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Is Google censoring 8Chan?

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Those monsters

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Cannot Unsee

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Billy Mays here with Oxi Clean

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Never change, 8chan

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Filipino Pictogram Board

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Listening and believing, /v/ edition

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A riveting tale

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MFW I know people that take that line.
![File (hide): 14 4.ipg (107.08 KB, 634x831, 834:831, 28A4841700000578-3080418-i..ipg) Gayman Destroys Trains, Kills 7 Anonymous 05/13/15 (Wed) 23:51:47 No.41894 241901 2241922 Watch Thread] ntt The engineer in control of the Amtrak train that derailed on Tuesday night has been pictured for the first time Brandon Bostian was driving the commuter service when it came off the tracks near Philadelphia, killing at least seven people and injuring 200 Bostian is a gay-rights activist who previously lived in San Francisco before moving to New York. In 2012, Amtrak-train-engineer investigators-statement-deadly nonymous 05/14/15 (Thu) 00:11:05 No.41901 241904 2241907 2241910 41956 4208 42087 42141 >41894 (OP) What does his being gay have to do with the crash? Did he crash the train on purpose into a church? nonymous 05/14/15 (Thu) 00:14:19 No.41904 241907 41956 42087 >>41 This. I mean, I hate homosexuality as much as the next guy but I really don't see this as relating to homosexuality in anyway other than the fact that the guy just happened to be gay nonymous 05/14/15 (Thu) 00:18:45 No.41907 241909 41918 42183 >>41 2> The MSM has been hiding the numbers of gay men that crash trains to help further their agenda. Wake up sheeple nonymous 05/14/15 (Thu) 00:20:25 No.41909 241919 2> Everything makes sense now. nonymous 05/14/15 (Thu) 00:20:46 No.41910 File (hide): 1431577247661 ipg (43.80 KB. 880 540.44 :27, not gav ipa) read subject as Gaiman (as in Neil) >41901 Lubitz was also rumored to be h--- and not happy about it/harassed over it. Homos actually do use more drugs and have more emotional problems, maybe he was harassed by the straights he worked with. If was an activist before he might have been too vocal ONLY S TRAIGHT PEOPLE MAY OPERATE MASS TRANSIT VEHICLES ACT OF 2015 nonymous 05/14/15 (Thu) 00:32:34 No.41916 File (hide): 1431577954737 ipg (48.81 KB, 514x285, 514:285, cupcakehabbening ipa) JETFUELCANTMELTSTEELBEAMS tips tinfoil hat And now it's really happening!](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/000/963/345/eb7.png)
![File (hide): 14 4.ipg (107.08 KB, 634x831, 834:831, 28A4841700000578-3080418-i..ipg) Gayman Destroys Trains, Kills 7 Anonymous 05/13/15 (Wed) 23:51:47 No.41894 241901 2241922 Watch Thread] ntt The engineer in control of the Amtrak train that derailed on Tuesday night has been pictured for the first time Brandon Bostian was driving the commuter service when it came off the tracks near Philadelphia, killing at least seven people and injuring 200 Bostian is a gay-rights activist who previously lived in San Francisco before moving to New York. In 2012, Amtrak-train-engineer investigators-statement-deadly nonymous 05/14/15 (Thu) 00:11:05 No.41901 241904 2241907 2241910 41956 4208 42087 42141 >41894 (OP) What does his being gay have to do with the crash? Did he crash the train on purpose into a church? nonymous 05/14/15 (Thu) 00:14:19 No.41904 241907 41956 42087 >>41 This. I mean, I hate homosexuality as much as the next guy but I really don't see this as relating to homosexuality in anyway other than the fact that the guy just happened to be gay nonymous 05/14/15 (Thu) 00:18:45 No.41907 241909 41918 42183 >>41 2> The MSM has been hiding the numbers of gay men that crash trains to help further their agenda. Wake up sheeple nonymous 05/14/15 (Thu) 00:20:25 No.41909 241919 2> Everything makes sense now. nonymous 05/14/15 (Thu) 00:20:46 No.41910 File (hide): 1431577247661 ipg (43.80 KB. 880 540.44 :27, not gav ipa) read subject as Gaiman (as in Neil) >41901 Lubitz was also rumored to be h--- and not happy about it/harassed over it. Homos actually do use more drugs and have more emotional problems, maybe he was harassed by the straights he worked with. If was an activist before he might have been too vocal ONLY S TRAIGHT PEOPLE MAY OPERATE MASS TRANSIT VEHICLES ACT OF 2015 nonymous 05/14/15 (Thu) 00:32:34 No.41916 File (hide): 1431577954737 ipg (48.81 KB, 514x285, 514:285, cupcakehabbening ipa) JETFUELCANTMELTSTEELBEAMS tips tinfoil hat And now it's really happening!](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/963/345/eb7.png)
8chan / 8kun
"I'm not a good person."

8chan / 8kun
/pol/ actually doing "work"
![Anonymous 05/10/15 (Sun) 16:28:24 No.180918 22180921 2218092521809282180932180933 2218093 2180947 File (hide): 14 (582.84 KB, 374x354, 187:177, 1400461392861.gif) >>18091 Muh debate where no one can provide evidence for the holocaust Alright I'm out. You guys enjoy your nuclear war that will be started by jews. We at /pol/ have actual work to do BEIT Anonymous 05/10/15 (Sun) 16:34:18 No. 180933 File (hide): 1431290058811 ipg (35.17 KB, 308x330, 51:55, 1420320721488.ipg) 2> actual work to do nonymous 쟐 05/10/15 (Sun) 16:31:16 No. 180926 File (hide): 14 Yeah, trolling twitter is such a courageous politic al ac (118.95 KB, 500x513, 500:513, 1425099493300 png) 2> >/pol actual work Thanks for the laugh. Can't wait to send you to a labour camp nonymous 05/10/15 (Sun) 16:40:40 No. 180937 File (hide): 1431290444466 ipg (101.33 KB. 594x838, 297:419, image.ipg) The fun ends here 180918 >work NORMIE nonymous 05/10/15 (Sun) 16:31:26 No. 180927 File (hide): 14 webm (417.98 KB, 428x240, 71:40, pol debating tactics.webm) [play once [loop] 2> nonymous 쟐 05/10/15 (Sun) 16:32:42 No. 180930 File (hide): 1431289962335.ipg (80.88 KB, 419x480, 419:480, 1431134208188 ipg) rage 05/10/15 (Sun) 16:51:55 No. 180947 File (hide): 1431291115987 png (15.75 KB, 390x470, 39:47, ohuhuh.png) >We at /pol/ have actual work to do >We at /pol/ have actual work to do Yeah shitposting and using the same old 7 year old joo meem is hard work!](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/000/961/550/9ca.png)
![Anonymous 05/10/15 (Sun) 16:28:24 No.180918 22180921 2218092521809282180932180933 2218093 2180947 File (hide): 14 (582.84 KB, 374x354, 187:177, 1400461392861.gif) >>18091 Muh debate where no one can provide evidence for the holocaust Alright I'm out. You guys enjoy your nuclear war that will be started by jews. We at /pol/ have actual work to do BEIT Anonymous 05/10/15 (Sun) 16:34:18 No. 180933 File (hide): 1431290058811 ipg (35.17 KB, 308x330, 51:55, 1420320721488.ipg) 2> actual work to do nonymous 쟐 05/10/15 (Sun) 16:31:16 No. 180926 File (hide): 14 Yeah, trolling twitter is such a courageous politic al ac (118.95 KB, 500x513, 500:513, 1425099493300 png) 2> >/pol actual work Thanks for the laugh. Can't wait to send you to a labour camp nonymous 05/10/15 (Sun) 16:40:40 No. 180937 File (hide): 1431290444466 ipg (101.33 KB. 594x838, 297:419, image.ipg) The fun ends here 180918 >work NORMIE nonymous 05/10/15 (Sun) 16:31:26 No. 180927 File (hide): 14 webm (417.98 KB, 428x240, 71:40, pol debating tactics.webm) [play once [loop] 2> nonymous 쟐 05/10/15 (Sun) 16:32:42 No. 180930 File (hide): 1431289962335.ipg (80.88 KB, 419x480, 419:480, 1431134208188 ipg) rage 05/10/15 (Sun) 16:51:55 No. 180947 File (hide): 1431291115987 png (15.75 KB, 390x470, 39:47, ohuhuh.png) >We at /pol/ have actual work to do >We at /pol/ have actual work to do Yeah shitposting and using the same old 7 year old joo meem is hard work!](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/961/550/9ca.png)
8chan / 8kun
Erika scared of Antifa

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"Every thread on /b/ is a dubs thread" - Hotwheels

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The day Ben Garrison visited full/pol/

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Ben "/pol/ack" Garrison

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