Professor Oak / Advice Oak - Images
Visit Pokemon tower of graves; use dig

Professor Oak / Advice Oak
Catch Pokemon in the middle of the ocean; you must use a machine to teach it how to swim

Professor Oak / Advice Oak
Your LVL100 Charizard can't burn that bush; only your LVL10 Oddish can cut it.

Professor Oak / Advice Oak know...! Oh,dear, I've forgotten her name!

Professor Oak / Advice Oak
Don't go into the tall grass, it's dangerous; here, have this mutated mouse, alright, you can go now

Professor Oak / Advice Oak
Get Gastly to evolve to Haunter, now give it to someone else

Professor Oak / Advice Oak
Join the world of pokemon; become a midget

Professor Oak / Advice Oak
Get a whale inside a ball; can't fit two bugs

Professor Oak / Advice Oak
Revive a huge dinosaur Pokemon from an amber rock

Professor Oak / Advice Oak
Use missingno to get infinite gold bars; can't multiply money

Professor Oak / Advice Oak
Here, have a fire breathing lizard. You are 10 right?

Professor Oak / Advice Oak
Have you met grandson, Gary? Have you met his father? You never will

Professor Oak / Advice Oak
Who's that Pokemon? It's always Koffing...

Professor Oak / Advice Oak
Scyther cant fly; but doduo can

Professor Oak / Advice Oak
Kangaskhan hatches; already a mother

Professor Oak / Advice Oak
Ride fire horse; do not get burned

Professor Oak / Advice Oak