by not giving Z.Q. money. All this says to myself, an impartial 3rd party is this: Don't try to help women, you can't win, and when you try you'lI be threatened and harassed permalink save parent report give gold reply SpiritualSuccessors 7 points 3 hours ago Welcome, you've been shadowbanned. Make a thread at /r/Shadowban. permalink save parent report give gold reply](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/816/505/acf.png)
Zoë Quinn
TFYC story thickened....
![+ [-] ZexMarquiesol 363 points 1 day ago Forget Z.Q. for a minute As far as I can tell, No one has mentioned the big red flag that was brought up in this audio blog NONE of the journalists he contacted would touch his game jam, unless there was a woman who was being oppressed attached to it Did no one else catch that? Seriously, Journalists that claim to be on the feminists side, claim they want more opportunities for women in gaming, And they finally have a chance to write a piece on something being done, and they refuse to talk about it because it doesn't have a "hook", That it isn't "Click Bait" so to speak. There isn't a damsel in distress, so they won't touch it because there they feel there won't be enough clicks, or enough interest unless someone is being oppressed There are two major problems with this 1. They are being hypocrites! They claim to care about this subject, but when push comes to shove, no one( that he contacted) would talk about it, because what it all boils down to, is what will get the most specific individuals don't actually care about the issue, but are simply piggy-backing on the wave of 2. This means that the only "women in games" articles being published (again, at least by the people he hindered from participating in the gaming sphere. This means, Only the s----- instances of women in publicity. What will get more clicks, what will generate more ad revenue. This shows, that at lease these excitement whenever there is a controversy contacted), are articles showing someone being oppressed, attacked, or in some way or another, being gaming seem to be reported, So whenever good stuff is happening, No one is willing to talk about it, which can create the illusion that this problem is worse than it may really be. ( Whether it is or not, I don't know But if there are enough publications with this mentality, then the perception can easily be skewed in one direction or the other. ) In this entire audio blog, This was the thing that stuck out to me the most. I honestly wish he would release the names of these "journalists" and the publications they work for, So that way we know not to trust these specific people anymore whe so call them hypocrites for claiming to be for women, when they clearly show that they are only in it for the clicks I want to know who these people are, the ones that are making this problem seem worse, the ones that, by not eporting on the good stuff going on, ar gamers, because they never see the positive articles Seriously, I honestly hope this guy rele ecorded to the publi F---, as I read more about the whole Z.Q. thing, I end up caring I Z.Q. herself, and am getting more upset by the way these "journalists" are handling themselves. If these "journalists" were doing any actual journalism, and doing any real investigations, maybe some of them would have stumbled onto the fact that Z.Q. is a fraud, and NONE of this s--- would be happening right now. But no, no one decided to do any actual homework on this person, so instead, everything is just one giant cluster-f--- of a mess permalink er they talk about women in gaming. That we can rightfully ing the SJW crowed to ge n more mad at the industry and at names, publicati and any co ati that may have be s and less about the stuff directly pertaining to](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/000/816/473/e27.png)
![+ [-] ZexMarquiesol 363 points 1 day ago Forget Z.Q. for a minute As far as I can tell, No one has mentioned the big red flag that was brought up in this audio blog NONE of the journalists he contacted would touch his game jam, unless there was a woman who was being oppressed attached to it Did no one else catch that? Seriously, Journalists that claim to be on the feminists side, claim they want more opportunities for women in gaming, And they finally have a chance to write a piece on something being done, and they refuse to talk about it because it doesn't have a "hook", That it isn't "Click Bait" so to speak. There isn't a damsel in distress, so they won't touch it because there they feel there won't be enough clicks, or enough interest unless someone is being oppressed There are two major problems with this 1. They are being hypocrites! They claim to care about this subject, but when push comes to shove, no one( that he contacted) would talk about it, because what it all boils down to, is what will get the most specific individuals don't actually care about the issue, but are simply piggy-backing on the wave of 2. This means that the only "women in games" articles being published (again, at least by the people he hindered from participating in the gaming sphere. This means, Only the s----- instances of women in publicity. What will get more clicks, what will generate more ad revenue. This shows, that at lease these excitement whenever there is a controversy contacted), are articles showing someone being oppressed, attacked, or in some way or another, being gaming seem to be reported, So whenever good stuff is happening, No one is willing to talk about it, which can create the illusion that this problem is worse than it may really be. ( Whether it is or not, I don't know But if there are enough publications with this mentality, then the perception can easily be skewed in one direction or the other. ) In this entire audio blog, This was the thing that stuck out to me the most. I honestly wish he would release the names of these "journalists" and the publications they work for, So that way we know not to trust these specific people anymore whe so call them hypocrites for claiming to be for women, when they clearly show that they are only in it for the clicks I want to know who these people are, the ones that are making this problem seem worse, the ones that, by not eporting on the good stuff going on, ar gamers, because they never see the positive articles Seriously, I honestly hope this guy rele ecorded to the publi F---, as I read more about the whole Z.Q. thing, I end up caring I Z.Q. herself, and am getting more upset by the way these "journalists" are handling themselves. If these "journalists" were doing any actual journalism, and doing any real investigations, maybe some of them would have stumbled onto the fact that Z.Q. is a fraud, and NONE of this s--- would be happening right now. But no, no one decided to do any actual homework on this person, so instead, everything is just one giant cluster-f--- of a mess permalink er they talk about women in gaming. That we can rightfully ing the SJW crowed to ge n more mad at the industry and at names, publicati and any co ati that may have be s and less about the stuff directly pertaining to](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/816/473/e27.png)
Zoë Quinn