8chan / 8kun - Images
/argentina/ un tablon con buena gente
![● Choriposter트 09/26/14 (Vie) 01:14:52 No.2487 >>2490 >>2491 >>2494 >>2504 >>2508 >>2511 Archivo (ocultar): 1411704892646.jpg (109.1 KB, 624x468, 4:3, no.jpg) >>2516 >>2517 >>2578 >>2662 >>2771 >>3388 >viajando a argentina a un concierto >busco un lugar para comer asi no pierdo mis gains >pregunto a mis hermanos de la vecina orilla donde comer che boludo que te pasa yorugua? arranca de aca chabon' mientras se escuchan bombos a lo lejos >lagrimas en los ojos, autoestima por el suelo, 's-si señor >encuentro un lugar, llamo a un mozo >'deci me che boludo, que queres comer vos?' >'u-una pizza' >luego de observar las paredes llenas cuadros de maradona, sandro y el papa por media hora, llega mi orden >'acá tenés che mientras giro a ver el plato empieza a sonar la marcha peronista a 200 decibeles >mozo, es solo un triángulo' >'qué te pasa chabon? me estás jodiendo pelotudo? >'n-no es que en uruguay la pizza es enter- >jaja sos youruga? como anda la provincia che? estan todos drogados ahora no?' >'si, bueno no, bueno lo que queria decir es que- >'tomá n----, para comer la pizza precisás esto che me da un cuchillo y un tenedor mcc](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/000/839/880/892.png)
![● Choriposter트 09/26/14 (Vie) 01:14:52 No.2487 >>2490 >>2491 >>2494 >>2504 >>2508 >>2511 Archivo (ocultar): 1411704892646.jpg (109.1 KB, 624x468, 4:3, no.jpg) >>2516 >>2517 >>2578 >>2662 >>2771 >>3388 >viajando a argentina a un concierto >busco un lugar para comer asi no pierdo mis gains >pregunto a mis hermanos de la vecina orilla donde comer che boludo que te pasa yorugua? arranca de aca chabon' mientras se escuchan bombos a lo lejos >lagrimas en los ojos, autoestima por el suelo, 's-si señor >encuentro un lugar, llamo a un mozo >'deci me che boludo, que queres comer vos?' >'u-una pizza' >luego de observar las paredes llenas cuadros de maradona, sandro y el papa por media hora, llega mi orden >'acá tenés che mientras giro a ver el plato empieza a sonar la marcha peronista a 200 decibeles >mozo, es solo un triángulo' >'qué te pasa chabon? me estás jodiendo pelotudo? >'n-no es que en uruguay la pizza es enter- >jaja sos youruga? como anda la provincia che? estan todos drogados ahora no?' >'si, bueno no, bueno lo que queria decir es que- >'tomá n----, para comer la pizza precisás esto che me da un cuchillo y un tenedor mcc](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/839/880/892.png)
8chan / 8kun
4chan Exodus
![It is October 1st, 2014, and we are leaving 4chan Go ahead mods. You can permaban each one of us for posting this. We are not coming back Moot has decided to forbid GamerGate discussions, and that has been the final blow of an ongoing trend on 4chan: that freedom of speech is not welcome in here anymore. It hasn't been for a while. This message is not only directed to 4chan, but to the whole internet We will leave all websites that are censoring their users in the name of greed, political correctness or in the name of the ideology that is trying to eradicate freedom of speech and of opinion on the internet known as social justice. We will stop using your services in favor of those that respect their users. We will leave you penniless, forgotten and irrelevant Mallory Blair, 25 took a venicelfie with @moot Cofounder, Small Girls PR Cofounded a PR firm that prioritizes personable media relations. Since starting three years ago, the firm has become the agency of record for technology companies such as GE and Meetup as well as the promotional arm for media companies like Flavorpill and Gawker EZEBEL lifehacker EONSUMERIST VALLEYWAG cityfile GIZMODO](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/000/839/554/486.jpg)
![It is October 1st, 2014, and we are leaving 4chan Go ahead mods. You can permaban each one of us for posting this. We are not coming back Moot has decided to forbid GamerGate discussions, and that has been the final blow of an ongoing trend on 4chan: that freedom of speech is not welcome in here anymore. It hasn't been for a while. This message is not only directed to 4chan, but to the whole internet We will leave all websites that are censoring their users in the name of greed, political correctness or in the name of the ideology that is trying to eradicate freedom of speech and of opinion on the internet known as social justice. We will stop using your services in favor of those that respect their users. We will leave you penniless, forgotten and irrelevant Mallory Blair, 25 took a venicelfie with @moot Cofounder, Small Girls PR Cofounded a PR firm that prioritizes personable media relations. Since starting three years ago, the firm has become the agency of record for technology companies such as GE and Meetup as well as the promotional arm for media companies like Flavorpill and Gawker EZEBEL lifehacker EONSUMERIST VALLEYWAG cityfile GIZMODO](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/839/554/486.jpg)
8chan / 8kun
Legendary Dubs
![O Anonymous about a minute ago No.216469 :::216473 :::-216483 File: 141 1953588762.jpg (20.75 KB. 47艇48, 79:58, 1400SSS632989jpg) 216484 Anonymous less than a minute ago No.216473 216477 216483 216484 File: 141 1953596076.jpg (21.22 KB.47 343,475343. 1400sss697264.jpg) >216469 Anonymous about a minute ago No 216477 216453 216484216500 File: 1411953603569.jpg (44.59 KB,476344, 119.6,14008ss16550 jpp) >216473 Anonymous less than a minute ago No.216483 >216469 >216473 >>216477 Well done Top f------ kek Anonymous less than a minute ago No.216484 >>216469 >216469 >216469 >216473 >>216473 >>216473 >>216477 >216477 >>216477 >>216477 Anonymous less than a minute ago No.216498 >>216444 mfw everyone ignores the trips Anonymous less than a minute ago No.216500 216469 >>216473 >>216477 I can't believe i got it Anonymous less than a minute ago No.216509 File: 1411953693 145.jpg (69.56 KB. 101江779. 1015779. 1341683391616.jpg) >>216444 >216477 Anonvmous less than a minute ago No.216517 File: 1411953714172.jpg (7.8 KB, 212x238, 106:119, 1411951830806 jpg) >>216500](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/000/838/890/343.png)
![O Anonymous about a minute ago No.216469 :::216473 :::-216483 File: 141 1953588762.jpg (20.75 KB. 47艇48, 79:58, 1400SSS632989jpg) 216484 Anonymous less than a minute ago No.216473 216477 216483 216484 File: 141 1953596076.jpg (21.22 KB.47 343,475343. 1400sss697264.jpg) >216469 Anonymous about a minute ago No 216477 216453 216484216500 File: 1411953603569.jpg (44.59 KB,476344, 119.6,14008ss16550 jpp) >216473 Anonymous less than a minute ago No.216483 >216469 >216473 >>216477 Well done Top f------ kek Anonymous less than a minute ago No.216484 >>216469 >216469 >216469 >216473 >>216473 >>216473 >>216477 >216477 >>216477 >>216477 Anonymous less than a minute ago No.216498 >>216444 mfw everyone ignores the trips Anonymous less than a minute ago No.216500 216469 >>216473 >>216477 I can't believe i got it Anonymous less than a minute ago No.216509 File: 1411953693 145.jpg (69.56 KB. 101江779. 1015779. 1341683391616.jpg) >>216444 >216477 Anonvmous less than a minute ago No.216517 File: 1411953714172.jpg (7.8 KB, 212x238, 106:119, 1411951830806 jpg) >>216500](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/838/890/343.png)
8chan / 8kun
Lucky guess
![I posted the thread and the first post. ;-;](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/000/838/848/dd6.png)
![I posted the thread and the first post. ;-;](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/838/848/dd6.png)
8chan / 8kun
The War Room
8chan / 8kun
Failed attempt to anger 8chan
![Yes, I posted this because I want to anger 8chan. Damn, I was so close. ;-;](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/000/838/304/503.png)
![Yes, I posted this because I want to anger 8chan. Damn, I was so close. ;-;](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/838/304/503.png)
8chan / 8kun
8chan /b/'s 200K Get!
![? / + a * ,, y | | wordfilter / meta / vip / b ] 6 [221 / 150] [Options] ▲ File (hide): 848 (338.39 KB, 1200x1084, 150:133, 1411798303032.jpg) 200000 get All hail Cripplechan Anonymous 7 minutes ago NO.200000 200015 200033 200042 200043 20004 200048 200052 > 2200099 200100 200109 200112 200132 200133 200138 200169 2200187 File (hide): 1411877786175ipg (95.81 KB, 480x288, 115:72, kimjongdubs.jpg) Check em Going to use this opportunity to shill my boards lam CHECK EM Anonymous 7 minutes ago No.200001 File (hide): 640 (58.1 KB, 320x380, 8:9, 1395515381075.jpg)](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/000/838/301/c3e.png)
![? / + a * ,, y | | wordfilter / meta / vip / b ] 6 [221 / 150] [Options] ▲ File (hide): 848 (338.39 KB, 1200x1084, 150:133, 1411798303032.jpg) 200000 get All hail Cripplechan Anonymous 7 minutes ago NO.200000 200015 200033 200042 200043 20004 200048 200052 > 2200099 200100 200109 200112 200132 200133 200138 200169 2200187 File (hide): 1411877786175ipg (95.81 KB, 480x288, 115:72, kimjongdubs.jpg) Check em Going to use this opportunity to shill my boards lam CHECK EM Anonymous 7 minutes ago No.200001 File (hide): 640 (58.1 KB, 320x380, 8:9, 1395515381075.jpg)](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/838/301/c3e.png)
8chan / 8kun
8chan rangeban everyone
![Error Options] An error has occured. Your IP address is listed in our DNSBL Hide images Tinyboard+ vichan Tinyboard Copyright © 2010-2014 Tinyboard Development Group vichan Copyright © 2012-2014 vichan-devel All trademarks, copyrights, comments, and images on this page are owned by and are the responsibility of their respective parties Contribute to Schan.co development at github To make a DMCA request or report illegal content, please email admin@ Schan co or use the "Global Report functionality on every page. 10:54 p.m. 26/09/2014](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/000/837/662/2f7.png)
![Error Options] An error has occured. Your IP address is listed in our DNSBL Hide images Tinyboard+ vichan Tinyboard Copyright © 2010-2014 Tinyboard Development Group vichan Copyright © 2012-2014 vichan-devel All trademarks, copyrights, comments, and images on this page are owned by and are the responsibility of their respective parties Contribute to Schan.co development at github To make a DMCA request or report illegal content, please email admin@ Schan co or use the "Global Report functionality on every page. 10:54 p.m. 26/09/2014](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/837/662/2f7.png)
8chan / 8kun
![D Anonymous 081914 F 16:1253 1D: 208 No.10930 File (hide): 1411107172663-0.ipg (9.72 File (hide): 1411107172663-1.png (99.86 KB, 191x252, 191:252, 1343402410217.jpg) KB, 191x252, 191:252, 13434024102171.png) 16124 I KNOW JUST LOOK AT THIS S--- IT'S F------ MAGIC JESUS F---](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/000/837/648/4cc.png)
![D Anonymous 081914 F 16:1253 1D: 208 No.10930 File (hide): 1411107172663-0.ipg (9.72 File (hide): 1411107172663-1.png (99.86 KB, 191x252, 191:252, 1343402410217.jpg) KB, 191x252, 191:252, 13434024102171.png) 16124 I KNOW JUST LOOK AT THIS S--- IT'S F------ MAGIC JESUS F---](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/837/648/4cc.png)
8chan / 8kun
![-1 File (hide): 1411176797858.png (230.86 KB, 500x644, 125:161, 10599548_851753438168012 4.. .ng) Anonymous 09/19/14 (Fri) 18:33:17 No.219 Replyl my dream in life is to succeed in all that I do so that one day I can afford to pay a woman to dress up as Satsuki and reward me by stepping on me.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/000/837/647/8fb.jpg)
![-1 File (hide): 1411176797858.png (230.86 KB, 500x644, 125:161, 10599548_851753438168012 4.. .ng) Anonymous 09/19/14 (Fri) 18:33:17 No.219 Replyl my dream in life is to succeed in all that I do so that one day I can afford to pay a woman to dress up as Satsuki and reward me by stepping on me.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/837/647/8fb.jpg)
8chan / 8kun
8chan / 8kun
![IF YOU SEE THIS IMAGE WHILE BROWSING THE FIRST PAGE THEN YOU HAVE BEEN VISITED BY OUR LORD AND SAVIOR HOTWHEELS Freedom and glory will come to you, but only if you redtext "HEIL HOTWHEELS"](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/000/837/642/065.jpg)
![IF YOU SEE THIS IMAGE WHILE BROWSING THE FIRST PAGE THEN YOU HAVE BEEN VISITED BY OUR LORD AND SAVIOR HOTWHEELS Freedom and glory will come to you, but only if you redtext "HEIL HOTWHEELS"](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/837/642/065.jpg)
8chan / 8kun
8chan / 8kun
8chan / 8kun
Stormcloaks = 8chan.. Imperials = 4chan
![The title really has me thinking..](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/000/837/615/4ae.jpg)
![The title really has me thinking..](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/837/615/4ae.jpg)
8chan / 8kun
8chan's /meta/ banner
![무 meta/-oochan Support Catalog Name Email Subject New Topic )O Sp oiler image](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/000/836/951/a24.jpg)
![무 meta/-oochan Support Catalog Name Email Subject New Topic )O Sp oiler image](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/836/951/a24.jpg)
8chan / 8kun