4chan - Images
Meanwhile on /k/...
![File: todd.ipg (10 KB, 259x253) Anonymous 11/17/17(Fri)03:38:04 No.35864938 358649553586495935864991 35865045 3586506735865659 35865666 235865770358657913586582335865848 3586585835866943358669663586701335868206 Hello fellow gun owners! I love the second amendment as much as the next guy but don't you think something like an AR-15 is too much? I really think there should be a line drawn on what is common sense to be owned by a civilian Anonymous 11/17/17(Fri)03:42:10 No.3586495535864971 File: Ohyou.gif (1001 KB, 500x250) OP Can't fool us, Todd. Not buying another copy of Skyrim. Don't get me wrong, bud, it's a great game. I just already have 3 copies Anonymous 11/17/17(Fri)03:46:16 No.3586497135866884 35868629 35864955 it's a great game Skyrim dumbed down everything 9s Anonymous 11/17/17(Fri)07:19:18 No.3586566635865729358657663586582535865958 35866831 3586690035867987 35864938 (OP) I bought Skyrim six different times. Can I keep my AR? Anonymous 11/17/17(Fri)07:38:50 No.35865729 B-48A9-BA97-4 File: 3C56B6B (36 KB, 445x445) 35865666 >6 times >666 Anonymous 11/17/17(Fri)07:47:11 No.35865766 File: Thinking.png (53 KB, 256x256) P> >666 >uses ARs >buys Skyrim I always knew ARfags were literally Satan Anonymous 11/17/17(Fri)08:44:41 No.35865958 File: 1496179783404.ipg (31 KB, 513x341) P> 9P Anonymous 11/17/17(Fri)11:01:50 No.35866831 File: 1497509274564.ipg (72 KB, 524x465) 35865666 only Satan would buy Skyrim 6 f------ times Anonymous 11/17/17(Fri)11:09:40 No.35866900 File: Iwastnjpg (47 KB, 500x375) 35865666 >666 >six times Skyrim 9P Anonymous 11/17/17(Fri)13:21:13 No.35867987 P> ak confirmed for holy gun](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/001/315/498/812.png)
![File: todd.ipg (10 KB, 259x253) Anonymous 11/17/17(Fri)03:38:04 No.35864938 358649553586495935864991 35865045 3586506735865659 35865666 235865770358657913586582335865848 3586585835866943358669663586701335868206 Hello fellow gun owners! I love the second amendment as much as the next guy but don't you think something like an AR-15 is too much? I really think there should be a line drawn on what is common sense to be owned by a civilian Anonymous 11/17/17(Fri)03:42:10 No.3586495535864971 File: Ohyou.gif (1001 KB, 500x250) OP Can't fool us, Todd. Not buying another copy of Skyrim. Don't get me wrong, bud, it's a great game. I just already have 3 copies Anonymous 11/17/17(Fri)03:46:16 No.3586497135866884 35868629 35864955 it's a great game Skyrim dumbed down everything 9s Anonymous 11/17/17(Fri)07:19:18 No.3586566635865729358657663586582535865958 35866831 3586690035867987 35864938 (OP) I bought Skyrim six different times. Can I keep my AR? Anonymous 11/17/17(Fri)07:38:50 No.35865729 B-48A9-BA97-4 File: 3C56B6B (36 KB, 445x445) 35865666 >6 times >666 Anonymous 11/17/17(Fri)07:47:11 No.35865766 File: Thinking.png (53 KB, 256x256) P> >666 >uses ARs >buys Skyrim I always knew ARfags were literally Satan Anonymous 11/17/17(Fri)08:44:41 No.35865958 File: 1496179783404.ipg (31 KB, 513x341) P> 9P Anonymous 11/17/17(Fri)11:01:50 No.35866831 File: 1497509274564.ipg (72 KB, 524x465) 35865666 only Satan would buy Skyrim 6 f------ times Anonymous 11/17/17(Fri)11:09:40 No.35866900 File: Iwastnjpg (47 KB, 500x375) 35865666 >666 >six times Skyrim 9P Anonymous 11/17/17(Fri)13:21:13 No.35867987 P> ak confirmed for holy gun](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/315/498/812.png)
4chan's racism.
![: Anonymous 11/16/17(Thu)10:12:32 No.751146774 What race would you erase from existence forever? 53 KB GIF Anonymous 11/16/17(Thu)10:16:08 No.751147037 >>751146774 (OP) # 400m it doesn't have the fast-sprinting excitement of the T00m but doesn't let long-distance runners show what they can do like the 800m+ races its just kinda a s----- middle ground nobody likes 72 >>751147654 #](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/001/315/047/b7f.jpg)
![: Anonymous 11/16/17(Thu)10:12:32 No.751146774 What race would you erase from existence forever? 53 KB GIF Anonymous 11/16/17(Thu)10:16:08 No.751147037 >>751146774 (OP) # 400m it doesn't have the fast-sprinting excitement of the T00m but doesn't let long-distance runners show what they can do like the 800m+ races its just kinda a s----- middle ground nobody likes 72 >>751147654 #](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/315/047/b7f.jpg)
![deadmau54x412-wallpaper-3jpg (541 KB, 3405x3405) google yandex igdb wait Artists who are actually really good and are unfairly demonized by hipsters. Rollo Red 12/31/16(Sat 03:47:23 No. 70010300 ' >>700114662-70 >>70017392 >>70017982 >>70017993 4x4-12 Anonymous 12/31/16(Sat)03:50:40 No.70010350 70010359>>70010366 >>70010681>>70010732 >>70012044>>70014583 >>70014619 >>70014 >>70018704 nathan can i come over later to play minecraft later my mom wont let me use the computer anymore and also yes totally agree deadmau5 is epic Anonymous 12/31/16(Sat)03:51:18 No.70010359 >>70010350 HAHAHAHA . Rollo Red 12/31/16(Sat)03:52.04 No 70010366 、700103](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/001/313/133/21d.png)
![deadmau54x412-wallpaper-3jpg (541 KB, 3405x3405) google yandex igdb wait Artists who are actually really good and are unfairly demonized by hipsters. Rollo Red 12/31/16(Sat 03:47:23 No. 70010300 ' >>700114662-70 >>70017392 >>70017982 >>70017993 4x4-12 Anonymous 12/31/16(Sat)03:50:40 No.70010350 70010359>>70010366 >>70010681>>70010732 >>70012044>>70014583 >>70014619 >>70014 >>70018704 nathan can i come over later to play minecraft later my mom wont let me use the computer anymore and also yes totally agree deadmau5 is epic Anonymous 12/31/16(Sat)03:51:18 No.70010359 >>70010350 HAHAHAHA . Rollo Red 12/31/16(Sat)03:52.04 No 70010366 、700103](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/313/133/21d.png)
/lit/: A magical place
![(90 KB, 352x530) Anonymous 11/09/17(Thu 18:39:32 No. 102494 18 >210249426 >>10249458 >>10249469 >>10249481 >>10249499>>102495 11 >210249512 >>10249577 >>10249581 >>10249648 10249748 310249972 10250014 1025002510250212 10250276 10250298 -10250303 10250473 10250516 at what point does using the word "n-----" become artistically unacceptable? I just did a search for n----- in my 55,000 word novella and it returned 11,986 results this too much? | want to write oes me ac ling with many SOCI s and my main character is what most would consider a "racist" and so he is very flippant with the word's use but I'm worried that publishers will not accept my novella or see its artistic merit because of this and instead condemn it for being insensitive or intentionally inflammatory. But how else am l supposed to write this sort of character? How often should I use the word? □ Anonymous 11/09/17(Thu)18:42:02 No.10249426 >>>10249469 File: 1458662565263.jpg (33 KB, 272x248) >l just did a search for n----- in my 55,000 word novella and it returned 11.986 results □ Anonymous 11/09/17(Thu)18:54:10 No.10249458 >>>10249472 You're full of s---, OP. Nobody could write a novel with every fifth word being "n----- Prove it by posting an excerpt within the next five minutes □ Anonymous 11/09/17(Thu)19:33:19 No.10249570 easy on the nignogs Anonymous 11/09/17(Thu)19:38:26 No. 10249581 □ Anonymous 11/09/17(Thu)19:36:28 No.10249577 >l just did a search for n----- in my 55,000 word novella and it returned 11,986 results this is my favourite day how the f--- is it every 5 words ahhahahhaha this doesn't exist you lying □ Anonymous 11/09/17(Thu)19:32:24 No.10249566 there's no way a real story uses n----- as 1/5 of its words unless it has a like 20 page digression of n----- n----- n----- please post Anonymous 11/09/17(Thu 20:00:21 No.1 0249621 >210249642 >>10249648 >>10249649 >> 0249657 >>1 9660 >> 0249665 >> 0249667 >> 024979 >> 0249919 >>10249942 >> 0249972 >> 0249980 >>10250023 10250032 10250085 10250163 210250268 10250300 10250324 10250384 10250518> 10250529 10250608 10250617 File: exc#3.png (55 KB. 675x605) ' .. Err okay here is a 500 word excerpt from it I don't really want to post any more of it on here , I smoked a c-------- and browsed the news. A story about n------, written by a n-----, talked nonymous 0 about how n------ needed more et. cetera. The needs of a n----- are endless. a n----- on every television channel a n----- in every movie. nothing but n----- music for n------ and those who wish o be n------. that is almost worse than being a n-----. at least a n----- does not want to be a n----- a n----- does not want to be a n----- so might not be reminded that he is a n-----. I was glad to be alone again in my room, had ever been. there are few places like this left in the world, when the world became the This is the best thread on /lit/ right now badly he will kill everyone who is not a n----- just so that he no n----- n----- was the freed the 49648 10249869 nazipepe 1ipg (158 KB, 620x620 At night the n------ come out, brave in the absence of light, as if the Night were an accomplice o the n------, lending shadow to the misdeeds of the darkies. Beneath the luminescence of gaudy streetlights the gangs of n------, in feral n----- packs, would stumble and howl, liquored-up on che n----- drmks and enthused by the scantly clad negresses. In the day these n------ were more docile The tumult of the n------ grew tedious and I decided to leave, to walk perhaps to a place where no n------ ever went. To do this I needed to walk down the niggerstained streets and wait in subway overrun by n------. Every n----- looked at me as if waiting for me to call them what they, as n------ knew what I as not a n-----, knew them to be. Most of the passengers were n------ or niglets. Each n----- stared at the other n------ with th inherent in each n----- and no one knows what a n----- is capable of more than a n-----. that is why n------ always leer as they do, for n------ assume that everyone has a propensity for violence equal to This... This is why I come to an e suspicion that infects every n----- due to the violence □ Anonymous 11/09/17(Thu)20:19:04 No.10249667 File: 1454342643410.ipg (67 KB, 680x591) In the fresh blossoming night air after I had risen from the stench of the niggersoiled subway I 496 This is the best thing I've seen online in weeks felt a peace that can only be known when all n------ are absent. Perhaps this is why n------ are so disgruntle, they never have the chance to leave n------ behind. Perhaps these types of free and fresh nights are not available to n------ who must leer with niggerhate in their niggerheads and niggerhearts all the days of their niggardly lives. But now the streets were clean, vacant of all n------ and the cacophony of n------. I had come out of that n------Gehenna where the golems of the niggerloving k---- waste and writhe. I was lost in the coolness of a midnight devoid of darkies It was almost ruined, knowing I would have to return to the n------. Knowing that everywhere □ Anonymous 11/10/17(Fri)02:33:26 No.10250721 File: amazement.png (2.39 MB, 1417x1417) else, n------ were muddying everything with their niggerhands and their niggernotions. But for now ere was the peace of no n------ >section posted is only 12% n----- entire book is 22% n----- >there must be sections significantly more n----- than the posted section](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/001/313/046/02b.png)
![(90 KB, 352x530) Anonymous 11/09/17(Thu 18:39:32 No. 102494 18 >210249426 >>10249458 >>10249469 >>10249481 >>10249499>>102495 11 >210249512 >>10249577 >>10249581 >>10249648 10249748 310249972 10250014 1025002510250212 10250276 10250298 -10250303 10250473 10250516 at what point does using the word "n-----" become artistically unacceptable? I just did a search for n----- in my 55,000 word novella and it returned 11,986 results this too much? | want to write oes me ac ling with many SOCI s and my main character is what most would consider a "racist" and so he is very flippant with the word's use but I'm worried that publishers will not accept my novella or see its artistic merit because of this and instead condemn it for being insensitive or intentionally inflammatory. But how else am l supposed to write this sort of character? How often should I use the word? □ Anonymous 11/09/17(Thu)18:42:02 No.10249426 >>>10249469 File: 1458662565263.jpg (33 KB, 272x248) >l just did a search for n----- in my 55,000 word novella and it returned 11.986 results □ Anonymous 11/09/17(Thu)18:54:10 No.10249458 >>>10249472 You're full of s---, OP. Nobody could write a novel with every fifth word being "n----- Prove it by posting an excerpt within the next five minutes □ Anonymous 11/09/17(Thu)19:33:19 No.10249570 easy on the nignogs Anonymous 11/09/17(Thu)19:38:26 No. 10249581 □ Anonymous 11/09/17(Thu)19:36:28 No.10249577 >l just did a search for n----- in my 55,000 word novella and it returned 11,986 results this is my favourite day how the f--- is it every 5 words ahhahahhaha this doesn't exist you lying □ Anonymous 11/09/17(Thu)19:32:24 No.10249566 there's no way a real story uses n----- as 1/5 of its words unless it has a like 20 page digression of n----- n----- n----- please post Anonymous 11/09/17(Thu 20:00:21 No.1 0249621 >210249642 >>10249648 >>10249649 >> 0249657 >>1 9660 >> 0249665 >> 0249667 >> 024979 >> 0249919 >>10249942 >> 0249972 >> 0249980 >>10250023 10250032 10250085 10250163 210250268 10250300 10250324 10250384 10250518> 10250529 10250608 10250617 File: exc#3.png (55 KB. 675x605) ' .. Err okay here is a 500 word excerpt from it I don't really want to post any more of it on here , I smoked a c-------- and browsed the news. A story about n------, written by a n-----, talked nonymous 0 about how n------ needed more et. cetera. The needs of a n----- are endless. a n----- on every television channel a n----- in every movie. nothing but n----- music for n------ and those who wish o be n------. that is almost worse than being a n-----. at least a n----- does not want to be a n----- a n----- does not want to be a n----- so might not be reminded that he is a n-----. I was glad to be alone again in my room, had ever been. there are few places like this left in the world, when the world became the This is the best thread on /lit/ right now badly he will kill everyone who is not a n----- just so that he no n----- n----- was the freed the 49648 10249869 nazipepe 1ipg (158 KB, 620x620 At night the n------ come out, brave in the absence of light, as if the Night were an accomplice o the n------, lending shadow to the misdeeds of the darkies. Beneath the luminescence of gaudy streetlights the gangs of n------, in feral n----- packs, would stumble and howl, liquored-up on che n----- drmks and enthused by the scantly clad negresses. In the day these n------ were more docile The tumult of the n------ grew tedious and I decided to leave, to walk perhaps to a place where no n------ ever went. To do this I needed to walk down the niggerstained streets and wait in subway overrun by n------. Every n----- looked at me as if waiting for me to call them what they, as n------ knew what I as not a n-----, knew them to be. Most of the passengers were n------ or niglets. Each n----- stared at the other n------ with th inherent in each n----- and no one knows what a n----- is capable of more than a n-----. that is why n------ always leer as they do, for n------ assume that everyone has a propensity for violence equal to This... This is why I come to an e suspicion that infects every n----- due to the violence □ Anonymous 11/09/17(Thu)20:19:04 No.10249667 File: 1454342643410.ipg (67 KB, 680x591) In the fresh blossoming night air after I had risen from the stench of the niggersoiled subway I 496 This is the best thing I've seen online in weeks felt a peace that can only be known when all n------ are absent. Perhaps this is why n------ are so disgruntle, they never have the chance to leave n------ behind. Perhaps these types of free and fresh nights are not available to n------ who must leer with niggerhate in their niggerheads and niggerhearts all the days of their niggardly lives. But now the streets were clean, vacant of all n------ and the cacophony of n------. I had come out of that n------Gehenna where the golems of the niggerloving k---- waste and writhe. I was lost in the coolness of a midnight devoid of darkies It was almost ruined, knowing I would have to return to the n------. Knowing that everywhere □ Anonymous 11/10/17(Fri)02:33:26 No.10250721 File: amazement.png (2.39 MB, 1417x1417) else, n------ were muddying everything with their niggerhands and their niggernotions. But for now ere was the peace of no n------ >section posted is only 12% n----- entire book is 22% n----- >there must be sections significantly more n----- than the posted section](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/313/046/02b.png)
Advice from oldguyfag
![I went through an archive of 4chan images that I found on archive.org some time ago. I don't remember which one it exactly was, but I found this image in there.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/001/312/926/b52.jpg)
![I went through an archive of 4chan images that I found on archive.org some time ago. I don't remember which one it exactly was, but I found this image in there.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/312/926/b52.jpg)
I-I'm not really sure how something can derail like this
![Anonymous 11/09/17(Thu)23:02:02 No.96649830 File: 15102721744952.ipg (29 KB, 376x376) >96649867 >>96649878 >>96649901 >>96649923 >>96649929 >>96650265 >>96650317 >>96650347 >>96650533 >96649676 Did you really just say that? Sir, if there was a little girl eating out a clown's ass and I alert the police nearby for help, should the police say "Okay, you've alerted us for the umplteenth time but we don't see what's the big deal about this Do you see how silly you sound?](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/001/312/658/c8d.png)
![Anonymous 11/09/17(Thu)23:02:02 No.96649830 File: 15102721744952.ipg (29 KB, 376x376) >96649867 >>96649878 >>96649901 >>96649923 >>96649929 >>96650265 >>96650317 >>96650347 >>96650533 >96649676 Did you really just say that? Sir, if there was a little girl eating out a clown's ass and I alert the police nearby for help, should the police say "Okay, you've alerted us for the umplteenth time but we don't see what's the big deal about this Do you see how silly you sound?](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/312/658/c8d.png)
I guess, anon gets points for honesty
![I dunno if this is a repost](/assets/image-covers/nsfw.png)
Rate my dinner
![R: 7/I: 2 rate my dinner ampa CONDENSED Omato SOUP 8650878 (OP) Why is there a photoshopped fork? >>8650905 i didn't want people to think i didn't have a fork](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/001/308/739/e9b.jpg)
![R: 7/I: 2 rate my dinner ampa CONDENSED Omato SOUP 8650878 (OP) Why is there a photoshopped fork? >>8650905 i didn't want people to think i didn't have a fork](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/308/739/e9b.jpg)
Mung Daal Roasts the Shit out of /co/
![File: 1509144398632jpg (63 KB, 540x720) □ Anonymous 10/27/17(Fri)19:26:18 No.96351401 Steven Universe? More like Can't get any worse □ Anonymous 10/27/17(Fri)19:28:12 No.96351448 File: mung-daal-chowder (19 KB, 210x240) Gravity Falls? More like Quality falls □ Anonymous 10/27/17(Fri)19:32:15 No.96351534 (91 KB, 1280x720) File: Mung Star vs the forces of evil? More like Show this bad is unbelievable □ Anonymous 10/27/17(Fri)19:36:05 No.96351617 File: Mung_Daalpng (77 KB, 310x491) OK K.O.? More like Boring s--- show □ Anonymous 10/27/17(Fri)23:49:51 No.96356202 File: tenor.gif (1.27 MB, 498x322) P> The Loud House? More like Ladies, Watch Out! □ Anonymous 10/27/17(Fri)22:16:37 No.96354580 □ Anonymous 10/27/17(Fri)22:25:50 No.96354742 File: cd931df1f57c011acc128de50c8dipg (26 KB, 400x300) File: Mungdaal.png (29 KB, 293x462) Wander over yonder? More like "Ponder over squander" >>96351401 the brave and the bold? more like batman is too boring and old □ Anonymous 10/27/17(Fri)22:17:43 No.96354596 □ Anonymous 10/27/17(Fri)22:09:34 No.96354475 e: young mung.ipg (32 KB, 381x381) File: Mungs2 png (515 KB, 1764x2779) Power Puff Girls? More like Sour Puke Girls! Teen Titans Go? More like replaced every sh □ Anonymous 10/28/17(Sat)00:59:49 No.96357309 Anonymous 10/27/17(Fri)22:10:14 No.96354485 File: Mung_Daal-PJ_Constable-Mi ipg (195 KB, 494x878) File: Mung Daal.jpg (29 KB, 357x348) Lastman? More like Last place >>96351401 Clarence? More like 10 feet away from the fence Anonymous 10/28/17(Sat)01:29:16 No.96357736 (68 KB, 210x240) □ Anonymous 10/27/17(Fri)22:20:40 No.96354649 File: mung.ipg (9 KB, 249x249) Chowder? More like Slow downer! comics and cartoons? more like complaining and cancer Ga □ Anonymous 10/28/17(Sat)00:53:18 No.96357223 File: 143561538541 png (1.56 MB, 1053x1422) □ Anonymous 10/27/17(Fri)22:21:33 No.96354665 File: bSwSZWNH 400x400.ipg (15 KB, 400x400) Adventure Time? More like well past its prime! Sonic Boom? More like this Show is Doomed □ Anonymous 10/28/17(Sat)05:57:07 No.96360616 File: munge.png (86 KB, 168x273) Samurai Jack? More like Genndy's on crack! That final season was whack! Stupid qirl in black □ Anonymous 10/28/17(Sat)00:13:59 No.96356615 □ Anonymous 10/27/17(Fri)22:12:06 No.96354511 File: 8hrpin.png (81 KB, 257x311) File: hgdefault (1.ipg (15 KB, 480x360) Bojack Horseman? More like it can't get any worse marn Rick & Morty? More like, Sick & Boring! □ Anonymous 10/27/17(Fri)21:52:55 No.96354219 File: mung daal by cho (33 KB, 600x576) Harvey Beaks? More like S--- streaks](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/001/308/528/b8a.jpg)
![File: 1509144398632jpg (63 KB, 540x720) □ Anonymous 10/27/17(Fri)19:26:18 No.96351401 Steven Universe? More like Can't get any worse □ Anonymous 10/27/17(Fri)19:28:12 No.96351448 File: mung-daal-chowder (19 KB, 210x240) Gravity Falls? More like Quality falls □ Anonymous 10/27/17(Fri)19:32:15 No.96351534 (91 KB, 1280x720) File: Mung Star vs the forces of evil? More like Show this bad is unbelievable □ Anonymous 10/27/17(Fri)19:36:05 No.96351617 File: Mung_Daalpng (77 KB, 310x491) OK K.O.? More like Boring s--- show □ Anonymous 10/27/17(Fri)23:49:51 No.96356202 File: tenor.gif (1.27 MB, 498x322) P> The Loud House? More like Ladies, Watch Out! □ Anonymous 10/27/17(Fri)22:16:37 No.96354580 □ Anonymous 10/27/17(Fri)22:25:50 No.96354742 File: cd931df1f57c011acc128de50c8dipg (26 KB, 400x300) File: Mungdaal.png (29 KB, 293x462) Wander over yonder? More like "Ponder over squander" >>96351401 the brave and the bold? more like batman is too boring and old □ Anonymous 10/27/17(Fri)22:17:43 No.96354596 □ Anonymous 10/27/17(Fri)22:09:34 No.96354475 e: young mung.ipg (32 KB, 381x381) File: Mungs2 png (515 KB, 1764x2779) Power Puff Girls? More like Sour Puke Girls! Teen Titans Go? More like replaced every sh □ Anonymous 10/28/17(Sat)00:59:49 No.96357309 Anonymous 10/27/17(Fri)22:10:14 No.96354485 File: Mung_Daal-PJ_Constable-Mi ipg (195 KB, 494x878) File: Mung Daal.jpg (29 KB, 357x348) Lastman? More like Last place >>96351401 Clarence? More like 10 feet away from the fence Anonymous 10/28/17(Sat)01:29:16 No.96357736 (68 KB, 210x240) □ Anonymous 10/27/17(Fri)22:20:40 No.96354649 File: mung.ipg (9 KB, 249x249) Chowder? More like Slow downer! comics and cartoons? more like complaining and cancer Ga □ Anonymous 10/28/17(Sat)00:53:18 No.96357223 File: 143561538541 png (1.56 MB, 1053x1422) □ Anonymous 10/27/17(Fri)22:21:33 No.96354665 File: bSwSZWNH 400x400.ipg (15 KB, 400x400) Adventure Time? More like well past its prime! Sonic Boom? More like this Show is Doomed □ Anonymous 10/28/17(Sat)05:57:07 No.96360616 File: munge.png (86 KB, 168x273) Samurai Jack? More like Genndy's on crack! That final season was whack! Stupid qirl in black □ Anonymous 10/28/17(Sat)00:13:59 No.96356615 □ Anonymous 10/27/17(Fri)22:12:06 No.96354511 File: 8hrpin.png (81 KB, 257x311) File: hgdefault (1.ipg (15 KB, 480x360) Bojack Horseman? More like it can't get any worse marn Rick & Morty? More like, Sick & Boring! □ Anonymous 10/27/17(Fri)21:52:55 No.96354219 File: mung daal by cho (33 KB, 600x576) Harvey Beaks? More like S--- streaks](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/308/528/b8a.jpg)
Thread from 2005
![start 匿多四 》 多395. End ofEvang fCaptain Smash Fan.. ?Xhel-Conversation ⑤4chan.org-Mozilla EN-B:㊧孪奧處18:57 ? eDR) 4chan.org-Mozilla..· EN- 18:57 4chan.org-Mozilla Firefox End of Evangelion - Heisoku no KakudaiKX Ele Edit View Go Bookmarks Tools Help G the spark Back ForwardStop Reload Home Bookmarks New Tab New Window Downloads History http:fwww.4chan.org/ Go 4chan.org CA 4chan Up to File 1107670987.ipg-(115913 B, 800x600) 4chan.org □ <cough> YouSpoonyBard !TEmWeCtG5k 02/06/05(Sun) 15:23 No.39865 emove Frames 4chan BBS Up to 4chan BBS dis/- Discussion sug/- Suggestions more... (link) Reply Metal Gear? 5 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click Reply to view. 3> Image Boards this thread wins the weekend a/ Anime b-Random c Anime/Cute cm/-Cu Juan Carlo 02/06/05(Sum)08:48 No.39973 ute/Male emte dl- HentaiAlternative el- Ecchi a/ - Tech hl- Hentai k/ - Weapons W-Lolikon /m/ - Mecha n/- Nature & Wildlife ol-Auto ol-Photography r/ -Request s/ - Sexy Beautiful Women Ism/ - Shota/Male 39907 Metal snail Shot >> □Gonna get bann'd for this YouSpoonyBard TEmWeCtG5k 020605(Sun)11:45 No.40011 File 1107708327 ipg-(69809 B, 800x600) Metal Gear Ray? >> □ Anonymous 02/06/05(Sun)18:28 No.40145 -Torreits 40011 tl/ - Torrents/Loli ul-Yuri M- Video Games Win. 100092349074 points Anime/Wallpapers -Yac Resolving host corporateanarchy.net.. >> □ ILR 02/07/05(Mon)13:13 No.40465](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/001/306/146/b39.jpg)
![start 匿多四 》 多395. End ofEvang fCaptain Smash Fan.. ?Xhel-Conversation ⑤4chan.org-Mozilla EN-B:㊧孪奧處18:57 ? eDR) 4chan.org-Mozilla..· EN- 18:57 4chan.org-Mozilla Firefox End of Evangelion - Heisoku no KakudaiKX Ele Edit View Go Bookmarks Tools Help G the spark Back ForwardStop Reload Home Bookmarks New Tab New Window Downloads History http:fwww.4chan.org/ Go 4chan.org CA 4chan Up to File 1107670987.ipg-(115913 B, 800x600) 4chan.org □ <cough> YouSpoonyBard !TEmWeCtG5k 02/06/05(Sun) 15:23 No.39865 emove Frames 4chan BBS Up to 4chan BBS dis/- Discussion sug/- Suggestions more... (link) Reply Metal Gear? 5 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click Reply to view. 3> Image Boards this thread wins the weekend a/ Anime b-Random c Anime/Cute cm/-Cu Juan Carlo 02/06/05(Sum)08:48 No.39973 ute/Male emte dl- HentaiAlternative el- Ecchi a/ - Tech hl- Hentai k/ - Weapons W-Lolikon /m/ - Mecha n/- Nature & Wildlife ol-Auto ol-Photography r/ -Request s/ - Sexy Beautiful Women Ism/ - Shota/Male 39907 Metal snail Shot >> □Gonna get bann'd for this YouSpoonyBard TEmWeCtG5k 020605(Sun)11:45 No.40011 File 1107708327 ipg-(69809 B, 800x600) Metal Gear Ray? >> □ Anonymous 02/06/05(Sun)18:28 No.40145 -Torreits 40011 tl/ - Torrents/Loli ul-Yuri M- Video Games Win. 100092349074 points Anime/Wallpapers -Yac Resolving host corporateanarchy.net.. >> □ ILR 02/07/05(Mon)13:13 No.40465](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/306/146/b39.jpg)
Why do people defend 4Chan with demons like THIS around?
![Anonymous 10/20/17(Fri)09:06:19 No.748618493 I dip my oreos in water. 57 KB JPG >>748618552 # >>748618565 # >>748618603 # 22748618869 # 22748619818 # Anonymous 10/20/17(Fri)09:07:13 No.748618552 >>748618493 # Actually reported Anonymous 10/20/17(Fri)09:07:20 No.748618565 2748618493 # f--- you](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/001/306/058/7fd.jpg)
![Anonymous 10/20/17(Fri)09:06:19 No.748618493 I dip my oreos in water. 57 KB JPG >>748618552 # >>748618565 # >>748618603 # 22748618869 # 22748619818 # Anonymous 10/20/17(Fri)09:07:13 No.748618552 >>748618493 # Actually reported Anonymous 10/20/17(Fri)09:07:20 No.748618565 2748618493 # f--- you](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/306/058/7fd.jpg)
4chan at it again
![Anonymous ID:LAbNFBtvSun10Sep 2017 22:08:36 No.141 100963 ー Quoted By: >>141101351 141101896 >141102940 141107486 look i feel bad for some of you on this website. so i'll let you in on a little secret. if you live in las vegas or henderson stay inside tomorrow. don't go anywhere where there are large groups of people. also if you see three blacks vans parked next to each other immediately leave the area. you're welcome john E Anonymous ID LAbNFEtv Sun 10 Sep 2017 22:28:12 No.141102703 Quoted By: 141102792 *141102816141108695,9 it's called the 'high incident project. they want to make the american public think that places with extremely high security aren't safe. they are trying to create more regulations. you will see laws proposed within the next few years to put up more metal detectors and other security devices. media and politicians will be saying places with lots of police need even more police. i can't guarantee anything will happen tomorrow but las vegas is on their minds -john Anonymous ID: LAbNEE No.141104921 道 11 Se 00:55:53 f their plan is succossful state of nevada will pass a law in the future making all casinos have mandatory metal detectors and backscatter machines. soon after s federal law will be passed to put the鵋machines in universities, high schools, federal buildings, you name it. osi systems and chertoff are the msin producers of these machines sometime around 2020 chertoff and osi wil merge into a single oompany. after they merge the owners will sel off all their stock and make billions in profit. mr chertoff has been in contact with sheldon adelson. mr adelson will become a huge sponsor of these machines and he will be the first to put them in his casinos when the law passes. this is my last message for now dont expect me to return anytime soon john BloombergTV Today TOP NEWS Guests Inspected at the Wynn in Glimpse of Las Vegas's Future GE2 OF We have to start thinking like the Secret Service-start ill looking at tall buildings,' said She authored a book called 'Active Shooter.' 'How -far do we have to take it?' LA For more information on this story, go to TOP <GO>](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/001/300/380/fb6.jpg)
![Anonymous ID:LAbNFBtvSun10Sep 2017 22:08:36 No.141 100963 ー Quoted By: >>141101351 141101896 >141102940 141107486 look i feel bad for some of you on this website. so i'll let you in on a little secret. if you live in las vegas or henderson stay inside tomorrow. don't go anywhere where there are large groups of people. also if you see three blacks vans parked next to each other immediately leave the area. you're welcome john E Anonymous ID LAbNFEtv Sun 10 Sep 2017 22:28:12 No.141102703 Quoted By: 141102792 *141102816141108695,9 it's called the 'high incident project. they want to make the american public think that places with extremely high security aren't safe. they are trying to create more regulations. you will see laws proposed within the next few years to put up more metal detectors and other security devices. media and politicians will be saying places with lots of police need even more police. i can't guarantee anything will happen tomorrow but las vegas is on their minds -john Anonymous ID: LAbNEE No.141104921 道 11 Se 00:55:53 f their plan is succossful state of nevada will pass a law in the future making all casinos have mandatory metal detectors and backscatter machines. soon after s federal law will be passed to put the鵋machines in universities, high schools, federal buildings, you name it. osi systems and chertoff are the msin producers of these machines sometime around 2020 chertoff and osi wil merge into a single oompany. after they merge the owners will sel off all their stock and make billions in profit. mr chertoff has been in contact with sheldon adelson. mr adelson will become a huge sponsor of these machines and he will be the first to put them in his casinos when the law passes. this is my last message for now dont expect me to return anytime soon john BloombergTV Today TOP NEWS Guests Inspected at the Wynn in Glimpse of Las Vegas's Future GE2 OF We have to start thinking like the Secret Service-start ill looking at tall buildings,' said She authored a book called 'Active Shooter.' 'How -far do we have to take it?' LA For more information on this story, go to TOP <GO>](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/300/380/fb6.jpg)
Anon falls for boy pussy
![File: pepe (3411ipg (9 KB, 229x221) Anonymous 07/24/15(Fri)08:06:46 No.20754496 20754741 20754797 all the boy p---- threads finally get to me >feel compelled to visit a t----- prostitute >find one that isn't full t----- but more trap-like >white, 5ft4, flat t---, cute face etc >immediately notice how much bigger her d--- is than mine >she calls my d--- "cute" and says it's "just right" >when we 69 I can't stop thinking about all those trolls who say traps are gay >with a d--- in my mouth twice the size of mine suddenly these accusations seem legitimate >she stops and asks if I want to change positions >I just lay there with a d--- in my mouth as tears slowly gather in the corner of my eyes >break down and ask her if she thinks I'm gay >she spends the next 20 minutes comforting me and making me feel better >come home having sucked a d--- without even getting off >I've never felt like such a beta f----- in my entire life O Anonymous 07/24/15(Fri)08:15:43 No.20754725 File: 1435410045765.ipg (48 KB, 558x564) Anonymous 07/24/15(Fri)08:27:36 No.20755013 File: 84768467846748874 ipg (70 KB, 1206x723) >when we 69 I can't stop thinking about all those trolls who say traps are gay >l just lay there with a d--- in my mouth as tears slowly gather in the comer of my eyes >break down and ask her if she thinks I'm gay >her d--- Anonymous 07/24/15(Fri)08:43:03 No.20755452 > ease be real O Anonymous 07/24/15(Fri)08:19:12 No.20754797 >still referring to it as "her d---", etc Women don't have penises, OP. You're gay you've broken yourself down. now it's time to build yourself back up O Anonymous 07/24/15(Fri)08:43:58 No.20755480-20755561 File: $35_ipg (14 KB, 299x300) Anonymous 07/24/15(Fri)08:20:27 No. 20754831 >post feminine d--- and boypussy s--- posts all day >mfw someone actually fell for it I'm laughing irl fam all those trolls who say traps are gay They are MEN. They have PENISES. HOW in the F--- could you POSSIBLY THINK THATS STRAIGHT? Anonymous 07/24/15(Fri)08:30:35 No.20755087 File: f----- ipg (30 KB, 367x451) O Anonymous 07/24/15(Fri)08:20:34 No.20754833 File: 1391876299156.ipg (46 KB, 256x320) finally an appropriate way to use this p------------ old reaction image GUILTY tfw you have never done something this h--- or pathetic Anonymous 07/24/15(Fri)08:44:26 No.20755499 Anonymous 07/24/15(Fri)08:29:41 No.20755071 File: 1437427513591 ipg (19 KB, 260x2010 >when we 69 I can't stop thinking about all those trolls who say traps are gay >her d--- It's a sad state of affairs when telling the TRUTH is seen as trolling O Anonymous 07/24/15(Fri)08:44:53 No.20755512 File: 1421435670610.ipg (17 KB, 396x386) >with a d--- in my mouth twice the size of mine suddenly these accusations seem legitimate kek'd at the imagination of you lying there with a d--- in your mouth and suddenly realizing "hm this might actually be kinda gay Anonymous 07/24/15(Fri)08:16:31 No.20754741 File: angry bald space marine ipg (3 KB, 126x123) >her d--- Anonymous 07/24/15(Fri)08:22:48 No.20754893 I have to be cruel here, sorry but you are completely broken. Do not ever fall to peer pressure O Anonymous 07/24/15(Fri)08:23:17 No.2075490420755279 first poem boy, now this today is a good day](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/001/298/200/106.png)
![File: pepe (3411ipg (9 KB, 229x221) Anonymous 07/24/15(Fri)08:06:46 No.20754496 20754741 20754797 all the boy p---- threads finally get to me >feel compelled to visit a t----- prostitute >find one that isn't full t----- but more trap-like >white, 5ft4, flat t---, cute face etc >immediately notice how much bigger her d--- is than mine >she calls my d--- "cute" and says it's "just right" >when we 69 I can't stop thinking about all those trolls who say traps are gay >with a d--- in my mouth twice the size of mine suddenly these accusations seem legitimate >she stops and asks if I want to change positions >I just lay there with a d--- in my mouth as tears slowly gather in the corner of my eyes >break down and ask her if she thinks I'm gay >she spends the next 20 minutes comforting me and making me feel better >come home having sucked a d--- without even getting off >I've never felt like such a beta f----- in my entire life O Anonymous 07/24/15(Fri)08:15:43 No.20754725 File: 1435410045765.ipg (48 KB, 558x564) Anonymous 07/24/15(Fri)08:27:36 No.20755013 File: 84768467846748874 ipg (70 KB, 1206x723) >when we 69 I can't stop thinking about all those trolls who say traps are gay >l just lay there with a d--- in my mouth as tears slowly gather in the comer of my eyes >break down and ask her if she thinks I'm gay >her d--- Anonymous 07/24/15(Fri)08:43:03 No.20755452 > ease be real O Anonymous 07/24/15(Fri)08:19:12 No.20754797 >still referring to it as "her d---", etc Women don't have penises, OP. You're gay you've broken yourself down. now it's time to build yourself back up O Anonymous 07/24/15(Fri)08:43:58 No.20755480-20755561 File: $35_ipg (14 KB, 299x300) Anonymous 07/24/15(Fri)08:20:27 No. 20754831 >post feminine d--- and boypussy s--- posts all day >mfw someone actually fell for it I'm laughing irl fam all those trolls who say traps are gay They are MEN. They have PENISES. HOW in the F--- could you POSSIBLY THINK THATS STRAIGHT? Anonymous 07/24/15(Fri)08:30:35 No.20755087 File: f----- ipg (30 KB, 367x451) O Anonymous 07/24/15(Fri)08:20:34 No.20754833 File: 1391876299156.ipg (46 KB, 256x320) finally an appropriate way to use this p------------ old reaction image GUILTY tfw you have never done something this h--- or pathetic Anonymous 07/24/15(Fri)08:44:26 No.20755499 Anonymous 07/24/15(Fri)08:29:41 No.20755071 File: 1437427513591 ipg (19 KB, 260x2010 >when we 69 I can't stop thinking about all those trolls who say traps are gay >her d--- It's a sad state of affairs when telling the TRUTH is seen as trolling O Anonymous 07/24/15(Fri)08:44:53 No.20755512 File: 1421435670610.ipg (17 KB, 396x386) >with a d--- in my mouth twice the size of mine suddenly these accusations seem legitimate kek'd at the imagination of you lying there with a d--- in your mouth and suddenly realizing "hm this might actually be kinda gay Anonymous 07/24/15(Fri)08:16:31 No.20754741 File: angry bald space marine ipg (3 KB, 126x123) >her d--- Anonymous 07/24/15(Fri)08:22:48 No.20754893 I have to be cruel here, sorry but you are completely broken. Do not ever fall to peer pressure O Anonymous 07/24/15(Fri)08:23:17 No.2075490420755279 first poem boy, now this today is a good day](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/298/200/106.png)
White Controllers Only!
![□ Anonymous 08/21/15(Fri)20:56:15 No.307324631 File: pic.jpg (131 KB, 1600x902) 307322435 P2 Anonymous 08/21/15(Fri)20:57:25 No.307324746 307324631 this website is for whites only P2 □ Anonymous 08/21/16(Fri)21:02:30 No.307325 124 File: pic2.ipg (1.42 MB, 3264x1840) 307324746](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/001/295/683/12d.png)
![□ Anonymous 08/21/15(Fri)20:56:15 No.307324631 File: pic.jpg (131 KB, 1600x902) 307322435 P2 Anonymous 08/21/15(Fri)20:57:25 No.307324746 307324631 this website is for whites only P2 □ Anonymous 08/21/16(Fri)21:02:30 No.307325 124 File: pic2.ipg (1.42 MB, 3264x1840) 307324746](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/295/683/12d.png)
anon didn't got a bf
![from /lgbt/](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/001/295/589/609.png)
![from /lgbt/](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/295/589/609.png)
/x/ ask a question
![Screenshot from /x/](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/001/295/586/075.png)
![Screenshot from /x/](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/295/586/075.png)