8chan / 8kun - Images

8chan / 8kun

8chan / 8kun
Anon takes drugs

8chan / 8kun
8chan mascot

8chan / 8kun

8chan / 8kun
B T F O !

8chan / 8kun
Fresh Anon of 8chan

8chan / 8kun

8chan / 8kun
Prove me wrong

8chan / 8kun
Occam's Razor

8chan / 8kun
Behold, our new god!

8chan / 8kun
![File (hide): 1412129222912 ipg (29.57 KB, 640x752, 40:47, 1397997735891.jpg) Anonymous 10/01/14 (Wed) 09:07:02 No.250116 Why do I keep getting banned? (USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST) □ Anonymous 10/01/14 (Wed) 09:08:52 No.250135 >thinking that looks ANYTHING like the bright red ban text Are you literally retarded? □ Anonymous 10/01/14 (Wed) 09:09:29 No.250142 It's because you used the word banned. [Shrieking Intensifies] (USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST) □ Anonymous 10/01/14 (Wed) 09:15:50 No.250235 ha ha you got banned f------ (USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST) □ Anonymous 10/01/14 (Wed) 09:18:00 No.250258 250116 (OP) O Anonymous 10/01/14 (Wed) 09:18:31 No.250262 Are you kidding? You cant just go around saying banned or els (USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/000/840/036/a78.jpg)
![File (hide): 1412129222912 ipg (29.57 KB, 640x752, 40:47, 1397997735891.jpg) Anonymous 10/01/14 (Wed) 09:07:02 No.250116 Why do I keep getting banned? (USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST) □ Anonymous 10/01/14 (Wed) 09:08:52 No.250135 >thinking that looks ANYTHING like the bright red ban text Are you literally retarded? □ Anonymous 10/01/14 (Wed) 09:09:29 No.250142 It's because you used the word banned. [Shrieking Intensifies] (USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST) □ Anonymous 10/01/14 (Wed) 09:15:50 No.250235 ha ha you got banned f------ (USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST) □ Anonymous 10/01/14 (Wed) 09:18:00 No.250258 250116 (OP) O Anonymous 10/01/14 (Wed) 09:18:31 No.250262 Are you kidding? You cant just go around saying banned or els (USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/840/036/a78.jpg)
8chan / 8kun
![8chan is a banned word on 4chan; if you attempt to post with it you will either be told that your attempted post contained a banned url, or you will be outright banned for attempting. Feel free to test it on 4chan yourself Anonymous Sun 28 Sep 2014 01:10:57 No.36455923 View Report 36455713 Anyone who chooses to believe 8chan's defomed m----- jew ater watching httplvimeo.com/91583460 should be o fall into this SJW shitstimed Honeypot The posts herein are all in latin characters; no cyrillic or unicode. This indicates the posters have posting privileges that allow them to bypass the filter, strongly suggesting that these posts are being made by moderators/janitors terally ging to buy Becoming exactly that which you hate? SJW's for a fuckoing cripple? with you View Same Google db SauDeNAO Rantic on Twtter 4chan s messi (), 33KB. 601x214 Who benefits from giving 4chan a bad name? Anonymous Wed 24 Sep 201 you ha ask yourself whether or betingsas contentT have been They're all over 4chan spamming trying to get people to leave on Oct 1 saying "4chan is Kill," which is interestingly what Rantic wrote themselves:https:/twitter.com RanticMarketing/status/514638545898987520 team isn't staging posts Anonymous Mon 22 Sep 2014 22:36:28 No.36211616 View Report echen shill please 22 Sep prevent users from :32:37 No.36204180 Reminder that these threads are made by 8chan shills trying to detract from our community 4chan quickly developed its own culture independent from the sites that it borrowed its layout and community from. 8chan however is living on borrowed time. Its 2 marketing points are being a refuge from 4chan to whine about GamerGate, and being able to create your own Once GG dies down and regular anons gravitate back towards 4chan, Bchan will suffer dramatically The over s of custom boards is the biggest factor in this, and will eventually schism the community enough to the point where everything will simply be dead You are likely being manipulated by 4chan's mod team, some of :09:50 No.36201 echan dent have a culture independert fom achan The Jewmpschan Redóit cions wont makegun whom are SJW's (as revealed by that based aussie f--- a few months ago). Other 'chans are not your opponent and are not trying to kill 4chan. Moot's moderation team is strangling the userbase and killing 4chan; pushing an ideology nobody gives a f--- about, and killing any dissenting opinions or even just 'rude behaviour' via bans. They are trying to make 4chan a "reasonable" website Anonymous Mon 22 Sep 2014 07:14:50 No.36183646 View Report iwas around for 2 of those threads yesterday hitting bump limit with 8chan spam actively getting deleted Anonymous Mon 22 Sep 2014 07:04:53 No.36183418 View Report n saying 'n-----' now yeah, of course miraculously when the OP for fat shaming threads wasn't "Buck mod n----- kies chan war now does it for tee exodus to 8chan they were left alone gets you banned from 4chan 183250 since moot posted the sticky on Ao there hasnt been a single modpost anywhere on the site This is not what we came to 4chan for the information and conclusions are simple s--- any oldfag would've exxperienced a million times before cause this is all s--- that has been dealt with since /newi, and especially when iq/ existed. why do you think you can no longer delete your own OP posts? a huge feminist conspiracy and moot has thrown in with their ik because sameone wrote really weak pasta about being a ldi mod and apparently having prtvate staff meetings on a minecraft server who's owner was constantly banned for advertising 4chan. that is totaly more plausible than moot being incompetent fat shaming thread was caught in a sidewide deletion by IP because the OP was probably advertising 8chan s--- and all their posts got deleted. same with n----- you can say n----- all you want b and lpol People pretty much everything you see can boil down to a few things 8chan f------ trying to raid/spam the board. they were openly discussing it on pol and burgers last week and probably finally realized how stupid that was and moved gamergate threads became only about organizing hashtag/letter wniting campaigns. 4chan isnt a platform for social justice movements, ts a place to discuss s---. when it stopped being about jourmalism ethics and how gaming media is just an extension of advertising it outgrew 4chan and shouldve moved organically. moot f----- up in the way he handled it given notice that e and given them some time to germany being "rangebanned," a spammer was probably using whatever ISP these people were on and was persistent enough that a mod just rangebanned the subnet. this s--- has happened for ages and is only evidence of mods being lazy 22:36:40 No.36165047 Lel I already do that and I get shat on daily by 8chan cronies and their band of shtposters. What the f--- thinks anyone will care what you have to say objectively when they want to stir the pot and cause drama regardless of the truth? Anonymous Sun 21 Sep 2014 22:25:17 No.36164548 View Report OP may be genuinely retarded, or he may be an 8chan shill. They've been raiding /pol continuously for days pretending to be SJWs and advertising their halfling chan. Anonymous Sun 21 Sep 2014 17:25:19 No.36152313 View Report Your post is alarmist b-------. Nothing extraordinary is happening apart from 8chan shitposters and shills who want to drag the rest of the site down with them With that having been said, I do like your idea Anonymous Sun 21 Sep 2014 02:00:40 No.36124167 View Report think the real victim in all of this heated b------- going around right now is Fredrick He erroneously thinks by shilling his derivative chan on here to detract from 4chan's user base will actually reap crowds of anons who will show unfaltering dedication to his site. In reality however, Bchan's fame is fleeting as it offers nothing but temporary refuge for shitposters to vent about their home site of 4chan, and no sooner than his dreams of 8chan being popular are seen will he be left alone in his misery It's likely that at some point in the distant future, grieving and petite as he always has, he will decide to kill himself by leaning awkhwardly on his high chair and falling 2 ft to the ground, pulverizing his skull s Sun 21 Sep 479 This was your first mistake. There is no invading hive of SJWs. I's been the same crew of shitposters and 8chan shills trying to drown the rest of /pol/ in their b------- 201 :58 No.36103462 f you don't believe these posts are real, check them in archives yourself Dont respond eamestly to 8chan spam threads 201 :00 No.36101557 35101410 A few days ago. There's a sticky on /n with moot talking about it briefly GG shitposters are in a fuss about it and have been constantly messing with /pal/ calling for the end times of freedom of speech and such. 8chan and masterchan shills have also jumped on the opportunity to steal away users to their own derivative chans with gittering propositions of uninhibited free speech, so they're playing their part in continuing to manufacture as much outrage as they can on 4chan s Sat 20 sep This is 8chan spam. Keep an eye out on this guy and the Best Korean guy 201 3607 36075018 If you see this image on 4chan, I encourage you to save i Posting it will get you banned and there is will exist for very long on any board the guys, this is Anonymous Sat 20 Sep 2014 03:50:20 No.36074895 View Report 3607 Pay attention to that Best Korean lag anon. He's one of the 8chan shills 've been seeing posting today. Sama Google iadb Sau iNAO 405283338109 p슭10Ke, 200x200 s Sat 20 sep Masterchan is well known for spamming their derivative on 4chan under the guise of protecting freedom know any better. Neither generate the trafic 4chan does and their only calls to fame are from detracting from the userbase on here and sometimes forgetting to remove CP in a timely fashion. If and when they do start generating a fair amount of traffic they will eventually be forced to crack down on s--- the same way moot has. surprise they co-opted this s---. 8chan has gone the same way and is banking on the opportunity to reel in the hapless retards who don't Let's assume first off that the /bans image with the guy being banned for saying "n-----" is real. I haven't seen confimation of it if someone provides the image rll find the original post on 4plebs], but it wouldn't necessarily surprise me if it did happen. /bans isnt a good base o jump off of. The problem with that page is that t removes the context of the material with only an inkling of the information that drove the ban. What we don't see is this poster who wrote that was a consistent a------ shitposting on /pol. Thatr's probably the biggest contributing factor to that guy's ban. A standalone post calling someone a n----- isn't worth a ban, and mods arent stupid enough to generate excess drama by doing something that plainly retarded 36072075 Cant you f------ see you're being trolled? Why do you consistently take s--- at face value? Are you that desperate for a reason to s--- up the site for regular /pol/lacks? No.36071602 course it doesnt. GG shitposters are too stupid and gullible to imestigate the sincerity of information themselves. Hell, they are so stupid they dont even realize they're being shepherded by 8chan & masterchan shills Anyone with half a brain can see why moot disallawed the GamerGate threads. It was a perpetual general on multiple boards which generated no content okay days and twitter wars Add the eodra burden of them being a huge load on the mods report queue and you've got a f------ disaster People with an inkling of common sense would also pay attention to moot's wording, particularly about "outgrowing 4chan", moot must understand the gravity of GG as a social development and has opted to remove 4chan from the equation. This is probably a move made a legal defense in case things get too big He wouldn't want 4chan to be held responsible for anything GG shitposters do and say. "chans will likely do the same thing to GG shitposters once they realize the site owners will have to bear the burden b-but moot's secret cabal at xoxD e said Anita is on stage. Big f------ woop b-but muh Id/ mod Bologna testimony championed by the highest level of retards. Tustice mod got framed and vanned for CP by SJW mods" my hary white ass b-but that one Again, only idiots take s--- at face value. >b-but muh /pal/ freedom poli is allowed to discuss anything they want except GG. Thank the GG shitposters for that global removal. Also, Ive noticed the more insidious shitposters actually appropriating legitimate /pal/ topics and conflating them with GG shitposting so they can purposefully get banned and cry about being censored immediately after his/ general" talking about traitors with moat 00:50:12 No.36067264 nobody gives a s--- what you tweet about. you want to organize some retarded twitter campaign and do battle with literally who and her white knight brigade then the of this s--- from any party or 8chan is nothing but people desperately trying to dox some jewess on twitter who knows moot people spamming s--- like that are simply trying to rile up underage retards with guy fawkes masks into harassing her and others because moot decided he was tired of M being used as a base of operations for some twitter hashtag campaign, as if thatil change his opinion](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/000/839/936/4ce.png)
![8chan is a banned word on 4chan; if you attempt to post with it you will either be told that your attempted post contained a banned url, or you will be outright banned for attempting. Feel free to test it on 4chan yourself Anonymous Sun 28 Sep 2014 01:10:57 No.36455923 View Report 36455713 Anyone who chooses to believe 8chan's defomed m----- jew ater watching httplvimeo.com/91583460 should be o fall into this SJW shitstimed Honeypot The posts herein are all in latin characters; no cyrillic or unicode. This indicates the posters have posting privileges that allow them to bypass the filter, strongly suggesting that these posts are being made by moderators/janitors terally ging to buy Becoming exactly that which you hate? SJW's for a fuckoing cripple? with you View Same Google db SauDeNAO Rantic on Twtter 4chan s messi (), 33KB. 601x214 Who benefits from giving 4chan a bad name? Anonymous Wed 24 Sep 201 you ha ask yourself whether or betingsas contentT have been They're all over 4chan spamming trying to get people to leave on Oct 1 saying "4chan is Kill," which is interestingly what Rantic wrote themselves:https:/twitter.com RanticMarketing/status/514638545898987520 team isn't staging posts Anonymous Mon 22 Sep 2014 22:36:28 No.36211616 View Report echen shill please 22 Sep prevent users from :32:37 No.36204180 Reminder that these threads are made by 8chan shills trying to detract from our community 4chan quickly developed its own culture independent from the sites that it borrowed its layout and community from. 8chan however is living on borrowed time. Its 2 marketing points are being a refuge from 4chan to whine about GamerGate, and being able to create your own Once GG dies down and regular anons gravitate back towards 4chan, Bchan will suffer dramatically The over s of custom boards is the biggest factor in this, and will eventually schism the community enough to the point where everything will simply be dead You are likely being manipulated by 4chan's mod team, some of :09:50 No.36201 echan dent have a culture independert fom achan The Jewmpschan Redóit cions wont makegun whom are SJW's (as revealed by that based aussie f--- a few months ago). Other 'chans are not your opponent and are not trying to kill 4chan. Moot's moderation team is strangling the userbase and killing 4chan; pushing an ideology nobody gives a f--- about, and killing any dissenting opinions or even just 'rude behaviour' via bans. They are trying to make 4chan a "reasonable" website Anonymous Mon 22 Sep 2014 07:14:50 No.36183646 View Report iwas around for 2 of those threads yesterday hitting bump limit with 8chan spam actively getting deleted Anonymous Mon 22 Sep 2014 07:04:53 No.36183418 View Report n saying 'n-----' now yeah, of course miraculously when the OP for fat shaming threads wasn't "Buck mod n----- kies chan war now does it for tee exodus to 8chan they were left alone gets you banned from 4chan 183250 since moot posted the sticky on Ao there hasnt been a single modpost anywhere on the site This is not what we came to 4chan for the information and conclusions are simple s--- any oldfag would've exxperienced a million times before cause this is all s--- that has been dealt with since /newi, and especially when iq/ existed. why do you think you can no longer delete your own OP posts? a huge feminist conspiracy and moot has thrown in with their ik because sameone wrote really weak pasta about being a ldi mod and apparently having prtvate staff meetings on a minecraft server who's owner was constantly banned for advertising 4chan. that is totaly more plausible than moot being incompetent fat shaming thread was caught in a sidewide deletion by IP because the OP was probably advertising 8chan s--- and all their posts got deleted. same with n----- you can say n----- all you want b and lpol People pretty much everything you see can boil down to a few things 8chan f------ trying to raid/spam the board. they were openly discussing it on pol and burgers last week and probably finally realized how stupid that was and moved gamergate threads became only about organizing hashtag/letter wniting campaigns. 4chan isnt a platform for social justice movements, ts a place to discuss s---. when it stopped being about jourmalism ethics and how gaming media is just an extension of advertising it outgrew 4chan and shouldve moved organically. moot f----- up in the way he handled it given notice that e and given them some time to germany being "rangebanned," a spammer was probably using whatever ISP these people were on and was persistent enough that a mod just rangebanned the subnet. this s--- has happened for ages and is only evidence of mods being lazy 22:36:40 No.36165047 Lel I already do that and I get shat on daily by 8chan cronies and their band of shtposters. What the f--- thinks anyone will care what you have to say objectively when they want to stir the pot and cause drama regardless of the truth? Anonymous Sun 21 Sep 2014 22:25:17 No.36164548 View Report OP may be genuinely retarded, or he may be an 8chan shill. They've been raiding /pol continuously for days pretending to be SJWs and advertising their halfling chan. Anonymous Sun 21 Sep 2014 17:25:19 No.36152313 View Report Your post is alarmist b-------. Nothing extraordinary is happening apart from 8chan shitposters and shills who want to drag the rest of the site down with them With that having been said, I do like your idea Anonymous Sun 21 Sep 2014 02:00:40 No.36124167 View Report think the real victim in all of this heated b------- going around right now is Fredrick He erroneously thinks by shilling his derivative chan on here to detract from 4chan's user base will actually reap crowds of anons who will show unfaltering dedication to his site. In reality however, Bchan's fame is fleeting as it offers nothing but temporary refuge for shitposters to vent about their home site of 4chan, and no sooner than his dreams of 8chan being popular are seen will he be left alone in his misery It's likely that at some point in the distant future, grieving and petite as he always has, he will decide to kill himself by leaning awkhwardly on his high chair and falling 2 ft to the ground, pulverizing his skull s Sun 21 Sep 479 This was your first mistake. There is no invading hive of SJWs. I's been the same crew of shitposters and 8chan shills trying to drown the rest of /pol/ in their b------- 201 :58 No.36103462 f you don't believe these posts are real, check them in archives yourself Dont respond eamestly to 8chan spam threads 201 :00 No.36101557 35101410 A few days ago. There's a sticky on /n with moot talking about it briefly GG shitposters are in a fuss about it and have been constantly messing with /pal/ calling for the end times of freedom of speech and such. 8chan and masterchan shills have also jumped on the opportunity to steal away users to their own derivative chans with gittering propositions of uninhibited free speech, so they're playing their part in continuing to manufacture as much outrage as they can on 4chan s Sat 20 sep This is 8chan spam. Keep an eye out on this guy and the Best Korean guy 201 3607 36075018 If you see this image on 4chan, I encourage you to save i Posting it will get you banned and there is will exist for very long on any board the guys, this is Anonymous Sat 20 Sep 2014 03:50:20 No.36074895 View Report 3607 Pay attention to that Best Korean lag anon. He's one of the 8chan shills 've been seeing posting today. Sama Google iadb Sau iNAO 405283338109 p슭10Ke, 200x200 s Sat 20 sep Masterchan is well known for spamming their derivative on 4chan under the guise of protecting freedom know any better. Neither generate the trafic 4chan does and their only calls to fame are from detracting from the userbase on here and sometimes forgetting to remove CP in a timely fashion. If and when they do start generating a fair amount of traffic they will eventually be forced to crack down on s--- the same way moot has. surprise they co-opted this s---. 8chan has gone the same way and is banking on the opportunity to reel in the hapless retards who don't Let's assume first off that the /bans image with the guy being banned for saying "n-----" is real. I haven't seen confimation of it if someone provides the image rll find the original post on 4plebs], but it wouldn't necessarily surprise me if it did happen. /bans isnt a good base o jump off of. The problem with that page is that t removes the context of the material with only an inkling of the information that drove the ban. What we don't see is this poster who wrote that was a consistent a------ shitposting on /pol. Thatr's probably the biggest contributing factor to that guy's ban. A standalone post calling someone a n----- isn't worth a ban, and mods arent stupid enough to generate excess drama by doing something that plainly retarded 36072075 Cant you f------ see you're being trolled? Why do you consistently take s--- at face value? Are you that desperate for a reason to s--- up the site for regular /pol/lacks? No.36071602 course it doesnt. GG shitposters are too stupid and gullible to imestigate the sincerity of information themselves. Hell, they are so stupid they dont even realize they're being shepherded by 8chan & masterchan shills Anyone with half a brain can see why moot disallawed the GamerGate threads. It was a perpetual general on multiple boards which generated no content okay days and twitter wars Add the eodra burden of them being a huge load on the mods report queue and you've got a f------ disaster People with an inkling of common sense would also pay attention to moot's wording, particularly about "outgrowing 4chan", moot must understand the gravity of GG as a social development and has opted to remove 4chan from the equation. This is probably a move made a legal defense in case things get too big He wouldn't want 4chan to be held responsible for anything GG shitposters do and say. "chans will likely do the same thing to GG shitposters once they realize the site owners will have to bear the burden b-but moot's secret cabal at xoxD e said Anita is on stage. Big f------ woop b-but muh Id/ mod Bologna testimony championed by the highest level of retards. Tustice mod got framed and vanned for CP by SJW mods" my hary white ass b-but that one Again, only idiots take s--- at face value. >b-but muh /pal/ freedom poli is allowed to discuss anything they want except GG. Thank the GG shitposters for that global removal. Also, Ive noticed the more insidious shitposters actually appropriating legitimate /pal/ topics and conflating them with GG shitposting so they can purposefully get banned and cry about being censored immediately after his/ general" talking about traitors with moat 00:50:12 No.36067264 nobody gives a s--- what you tweet about. you want to organize some retarded twitter campaign and do battle with literally who and her white knight brigade then the of this s--- from any party or 8chan is nothing but people desperately trying to dox some jewess on twitter who knows moot people spamming s--- like that are simply trying to rile up underage retards with guy fawkes masks into harassing her and others because moot decided he was tired of M being used as a base of operations for some twitter hashtag campaign, as if thatil change his opinion](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/839/936/4ce.png)
8chan / 8kun
/argentina/ un tablon con buena gente

8chan / 8kun
4chan Exodus

8chan / 8kun
Legendary Dubs

8chan / 8kun