4chan - Images
The Sheikh of Jersey
![File: isis jersev flag.png (41 KB, 1280x768) O Anonymous X 10/08/14(Wed)12:22:54 No.31475152 >31475198 >>31475403 >>31475513 >>31475579 >>31475602 >>31475693 >31475738 >>31475791 >3147 Sheikh Suleiman al-Britani !E2eMj/rs9. Wed 01 Oct 2014 21:49:48 No.31159911 X View Report >>31476262 >>31476488 >>31476512 http://jerseyeveningpost.com/news/2014/10/08/21-year-old-islander-charged-with-terrorism-and-publishing-bomb-making-details-online/ if dubs i fly to america and try to assasinate obama AAYYYY LMAAAO >> O Anonymous E 10/08/14(Wed)12:23:51 No.31475184 File: 09p-567-blochcarl-christc(.)jpg (171 KB, 948x1024) O Anonymous 10/08/14(Wed)12:30:41 No.31475400 > File: what5b.jpg (5 KB, 138x137) Sheikh Suleiman al-Britani !E2eMj/rs9. Wed 01 Oct 2014 16:13:06 No.31144982 X View Report Sheikh Suleiman al-Britani !E2eMj/rs9. Wed 01 Oct 2014 21:24:42 No.31158737 X View Report there is literally nothing wrong with genociding hindus and sikhs m8 democratic peoples republic of korea is a better place to live than the USA Sheikh Suleiman al-Britani !E2eMj/rs9. Tue 30 Sep 2014 16:59:06 No.31100198 X View Report Sheikh Suleiman al-Britani !E2eMj/rs9. Mon 29 Sep 2014 23:40:32 No.31071081 X View Report >>31100040 >there will be another 9/11 scale terror attack in the West in your lifetime http://muslimstatistics.wordpress.com/2014/08/24/92-of-saudis-believes-that-isis-conforms-to-the-values-of-islam-and-isla http://www.faithfreedom.org/92-of-saudis-believe-that-isis-is-conforms-to-the-values-of-islam-and-islamic-law/ ALLAHU AKBAR O Anonymous 10/08/14(Wed)12:24:20 No.31475198 >31475212 File: 1271890893256.jpg (16 KB, 251x320) O Anonymous O 10/08/14(Wed)12:30:35 No.31475403 ► File: 1412209325090.jpg (2.33 MB, 7680x4320) 92% of saudis believe IS conforms to values of Islam and Islamic law >>31475152 (OP) >Mark Alexander Harding >>31475152 (OP) ULTRA HD Sheikh Suleiman al-Britani !E2eMj/rs9. Mon 29 Sep 2014 20:18:05 No.31061636 X View Report everything south of vienna and the pyrenees is rightful Muslim clay ton lal Sheikh Suleiman al-Britani !E2eMj/rs9. Mon 29 Sep 2014 17:19:39 No.31053724 X View Report ------ P > O Anonymous a 10/08/14(Wed)12:26:06 No.31475254 File: 21345.jpg (17 KB, 400x500) 21-year-old Islander charged with terrorism and publishing bomb-making details online You must strike the soldiers, patrons, and troops of the tawäghīt. Strike their police, security, and intelligence members, as well as their treacherous agents. Destroy their beds. Embitter their lives for them and busy them with themselves. >it was real O Anonymous 10/08/14(Wed) 12:34:2 File: ogre jpg (145 KB, 500x483) If you can kill a disbelieving American or European - especially the spiteful and filthy French – or an Australian, or a Canadian, or any other disbeliever from the disbelievers waging war, including the citizens of the countries that entered into a coalition against the Islamic State, then rely upon Allah, and kill him in any manner or way however it may be. Do not ask for anyone's advice and do not seek anyone's verdict. A 21-YEAR-OLD Islander has been charged with terrorism offences after allegedly being found in possession of an al-Qaeda magazine – and publishing bomb-making details online. >funpost >go to jail Report post Repert post Kill the disbeliever whether he is civilian or military, for they have the same ruling. Both of them are disbelievers. Both of them are considered to be waging war [the civilian by belonging to a state waging war against the Muslims]. Both of their blood and wealth is legal for you to destroy, for blood does not become illegal or legal to spill by the clothes being worn. The civilian outfit does not make blood illegal to spill, and the military uniform does not make blood legal to spill. The only things that make blood illegal and legal to spill are Islam and a covenant (peace treaty, dhimma, etc.). Blood becomes legal to spill through disbelief. Reason not shrek SUMMER 14321 2011 | 1SSUE * D Anonymous O 10/08/14(Wed)12:26:20 No.31475260 > INSPIRE Report, NSPIRE Sowhoever is a Muslim, his blood and wealth are sanctified. And whoever is a disbeliever, his wealth is legal for a Muslim to take and his blood is legal to spill. His blood is like the blood of a dog; there is no sin for him in spilling it nor is there any blood money to be paid for doing such. SPRING 1434 1 20131 ISSUE 11 HOO BOY IT'S FOR REAL, SHEIK GOT BAITED O Anonymous + 10/08/14(Wed)12:30:58 No.31 File: 1360241271280.jpg (20 KB, 403x403) #YOLO:-DDD O Anonymous E 10/08/14(Wed)12:38:07 No.31475706 File: 1409587768256.jpg (41 KB, 355x362) AND INSFIRE THE BELIEVERS > D Anonymous + 10/08/14(Wed)12:26:28 No.31475262 File: 1410780059261.gif (1.79 MB, 400x360) View Same Google iqdb SauceNAO BypbJRSIYAACXZA.jpg large.jpg, 53KIB, 596x588 AND INSFIRE THE SELIVERS Sheikh Suleiman al-Britani !E2eMj/rs9. Sun 28 Sep 2014 22:25:48 No.31019933 X View Report Funposting is serious business :DDDDD INSHALLAH saudi soldier defected to islamic state :d >arrested for shitposting 1.9.24 AYY LMAO Sheikh Suleiman al-Britani !E2eMj/rs9. Fri 26 Sep 2014 17:31:56 No.30906883 X View Report UK just voted to bomb iraq such incredible idiocy, its going to be a disaster for them [Continued laughter] O Anonymous a 10/08/14(Wed)12:35:11 No.31475589 O Anonymous File: 1265944458578.jpg (39 KB, 307x485) 10/08/14(Wed)12:39:57 No.314 Jesus, I didn't actually believe it. I thought this Sheikh guy was a le ebin troll using proxies. Not a f------ idiot posting this s--- straight from his own computer. What a f------ moron. October 8th, 2014 The day /int/ defeated ISIS O Anonymous 10/08/14(Wed)12:38:17 No.31475713 File: 1409524969177.gif (2.72 MB, 240x234) ho /int/: 1 SADNESS, CONTENTMENT & ASPIRATION ISIS: 0 Jesus christ jersey. O Anonymous E 10/08/14(Wed)12:38:56 No.31475738 >31475767 >>31475784 >>31475789 >>31475804 >>31475832 >>31475849 File: golden lel jpg (1.12 MB, 5000x4999) Copies of Inspire magazine, an online publication reported to be published by al-Qaeda BTFO Mark Alexander Harding is facing two charges under the Terrorism (Jersey) Law after being arrested earlier this month in an operation by the States police. 5 2 >>31475152 (OP) http://jerseyeveningpost.com/news/uk-news/2014/10/08/four-held-in-anti-terror-raids/ >One of the suspects - aged 21 - was tasered during his arrest but was not injured and did not require medical treatment, Scotland Yard said. 8-1 y Tweet A LIke O Anonymous = 10/08/14(Wed)12:38:25 No.31475718 The former Victoria College pupil appeared in a special sitting of the Royal Court last Friday but details of the arrest and court appearance were only released following an approach by the JEP. oh lawd Geezuss God bless you lint/. This is why we CAN have nice things. shaheed inshAllah OTFO](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/002/190/250/917.jpg)
![File: isis jersev flag.png (41 KB, 1280x768) O Anonymous X 10/08/14(Wed)12:22:54 No.31475152 >31475198 >>31475403 >>31475513 >>31475579 >>31475602 >>31475693 >31475738 >>31475791 >3147 Sheikh Suleiman al-Britani !E2eMj/rs9. Wed 01 Oct 2014 21:49:48 No.31159911 X View Report >>31476262 >>31476488 >>31476512 http://jerseyeveningpost.com/news/2014/10/08/21-year-old-islander-charged-with-terrorism-and-publishing-bomb-making-details-online/ if dubs i fly to america and try to assasinate obama AAYYYY LMAAAO >> O Anonymous E 10/08/14(Wed)12:23:51 No.31475184 File: 09p-567-blochcarl-christc(.)jpg (171 KB, 948x1024) O Anonymous 10/08/14(Wed)12:30:41 No.31475400 > File: what5b.jpg (5 KB, 138x137) Sheikh Suleiman al-Britani !E2eMj/rs9. Wed 01 Oct 2014 16:13:06 No.31144982 X View Report Sheikh Suleiman al-Britani !E2eMj/rs9. Wed 01 Oct 2014 21:24:42 No.31158737 X View Report there is literally nothing wrong with genociding hindus and sikhs m8 democratic peoples republic of korea is a better place to live than the USA Sheikh Suleiman al-Britani !E2eMj/rs9. Tue 30 Sep 2014 16:59:06 No.31100198 X View Report Sheikh Suleiman al-Britani !E2eMj/rs9. Mon 29 Sep 2014 23:40:32 No.31071081 X View Report >>31100040 >there will be another 9/11 scale terror attack in the West in your lifetime http://muslimstatistics.wordpress.com/2014/08/24/92-of-saudis-believes-that-isis-conforms-to-the-values-of-islam-and-isla http://www.faithfreedom.org/92-of-saudis-believe-that-isis-is-conforms-to-the-values-of-islam-and-islamic-law/ ALLAHU AKBAR O Anonymous 10/08/14(Wed)12:24:20 No.31475198 >31475212 File: 1271890893256.jpg (16 KB, 251x320) O Anonymous O 10/08/14(Wed)12:30:35 No.31475403 ► File: 1412209325090.jpg (2.33 MB, 7680x4320) 92% of saudis believe IS conforms to values of Islam and Islamic law >>31475152 (OP) >Mark Alexander Harding >>31475152 (OP) ULTRA HD Sheikh Suleiman al-Britani !E2eMj/rs9. Mon 29 Sep 2014 20:18:05 No.31061636 X View Report everything south of vienna and the pyrenees is rightful Muslim clay ton lal Sheikh Suleiman al-Britani !E2eMj/rs9. Mon 29 Sep 2014 17:19:39 No.31053724 X View Report ------ P > O Anonymous a 10/08/14(Wed)12:26:06 No.31475254 File: 21345.jpg (17 KB, 400x500) 21-year-old Islander charged with terrorism and publishing bomb-making details online You must strike the soldiers, patrons, and troops of the tawäghīt. Strike their police, security, and intelligence members, as well as their treacherous agents. Destroy their beds. Embitter their lives for them and busy them with themselves. >it was real O Anonymous 10/08/14(Wed) 12:34:2 File: ogre jpg (145 KB, 500x483) If you can kill a disbelieving American or European - especially the spiteful and filthy French – or an Australian, or a Canadian, or any other disbeliever from the disbelievers waging war, including the citizens of the countries that entered into a coalition against the Islamic State, then rely upon Allah, and kill him in any manner or way however it may be. Do not ask for anyone's advice and do not seek anyone's verdict. A 21-YEAR-OLD Islander has been charged with terrorism offences after allegedly being found in possession of an al-Qaeda magazine – and publishing bomb-making details online. >funpost >go to jail Report post Repert post Kill the disbeliever whether he is civilian or military, for they have the same ruling. Both of them are disbelievers. Both of them are considered to be waging war [the civilian by belonging to a state waging war against the Muslims]. Both of their blood and wealth is legal for you to destroy, for blood does not become illegal or legal to spill by the clothes being worn. The civilian outfit does not make blood illegal to spill, and the military uniform does not make blood legal to spill. The only things that make blood illegal and legal to spill are Islam and a covenant (peace treaty, dhimma, etc.). Blood becomes legal to spill through disbelief. Reason not shrek SUMMER 14321 2011 | 1SSUE * D Anonymous O 10/08/14(Wed)12:26:20 No.31475260 > INSPIRE Report, NSPIRE Sowhoever is a Muslim, his blood and wealth are sanctified. And whoever is a disbeliever, his wealth is legal for a Muslim to take and his blood is legal to spill. His blood is like the blood of a dog; there is no sin for him in spilling it nor is there any blood money to be paid for doing such. SPRING 1434 1 20131 ISSUE 11 HOO BOY IT'S FOR REAL, SHEIK GOT BAITED O Anonymous + 10/08/14(Wed)12:30:58 No.31 File: 1360241271280.jpg (20 KB, 403x403) #YOLO:-DDD O Anonymous E 10/08/14(Wed)12:38:07 No.31475706 File: 1409587768256.jpg (41 KB, 355x362) AND INSFIRE THE BELIEVERS > D Anonymous + 10/08/14(Wed)12:26:28 No.31475262 File: 1410780059261.gif (1.79 MB, 400x360) View Same Google iqdb SauceNAO BypbJRSIYAACXZA.jpg large.jpg, 53KIB, 596x588 AND INSFIRE THE SELIVERS Sheikh Suleiman al-Britani !E2eMj/rs9. Sun 28 Sep 2014 22:25:48 No.31019933 X View Report Funposting is serious business :DDDDD INSHALLAH saudi soldier defected to islamic state :d >arrested for shitposting 1.9.24 AYY LMAO Sheikh Suleiman al-Britani !E2eMj/rs9. Fri 26 Sep 2014 17:31:56 No.30906883 X View Report UK just voted to bomb iraq such incredible idiocy, its going to be a disaster for them [Continued laughter] O Anonymous a 10/08/14(Wed)12:35:11 No.31475589 O Anonymous File: 1265944458578.jpg (39 KB, 307x485) 10/08/14(Wed)12:39:57 No.314 Jesus, I didn't actually believe it. I thought this Sheikh guy was a le ebin troll using proxies. Not a f------ idiot posting this s--- straight from his own computer. What a f------ moron. October 8th, 2014 The day /int/ defeated ISIS O Anonymous 10/08/14(Wed)12:38:17 No.31475713 File: 1409524969177.gif (2.72 MB, 240x234) ho /int/: 1 SADNESS, CONTENTMENT & ASPIRATION ISIS: 0 Jesus christ jersey. O Anonymous E 10/08/14(Wed)12:38:56 No.31475738 >31475767 >>31475784 >>31475789 >>31475804 >>31475832 >>31475849 File: golden lel jpg (1.12 MB, 5000x4999) Copies of Inspire magazine, an online publication reported to be published by al-Qaeda BTFO Mark Alexander Harding is facing two charges under the Terrorism (Jersey) Law after being arrested earlier this month in an operation by the States police. 5 2 >>31475152 (OP) http://jerseyeveningpost.com/news/uk-news/2014/10/08/four-held-in-anti-terror-raids/ >One of the suspects - aged 21 - was tasered during his arrest but was not injured and did not require medical treatment, Scotland Yard said. 8-1 y Tweet A LIke O Anonymous = 10/08/14(Wed)12:38:25 No.31475718 The former Victoria College pupil appeared in a special sitting of the Royal Court last Friday but details of the arrest and court appearance were only released following an approach by the JEP. oh lawd Geezuss God bless you lint/. This is why we CAN have nice things. shaheed inshAllah OTFO](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/190/250/917.jpg)
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