Rick and Morty Fans - Images
Stress-powered Lightbulb

Rick and Morty Fans
Rick and Morty doesn't make you fucking smart. Jimmy Neutron does

Rick and Morty Fans
watching rick and morty reruns

Rick and Morty Fans
Rick and Morty Fans aren't smart

Rick and Morty Fans
Will we find intelligent life

Rick and Morty Fans
Can someone explain this meme

Rick and Morty Fans

Rick and Morty Fans
Pringles Chip

Rick and Morty Fans
Neil deGrasse Tyson tweet

Rick and Morty Fans
Convergence of fate

Rick and Morty Fans
Hey mom and dad i don't need to go to college I watch rick and morty

Rick and Morty Fans
Demi-Gods who enjoy rick and morty's humor

Rick and Morty Fans
What REAL intellectuals watch

Rick and Morty Fans
Is anyone here a doctor

Rick and Morty Fans
Cheating on the Test

Rick and Morty Fans
Monty Python and Serial Experiments Lain
![To be fair, you have to have a really high IQ to understand Serial Experiments Lain. The symbolism is extremely subtle and without a solid grasp of computer technology and old operating systems most of the references would go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Lain's [yada yada yada someone help me finish this Lain copypasta]](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/001/307/890/7a2.png)
![To be fair, you have to have a really high IQ to understand Serial Experiments Lain. The symbolism is extremely subtle and without a solid grasp of computer technology and old operating systems most of the references would go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Lain's [yada yada yada someone help me finish this Lain copypasta]](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/307/890/7a2.png)
Rick and Morty Fans