Ruined Childhood - Images
This is what happens when you cross Pokemon with Evangelion, and Thomas Ligotti

Ruined Childhood
Welcome to hell

Ruined Childhood

Ruined Childhood
Theory:Bubsy pulled a turbo on Sonic
![ile: 1362797304154 lpg-(128 KB, 1920x808, Turbo-tastic!jpg) CIO 昴□ Anonymous 03/08/13(Fri)21:48 24 UTC-5 No. 179953406 O Replies: 2217995796822179960613쯔179962543 22179968093 Is there an actual video game character that would go to the same lengths Turbo did to make sure he didnt fall into obscurity? Anonymous 03/08/1 3(Fri)21:49 19 UTC-5 No.1 7995 3517團Replies: >> 179953673 >>179953882 221 79970426 Sonic □ Anonymous 03/08/1 3(Fri)21:49:54 UTC-5 No.1 79953598 O Replies:ー179953882ー79970426 Sonic Anonymous 03/08/13(Fn)23: 15:52 UTC-5 No. 1 79964094 Replies:ー179964260 >>179965281 >>179965537 File: 1362802552556.png-(1.43 MB, 1280x720, MASATLOG Mariosonic.png) GD Anonymous 03/08/13(Fri)21:50:28 UTC-5 No. 179953661 O Replies:ー179953882 79970426 God damn it Im seeing Bubsy now Sonic And Mario is so clueless to it, Jesus Christ □ Anonymous 03/08/13(Fri)21:50:34 UTC-5 No.1 79953673 O Replies: >> 179953882 22179970426 Bubsy hasnt ben seenfor over a decade Neither was Turbo sonic 贂 Anonymous 03/08/13(Fri)21:50 44 UTC-5 No 1 799537 12 ] Replies: >>179953882 >>179970426 Sonic 贂Anonymous 03/08/1 3(Fri)21:51:25 UTC-5 No. 1 79953790 O Replies: >> 179953882 22179970429 Sonic 贂Anonymous 03/08/13(Fri)21:51:32 UTC-5 No. 1 79953802 Replies: 22 179953882 22 179970426 Sonic □ Anonymous 03/08/13Fri21.56 19 UTC 5 No.1 79954413 O Replies 쯔179954821쯔179957609 쯔179962105 3> But sonic has repeatedly degraded himself to stay relevant. He has starred in one of the worst games of all time. He works with lazy recolors of himself. He welcomed gimmicks with open arms if it meant another game. Bubsy hasn't been seen for overa decade □ Anonymous 03/08/13(Fn)21:59:41 UTC-5 No 179954827 Replies: >> 179955996 >> 179957056 >> 179957609 Anonymous 03/08/13(Fri)22.08.68 UTC-5 № 179955996 ] Replies: >>1 79956101 » Neither was Turbo Bubsy confirmed for actually being the modern sonic Anonymous 03/08/13(Fri)23:03:03 UTC-5 No. 179962551 O Repies. 쯔17996303122179963283 ile: 1362801783456 png-(30 KB, 300x206, bubsypng) GO I wonder what he did with the classic sonic everyone actually liked Anonymous 03/08/13(Fri)22:09 57 UTC-5 No.179956101 >tfw I can actually hear similarities in Modern Sonic's voice and Bubsy's voice now because of this thread □ Anonymous 03/08/13(Fri)22:25:32 UTC-5 No.179957798。 Thanks, w Classic Sonic never left the DreamCast Pulled right out of his console and game stuck in a power strip in the dump. Anonymous 03/08/13(Fri)23:09:00 UTC-5 No 179963283 File: 1362802140704 png-31 KB. 300x240, 6a00d83452033569e200e54fo(-).png) He can only comeback if Sega releases a new console 21799 You're Classic Sonic -Shorter ears -Fatter (Bubsy is skinny) Big nose, not some small one stretched out One big eye with 2 pupils. Sonic's eyes are two eyes close together turbo tastic!](
![ile: 1362797304154 lpg-(128 KB, 1920x808, Turbo-tastic!jpg) CIO 昴□ Anonymous 03/08/13(Fri)21:48 24 UTC-5 No. 179953406 O Replies: 2217995796822179960613쯔179962543 22179968093 Is there an actual video game character that would go to the same lengths Turbo did to make sure he didnt fall into obscurity? Anonymous 03/08/1 3(Fri)21:49 19 UTC-5 No.1 7995 3517團Replies: >> 179953673 >>179953882 221 79970426 Sonic □ Anonymous 03/08/1 3(Fri)21:49:54 UTC-5 No.1 79953598 O Replies:ー179953882ー79970426 Sonic Anonymous 03/08/13(Fn)23: 15:52 UTC-5 No. 1 79964094 Replies:ー179964260 >>179965281 >>179965537 File: 1362802552556.png-(1.43 MB, 1280x720, MASATLOG Mariosonic.png) GD Anonymous 03/08/13(Fri)21:50:28 UTC-5 No. 179953661 O Replies:ー179953882 79970426 God damn it Im seeing Bubsy now Sonic And Mario is so clueless to it, Jesus Christ □ Anonymous 03/08/13(Fri)21:50:34 UTC-5 No.1 79953673 O Replies: >> 179953882 22179970426 Bubsy hasnt ben seenfor over a decade Neither was Turbo sonic 贂 Anonymous 03/08/13(Fri)21:50 44 UTC-5 No 1 799537 12 ] Replies: >>179953882 >>179970426 Sonic 贂Anonymous 03/08/1 3(Fri)21:51:25 UTC-5 No. 1 79953790 O Replies: >> 179953882 22179970429 Sonic 贂Anonymous 03/08/13(Fri)21:51:32 UTC-5 No. 1 79953802 Replies: 22 179953882 22 179970426 Sonic □ Anonymous 03/08/13Fri21.56 19 UTC 5 No.1 79954413 O Replies 쯔179954821쯔179957609 쯔179962105 3> But sonic has repeatedly degraded himself to stay relevant. He has starred in one of the worst games of all time. He works with lazy recolors of himself. He welcomed gimmicks with open arms if it meant another game. Bubsy hasn't been seen for overa decade □ Anonymous 03/08/13(Fn)21:59:41 UTC-5 No 179954827 Replies: >> 179955996 >> 179957056 >> 179957609 Anonymous 03/08/13(Fri)22.08.68 UTC-5 № 179955996 ] Replies: >>1 79956101 » Neither was Turbo Bubsy confirmed for actually being the modern sonic Anonymous 03/08/13(Fri)23:03:03 UTC-5 No. 179962551 O Repies. 쯔17996303122179963283 ile: 1362801783456 png-(30 KB, 300x206, bubsypng) GO I wonder what he did with the classic sonic everyone actually liked Anonymous 03/08/13(Fri)22:09 57 UTC-5 No.179956101 >tfw I can actually hear similarities in Modern Sonic's voice and Bubsy's voice now because of this thread □ Anonymous 03/08/13(Fri)22:25:32 UTC-5 No.179957798。 Thanks, w Classic Sonic never left the DreamCast Pulled right out of his console and game stuck in a power strip in the dump. Anonymous 03/08/13(Fri)23:09:00 UTC-5 No 179963283 File: 1362802140704 png-31 KB. 300x240, 6a00d83452033569e200e54fo(-).png) He can only comeback if Sega releases a new console 21799 You're Classic Sonic -Shorter ears -Fatter (Bubsy is skinny) Big nose, not some small one stretched out One big eye with 2 pupils. Sonic's eyes are two eyes close together turbo tastic!](
Ruined Childhood
what every image on kym is now these days

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Kirby:post apocalyptic earth thory

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Rainbow Woman! All of Korea is ripping you off! And DC Comics is gonna sue!

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Nightmares Forever

Ruined Childhood

Ruined Childhood

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I can't find the coin slot!

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The Less Said About This Scene, The Better.

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How many boners the joker can take?

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Ruined Childhood: Frozen

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The destruction of a franchise in one line.

Ruined Childhood

Ruined Childhood