A message from all of us | /r/PoliticalCompassMemes

Shut the Fuck Up, Please Shut the Fuck Up
Constantinople | /r/HistoryMemes

Shut the Fuck Up, Please Shut the Fuck Up
Please, shut up. | /r/FuckYouKaren

Shut the Fuck Up, Please Shut the Fuck Up
Please, shut up. | /r/FuckYouKaren

Shut the Fuck Up, Please Shut the Fuck Up
it really do be like that | /r/dankmemes

Shut the Fuck Up, Please Shut the Fuck Up
Holy Catholic and ruled by an emperor | /r/HistoryMemes

Shut the Fuck Up, Please Shut the Fuck Up
It's literally just annoying now | /r/dankmemes

Shut the Fuck Up, Please Shut the Fuck Up
Big bruh moment

Shut the Fuck Up, Please Shut the Fuck Up
Everyone has problems, much worse problems then shoe size | /r/memes

Shut the Fuck Up, Please Shut the Fuck Up
Good luck pizza delivery people | /r/dankmemes

Shut the Fuck Up, Please Shut the Fuck Up
Incredible holidays

Shut the Fuck Up, Please Shut the Fuck Up
I made this instead of doing my job lmao | /r/ShitPostCrusaders/

Shut the Fuck Up, Please Shut the Fuck Up
don't show Mom this1!1!!!!1 | r/okbuddyretard

Shut the Fuck Up, Please Shut the Fuck Up