Professor Oak / Advice Oak - Images
Retrieve stolen TM from Team Rocket; never give it back to original owner

Professor Oak / Advice Oak
Somebody beat the champion? I'll be there immediately.

Professor Oak / Advice Oak
You want Mudkip? I ate him

Professor Oak / Advice Oak
Oaks advice...who the fuck needs a fishing rod in a cave

Professor Oak / Advice Oak
This is my grandson, he's my only family member in this town; what was his name again?

Professor Oak / Advice Oak
You choose Charmander, my grandson chooses Squirtle; Bulbasaur stays on my desk forever

Professor Oak / Advice Oak
Monsters in you balls; not just an STD

Professor Oak / Advice Oak
Ash! Take this Pikachu! But warning: 13 years later when there are 649 Pokemon, Team Rocket will sti...

Professor Oak / Advice Oak
Richest person in world; still live with mother

Professor Oak / Advice Oak
Treat you Pokemon with love and care; keep them in tiny balls and only let them out to fight

Professor Oak / Advice Oak
This Gym Leader's pokemon are weak to water types; but, hey, just use your strongest not like it mat...

Professor Oak / Advice Oak
Douchebag? My grandson is named douchebag?

Professor Oak / Advice Oak
Invite 10 year olds to your "lab"; offer them balls

Professor Oak / Advice Oak
I came when i heard you beat the elite four

Professor Oak / Advice Oak
Catch all 493 Pokemon; only use 6

Professor Oak / Advice Oak
Shitballz? My grandson's name is shitballz?

Professor Oak / Advice Oak