Professor Oak / Advice Oak - Images
Flying Pokemon cant use HM Fly; flies during battle

Professor Oak / Advice Oak
This isn't the time to use that!!!

Professor Oak / Advice Oak
4:00 AM. Your overslept

Professor Oak / Advice Oak
"Congratulations on catching all 150 Pokemon!" Mentions there are four other regions

Professor Oak / Advice Oak
We connect our cities with dangerous caves

Professor Oak / Advice Oak
Don't go into the tall grass it could be dangerous! Instead why not take down an entire criminal org...

Professor Oak / Advice Oak
Defeat opponent's Pokemon; automatically know what they'll use next

Professor Oak / Advice Oak
"I bought you this berry with your own money" "Berries are free, mom"

Professor Oak / Advice Oak
Attack other people's Pokemon with yours then take their money. Its legal

Professor Oak / Advice Oak
Visit Pokemon tower of graves; use dig

Professor Oak / Advice Oak
Catch Pokemon in the middle of the ocean; you must use a machine to teach it how to swim

Professor Oak / Advice Oak
Your LVL100 Charizard can't burn that bush; only your LVL10 Oddish can cut it.

Professor Oak / Advice Oak know...! Oh,dear, I've forgotten her name!

Professor Oak / Advice Oak
Don't go into the tall grass, it's dangerous; here, have this mutated mouse, alright, you can go now

Professor Oak / Advice Oak
Get Gastly to evolve to Haunter, now give it to someone else

Professor Oak / Advice Oak
Join the world of pokemon; become a midget

Professor Oak / Advice Oak