Ruined Childhood - Images

Ruined Childhood

Ruined Childhood
The Wiggles sure had some creepy-ass puppets...

Ruined Childhood
Remember this boss battle in explorer of time & Darkness? It is fucking bane.

Ruined Childhood

Ruined Childhood
Kill it

Ruined Childhood
More Than a Decade Later, These Commercials Are Still Creepy As Fuck.

Ruined Childhood
Another great franchise got raped by a big company

Ruined Childhood
That face

Ruined Childhood

Ruined Childhood
Remember this scene?

Ruined Childhood

Ruined Childhood
A Sample of the Script for Michael Bay's TMNT Movie

Ruined Childhood
This was a thing.

Ruined Childhood

Ruined Childhood
The Death of Tod's Mom

Ruined Childhood