Scottish Pokémon Trainer - Images
Legendary Pokemon

Scottish Pokémon Trainer
"Gamefreak won't add in the National Dex? Fine, I'll do it myself"

Scottish Pokémon Trainer
The Galar-genda

Scottish Pokémon Trainer
剣盾主人公の練習 (Sword Shield Hero Practice)

Scottish Pokémon Trainer
Driven to tears

Scottish Pokémon Trainer
Galar Gal

Scottish Pokémon Trainer
If there was any doubt of her being Scottish...

Scottish Pokémon Trainer
「 主人公VSサイトウ 」[ Bea VS Scottish Pokemon Trainer ]

Scottish Pokémon Trainer
Dat Angry Scottish Waifu

Scottish Pokémon Trainer
Pub Crawling

Scottish Pokémon Trainer
Sword and Shield: Sign Language

Scottish Pokémon Trainer
She'll drink you under the table

Scottish Pokémon Trainer
I will play you the song of my people

Scottish Pokémon Trainer
Precious little Scottish girl.

Scottish Pokémon Trainer
Grookey and Trainer

Scottish Pokémon Trainer
Everybody is a cute girl, until she wants to fight after couple of pints

Scottish Pokémon Trainer