4chan - Images
Oh... oh no | /r/4chan

Anon drops a hot roast | /r/4chan

The trips of truth | /r/4chan

Food Porn Thread | /r/4chan

Anon has something to live for | /r/4chan
![No.56763504 02/16/20(Sun)18:43:27 These-DIY-Uncrustable-Freezer-Sandwiches-are-a-hug e-time-saver-in-the-morning-Peanut-Butter-and-Jelly-F reezer-Sandwiches-are-the-perfect-lunchbox-solution. -500x500[1].jpg JPG 15.1 KiB 500x500 Uncrustables are the only thing keeping me alive at this point. This isn't a f------ joke every day I wake up, go to the same s----- school full of s----- people who all think their better than one another, full of teachers who either don't want to be their either or hate you, spend time with people who don't like me and who I don't like, then go home, cry in the shower for an hour, then engage in a sorry attempt at studying, all for what? All for the f------ uncrustables, every day, twice a day, those absolute godsends of treats get me through my miserable f------ life, the sweet- ness of the jelly matched with the saltiness of the peanut butter, all on soft, round bread pockets. God isn't real, uncrustables are real](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/001/749/117/05e.jpg)
![No.56763504 02/16/20(Sun)18:43:27 These-DIY-Uncrustable-Freezer-Sandwiches-are-a-hug e-time-saver-in-the-morning-Peanut-Butter-and-Jelly-F reezer-Sandwiches-are-the-perfect-lunchbox-solution. -500x500[1].jpg JPG 15.1 KiB 500x500 Uncrustables are the only thing keeping me alive at this point. This isn't a f------ joke every day I wake up, go to the same s----- school full of s----- people who all think their better than one another, full of teachers who either don't want to be their either or hate you, spend time with people who don't like me and who I don't like, then go home, cry in the shower for an hour, then engage in a sorry attempt at studying, all for what? All for the f------ uncrustables, every day, twice a day, those absolute godsends of treats get me through my miserable f------ life, the sweet- ness of the jelly matched with the saltiness of the peanut butter, all on soft, round bread pockets. God isn't real, uncrustables are real](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/749/117/05e.jpg)
Anon has some decency | /r/4chan

Anon describes music | /r/4chan

Girls will be girls | /r/4chan

Poor anon | /r/4chan

Anon visits Japan | /r/4chan

Anon's gf crossed the red line | /r/4chan

d/ic/klet drew a chair | /r/4chan

/fit/ helping me to get fit | /r/4chan

Anon-What about Bob? | /r/4chan

Femanon falls for Chad | /r/4chan

Anon is Austrian | /r/4chan
