8chan / 8kun - Images

8chan / 8kun
A very GamerGate Christmas

8chan / 8kun
I never had a doubt...

8chan / 8kun

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Liscensed by Bioware

8chan / 8kun
8chan / 8kun
>Be FullMcIntosh
![File (hide): 141774 (32.03 KB, 512x512, 1:1, Kol2kWaN.ipea) Anonymous 12/04/14 (Thu) 20:08:57 ID: 3f85af No. 1249073 [Watch Thread] >2015 >be FullMcIntosh, savior of oppressed women >GTA V banned globally and Rockstar shut down >#GamerGate has been utterly destroyed >Comrade Wheaton has convinced USA to pass law banning anonymity on the Internet >Former GG members have be identified, sterilized, and sent to reeducation camp >Wanted to gas them but f------ moderates bitch about it >Send them to reeducation camp as well No room for the weak willed >Games now legally required to have all main characters be female >Attire automatically set to Burga for male gamers to prevent male gaze >Anyone found trying to hack game to turn this off charged with r--- and executed >entire AAA game industry bankrupt in a month >Gaming now is entirely Free to Play mobile games, Gone Home, and Depression Quest. >Preparing to give speech at XOXO Fest 2015 >Walk on stage >deafening cheers from the audience >game journos and m00t furiously masturbate >I look out on the sea of 99% white faces >Grab my own face and begin to tug on it >Pulling harder as it begins to tear >My mask is slowly ripped away revealing my true formm >be Jack Thompson y life's work is completed "IT WAS ME GAMERGATE! IT WAS ME ALL ALONG!"](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/000/875/292/528.png)
![File (hide): 141774 (32.03 KB, 512x512, 1:1, Kol2kWaN.ipea) Anonymous 12/04/14 (Thu) 20:08:57 ID: 3f85af No. 1249073 [Watch Thread] >2015 >be FullMcIntosh, savior of oppressed women >GTA V banned globally and Rockstar shut down >#GamerGate has been utterly destroyed >Comrade Wheaton has convinced USA to pass law banning anonymity on the Internet >Former GG members have be identified, sterilized, and sent to reeducation camp >Wanted to gas them but f------ moderates bitch about it >Send them to reeducation camp as well No room for the weak willed >Games now legally required to have all main characters be female >Attire automatically set to Burga for male gamers to prevent male gaze >Anyone found trying to hack game to turn this off charged with r--- and executed >entire AAA game industry bankrupt in a month >Gaming now is entirely Free to Play mobile games, Gone Home, and Depression Quest. >Preparing to give speech at XOXO Fest 2015 >Walk on stage >deafening cheers from the audience >game journos and m00t furiously masturbate >I look out on the sea of 99% white faces >Grab my own face and begin to tug on it >Pulling harder as it begins to tear >My mask is slowly ripped away revealing my true formm >be Jack Thompson y life's work is completed "IT WAS ME GAMERGATE! IT WAS ME ALL ALONG!"](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/875/292/528.png)
8chan / 8kun
Dat ad 2
![/v/-Video Games★ dya sames Catalog AUTISM SPEAKS It's time to listen. Learn the signs Name Email Subject New TopicSpoiler Image Comment None Select File Embed Oekaki File Passwond...(For file deletion.) Browse No file selected Allouwed file types: jpg, jpeg, gif, png, webm, mp4, st Max filesize is 8 MB Max image dimensions are 10000×10000 You may upload 5 per post. You may roll dice on this board, type "dice XdY+Z' in the email field where X is number of dice, is max roll and Z is modifier. Expand all images Mumble-Friends: mumble-us.cleanvoice.ru:50688 Offical i Stream MPlugDj BibbyTube BOARD RULES; READ THEM So the Postal devs, RWS, made a board. krotchy [+] Anon mous ## Board Volunteer 11/29/14 (Sat) 18:41:09 DET EHD1 Reply] [Last 50 Posts] [-] File (hide): 1417382263163.gif (2.34 MB, 320240, 4:3, 1402850385690.gif) Anonymous 11/30/14 (Sun) 15:17:43 ID: 993a71 No.1202680 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts] Watch Thread] ITT unpopular opinions i enjoyed the last of us and want to play last of us 2 not saying it's the perfect game, but i enjoyed it 110 posts and 30 image replies omitted. Click to expand Anonymous 11/30/14 (Sun) 19:26:29 ID: 13a0d3 No.1205097 1205034 implying Ive posted dumb s--- over the retard comment of that anon I'm at his same level of faggotry for asterisk actioning Take a buckle of acid and put your balls in it](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/000/873/531/4f5.png)
![/v/-Video Games★ dya sames Catalog AUTISM SPEAKS It's time to listen. Learn the signs Name Email Subject New TopicSpoiler Image Comment None Select File Embed Oekaki File Passwond...(For file deletion.) Browse No file selected Allouwed file types: jpg, jpeg, gif, png, webm, mp4, st Max filesize is 8 MB Max image dimensions are 10000×10000 You may upload 5 per post. You may roll dice on this board, type "dice XdY+Z' in the email field where X is number of dice, is max roll and Z is modifier. Expand all images Mumble-Friends: mumble-us.cleanvoice.ru:50688 Offical i Stream MPlugDj BibbyTube BOARD RULES; READ THEM So the Postal devs, RWS, made a board. krotchy [+] Anon mous ## Board Volunteer 11/29/14 (Sat) 18:41:09 DET EHD1 Reply] [Last 50 Posts] [-] File (hide): 1417382263163.gif (2.34 MB, 320240, 4:3, 1402850385690.gif) Anonymous 11/30/14 (Sun) 15:17:43 ID: 993a71 No.1202680 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts] Watch Thread] ITT unpopular opinions i enjoyed the last of us and want to play last of us 2 not saying it's the perfect game, but i enjoyed it 110 posts and 30 image replies omitted. Click to expand Anonymous 11/30/14 (Sun) 19:26:29 ID: 13a0d3 No.1205097 1205034 implying Ive posted dumb s--- over the retard comment of that anon I'm at his same level of faggotry for asterisk actioning Take a buckle of acid and put your balls in it](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/873/531/4f5.png)
8chan / 8kun
Dat ad

8chan / 8kun

8chan / 8kun
Heil 8chan

8chan / 8kun

8chan / 8kun
Never underestimate the power of 28 posts

8chan / 8kun
8chan Premium

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An hero for this post

8chan / 8kun
Hot Wheels v Jim Profit (also)

8chan / 8kun