4chan - Images
Anon says Joe Biden is the Antichrist, digits confirm | /r/4chan

Well this is it, nice knowing y'all | /r/4chan

Anon speculates about the origin of the coronavirus | /r/4chan

‘proving the hoax’ | /r/4chan

Anon is proud of his flag | /r/4chan

A NEET's Ode To The Wagecuck. | /r/4chan

That's Pure Michigan | /r/4chan

/fit/ makes the case for body building | /r/4chan

Anon calls in an airstrike | /r/4chan

False information being spread about /r/4chan, do not believe his lies, we received 20.9k upvotes on...
![8 reddit AGAINSTHATESUBREDDITS comments other discussions (1) Y show images 4chan screencap about racism on r/4chan ends up having comments with hundreds of 880 upvotes blatantly discussing their hatred of black people, if you can believe these shocking revelations. (self.AgainstHateSubreddits) submitted 1 day ago * (last edited 1 day ago) by - Sergentnibber o After browsing r/all[1] for about 15 seconds, I saw this post on r/4chan2] about an anon finding out how "he is not racist, he just hates poor people"[with 6000 upvotes. The comment section is pretty much what you would expect. Hundreds of comments, many of which are casually discussing blatant bigotry and extreme racist views with the most amount of votes, including some good old racist propaganda such as IQ race "realism", social darwinism, and other classics like the 13-50 meme. Here's the thread. Remember to put on your hazmat suits before clicking and conquer your temptation to get into arguments with these people. It's not worth it. https://www.reddicom/r/4chan/comments/g1my4g/anon_isnt_racist/13] Let's remind eurselves that 4chan is totally not fostering bigotry and hatred and there's totally not a problem with racism amongst people who frequently browse it, and we are all very very stupid for thinking such an outlandish thing. Anon isn't racist v (i.redd.it) submitted 1 day ago by ItsDaGrimm o 20.9k 2181 comments share save hide give award spam remove report lock nsfw flair crosspost ignore reports (2) hide all child comments : Anonymous (ID: Juh9Aaak 04/15/20(Wed)10:14:35 No.253534494 >notice that I have a strong dislike for most minorities >worry that I may be racist >decide to test if I really am >go out for a couple of drinks with a friend of a colleague 22 KB PNG >he's black >pretty good guy actually >turns out I just hate poor people phew good thing l'm not racist](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/001/832/024/784.png)
![8 reddit AGAINSTHATESUBREDDITS comments other discussions (1) Y show images 4chan screencap about racism on r/4chan ends up having comments with hundreds of 880 upvotes blatantly discussing their hatred of black people, if you can believe these shocking revelations. (self.AgainstHateSubreddits) submitted 1 day ago * (last edited 1 day ago) by - Sergentnibber o After browsing r/all[1] for about 15 seconds, I saw this post on r/4chan2] about an anon finding out how "he is not racist, he just hates poor people"[with 6000 upvotes. The comment section is pretty much what you would expect. Hundreds of comments, many of which are casually discussing blatant bigotry and extreme racist views with the most amount of votes, including some good old racist propaganda such as IQ race "realism", social darwinism, and other classics like the 13-50 meme. Here's the thread. Remember to put on your hazmat suits before clicking and conquer your temptation to get into arguments with these people. It's not worth it. https://www.reddicom/r/4chan/comments/g1my4g/anon_isnt_racist/13] Let's remind eurselves that 4chan is totally not fostering bigotry and hatred and there's totally not a problem with racism amongst people who frequently browse it, and we are all very very stupid for thinking such an outlandish thing. Anon isn't racist v (i.redd.it) submitted 1 day ago by ItsDaGrimm o 20.9k 2181 comments share save hide give award spam remove report lock nsfw flair crosspost ignore reports (2) hide all child comments : Anonymous (ID: Juh9Aaak 04/15/20(Wed)10:14:35 No.253534494 >notice that I have a strong dislike for most minorities >worry that I may be racist >decide to test if I really am >go out for a couple of drinks with a friend of a colleague 22 KB PNG >he's black >pretty good guy actually >turns out I just hate poor people phew good thing l'm not racist](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/832/024/784.png)
Anon’s mom wants some | /r/4chan

Anons react to news regarding coronavirus and the ultra-orthodox in Israel | /r/4chan

/pol/ gets baited 120 times | /r/4chan

anon play's Runescape | /r/4chan

Anon has a system for deciding what books to read | /r/4chan

Gold nugget | /r/4chan
