8chan / 8kun - Images
/co/ banner

8chan / 8kun

8chan / 8kun

8chan / 8kun
8chan banner

8chan / 8kun
Another logo

8chan / 8kun
8chan alternative logo

8chan / 8kun

8chan / 8kun
8chan partners with 2chan (Futaba channel)

8chan / 8kun

8chan / 8kun
The amount of visits on the site

8chan / 8kun

8chan / 8kun

8chan / 8kun
Should sure prove useful.
![chan "It's like you 're not even a newfag anymore!" Usage Result example Site's default newfags can't huge text Strikethrough-- ‘ , Italics, , newfags can't huge text ‘,,Bold , , , newfags can't huge text [code] Code[/code] ) { return **Spoiler** if you're so new that you don't know how a spoiler work you shouldn't even be here in the first place dice XdY (goes in the email field) Where: X:number of dices Y:die sides dice 10d1 Rolled 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1-10 TeX Go to this site to test the codes below: http://bitly/1wTAGOF $$FANCYITALICS$$ $$\color [COLORNAME ITEXT$$ (color names: http://bit.ly/1wTFlj2) $$f\huge HUGETEXT$$ $$tlbig BIGTEXT$$ $$\small SMALLTEXT $$ $$\tiny TINYTEXT$$ $$\left\frachelloJ[newfag]\right]$$ $$\mathfrak[CURSIVETEXT $$ $$\mathtt{CONSOLETEXT $ $$\mathbb(FIRSTLETTERUPPERCASE $$ To add spaces put a tilde between each word eg. $$\colorfred[Hello-Newfag)$$ More TeX commands: http://bit.ly/1mnB500](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/000/834/483/bab.png)
![chan "It's like you 're not even a newfag anymore!" Usage Result example Site's default newfags can't huge text Strikethrough-- ‘ , Italics, , newfags can't huge text ‘,,Bold , , , newfags can't huge text [code] Code[/code] ) { return **Spoiler** if you're so new that you don't know how a spoiler work you shouldn't even be here in the first place dice XdY (goes in the email field) Where: X:number of dices Y:die sides dice 10d1 Rolled 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1-10 TeX Go to this site to test the codes below: http://bitly/1wTAGOF $$FANCYITALICS$$ $$\color [COLORNAME ITEXT$$ (color names: http://bit.ly/1wTFlj2) $$f\huge HUGETEXT$$ $$tlbig BIGTEXT$$ $$\small SMALLTEXT $$ $$\tiny TINYTEXT$$ $$\left\frachelloJ[newfag]\right]$$ $$\mathfrak[CURSIVETEXT $$ $$\mathtt{CONSOLETEXT $ $$\mathbb(FIRSTLETTERUPPERCASE $$ To add spaces put a tilde between each word eg. $$\colorfred[Hello-Newfag)$$ More TeX commands: http://bit.ly/1mnB500](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/834/483/bab.png)
8chan / 8kun
Looks like /b/ found themselves a better home at last.

8chan / 8kun
working for free=!=free hotpockets

8chan / 8kun

8chan / 8kun