/a/ - Images
One of us

/a/ and Japan technologhy
![File 1308114982 gif-(535 KB, 400x226) -| □Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)01:16 No.50666649 [Reply] >gas stove I thought Japan was supposed to be technologically advanced? 12 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click Reply to view. □ Anonymous 06/15/11 (Wed)01:20 No.50666850 You should tell /cki that. While you're at it you could stop by /g/ and tell them mechanical keyboards are outdated, or /co/ and tell them that animating using something other than Flash is outdated. □ Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)01:21 No.50666860 50666821 THE FUTURE IS NOW □ Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)01:22 No.50666925 you stupid f----- op gas stoves are superior because you can change the temperature instantly e> □ Anonymous 06/15/11 (Wed)01:23 No.50666935 sauce e2 □ Anonymous 06/15/11 Med)01:24 No.50666981 2250566935 Boku no Music Box](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/000/931/444/5a1.jpg)
![File 1308114982 gif-(535 KB, 400x226) -| □Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)01:16 No.50666649 [Reply] >gas stove I thought Japan was supposed to be technologically advanced? 12 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click Reply to view. □ Anonymous 06/15/11 (Wed)01:20 No.50666850 You should tell /cki that. While you're at it you could stop by /g/ and tell them mechanical keyboards are outdated, or /co/ and tell them that animating using something other than Flash is outdated. □ Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)01:21 No.50666860 50666821 THE FUTURE IS NOW □ Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)01:22 No.50666925 you stupid f----- op gas stoves are superior because you can change the temperature instantly e> □ Anonymous 06/15/11 (Wed)01:23 No.50666935 sauce e2 □ Anonymous 06/15/11 Med)01:24 No.50666981 2250566935 Boku no Music Box](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/931/444/5a1.jpg)
Naruto and /a/
![ile 1307491013 ing-(179 KB, 1920x1200) □Anonymous 0607/11(Tue)19:56 No.50378925 Reply] if anyone can tell me what song is playing at 11:53 min in the video on the other end of this link i will love you for the rest of time http://www.narutoget.com/watch/683-naruto-shippuden-episode-146-english-subbed/ □ Anonymous 06/07/11 (Tue)19:57 No.50378948 10/10 □ Anonymous 06/07/11 (Tue) 19 58 No.50378972 File 1307491116 png-(34 KB, 220x220) GAIA □ Anonymous 06/07/11 (Tue)20:05 No.50379169 please □ Anonymous 06/07/11 (Tue)20:06 No.50379181 "I am a huge f-----' by The Narutards](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/000/931/443/6b5.jpg)
![ile 1307491013 ing-(179 KB, 1920x1200) □Anonymous 0607/11(Tue)19:56 No.50378925 Reply] if anyone can tell me what song is playing at 11:53 min in the video on the other end of this link i will love you for the rest of time http://www.narutoget.com/watch/683-naruto-shippuden-episode-146-english-subbed/ □ Anonymous 06/07/11 (Tue)19:57 No.50378948 10/10 □ Anonymous 06/07/11 (Tue) 19 58 No.50378972 File 1307491116 png-(34 KB, 220x220) GAIA □ Anonymous 06/07/11 (Tue)20:05 No.50379169 please □ Anonymous 06/07/11 (Tue)20:06 No.50379181 "I am a huge f-----' by The Narutards](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/931/443/6b5.jpg)
/a/ States


Wizard powerlevel over 9000

![File KB 850x1233.M08103f9b4501576e211 13c8 1pg) TSUKKO WAS JUST ON THE DAILY SHOW Anonymous 12/09/13(Mon)23:06 No 98118476 Replies 41188048811410 11 What happened? Anonymous 12/09/13Mon 23 07 No 98118510 Replies 8 11 Anonymous 12/09,13(Mon)23 08 No 961 18548 Reples-1116 Anonymous 12/09/13 Man23:08 No 98118566 Replies 2413244 Fila: 13856484714 ipg(7B3 KB. 14141312, ibbA1Yo14XYFF4 jpg) nonymous 12/09/13/Monj23:03 No 98118575 So we need those hentai things to show during the tentacle pom joke O Anonymous 1209/13(Mor123 25 No 981 19483 Repes-Anw1JuH11 :muss! ROL-39 Fila: 1385649547811ipg1.32 MB, 3264 2448, MG 20131209 230550 571 ipg) Phone picture because f--- getting off the couch Anonymous 12/09/13/Monj23 26 No 98119517 They tried □ Anonymous 1209/13(Mon123. 26 No 961 19619 Repes-am File: 1385649579464 -1(204 KB, 404x416, 1383650084897 gt 11341 is too hlarious, h-------- Anonymous 12/09/13/Monj23 26 No 98119629 Anonymous 12/09/13/Monj23 26 No 981 k you for getting this out there □ Anonymous 1209/13/MonR3 26 No 961 19634 Anonymous 12/09/13/Man)2327 No.98119664 Douins when? Give me an exhenti ink Anonymous 1209/13(Mon 123 27 No 981 19667 File: 1388849622327 09(127 KB 1920x 1080.HamibleSube] Hentai Oui... ipgl This is not an okay thing to do to Fle: 13865349302 i1325 KB, 1540x1000, jon jpg □ Anonymous 12/10/13(Tue00 16 No 98122265 Resies:-emm-amaaz-a122342-1122MS-emua-e12 Fle: 1386652566228 i3-150 KB, 309 346, zygnaty ipg) ROL-39 is so asily amused lab ly Here ai I got you some jngle keys Anonymous 12/10/13(Tue)00:40 No. 98123625 Anonymous 12/10/13(Tu00 45 No 98123772 File 138 432的6.9H630 KB 606x567, 1367115552060 g 2 71 MB, 463 380, SHOKO gf uck yeah, keys. Jingle them for me Anoeymous 12/10/13/Tuej00 41 No 98123542 I don't ike the sound of keys, the metal huts my ears A KEYS File 138665405559000%278 KB 470x440 1381406252624 png Anonymous 12/1013Tu)00 41 No.98123575 Replies: 28172 Anonymous 12/10/1Tue 00 45 No 9812377B yeah f--- off Anonymous 12/10/13(Tue 00:41 No 96123543 File: 138654T1onp(91 KB, 200x200, 002 png Anonymous 12/10/13(Tue)00 41 No 90123582 Anonymous 12/10/13(Tue)00 45 No 9 123782 Fle: 13866543479333 in9-1100 KB, 144010, 1382238805491. jpgl Fle 138Ges41036 Raf4442KB. 400x425, 1361220180762 gめ File 13笾65434賊54.pngH 194 KB、794x 00, t344385712680 png) ounds cuppy lBkkawall 12/10/13(Tue00 42 No.98123613 Anonymous 121013Tue )00 41 No 9123586 File 13笾654104376 9H666 KB. 450x328. com merts nonnon urafaget gf) THEYRE NOT JINGLING Anonymous 12/10/13(Tue10o 42 No 98123619 Senicusly , you couldn't have animated Anonymous 12/10/13(Tue100 46 No 98123817 3123924 3299522545 2-99123571 912397451240033124011 228124925 29912458912402-1R40T 124103 83124222 Anonymous 12/10/13(Tue )00 46 No 98123814 Repls2982557 File: 138885440099 i-(729 KB. 1630x1050, 1385414236934 jpa OH GoO OH GOD Anonymous 12/10/13 Tuep046 No 9B123820 Rapm da zam File 13繃54413431-N34 KB 470x605, 13676457359761g) □ Anonymous 12/10/13(Tuep0 46 No 96123823 Repies-tem File: 1385654416 -(1.01 MB, 358x202, 1384130063033.gt ON](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/000/883/755/e95.png)
![File KB 850x1233.M08103f9b4501576e211 13c8 1pg) TSUKKO WAS JUST ON THE DAILY SHOW Anonymous 12/09/13(Mon)23:06 No 98118476 Replies 41188048811410 11 What happened? Anonymous 12/09/13Mon 23 07 No 98118510 Replies 8 11 Anonymous 12/09,13(Mon)23 08 No 961 18548 Reples-1116 Anonymous 12/09/13 Man23:08 No 98118566 Replies 2413244 Fila: 13856484714 ipg(7B3 KB. 14141312, ibbA1Yo14XYFF4 jpg) nonymous 12/09/13/Monj23:03 No 98118575 So we need those hentai things to show during the tentacle pom joke O Anonymous 1209/13(Mor123 25 No 981 19483 Repes-Anw1JuH11 :muss! ROL-39 Fila: 1385649547811ipg1.32 MB, 3264 2448, MG 20131209 230550 571 ipg) Phone picture because f--- getting off the couch Anonymous 12/09/13/Monj23 26 No 98119517 They tried □ Anonymous 1209/13(Mon123. 26 No 961 19619 Repes-am File: 1385649579464 -1(204 KB, 404x416, 1383650084897 gt 11341 is too hlarious, h-------- Anonymous 12/09/13/Monj23 26 No 98119629 Anonymous 12/09/13/Monj23 26 No 981 k you for getting this out there □ Anonymous 1209/13/MonR3 26 No 961 19634 Anonymous 12/09/13/Man)2327 No.98119664 Douins when? Give me an exhenti ink Anonymous 1209/13(Mon 123 27 No 981 19667 File: 1388849622327 09(127 KB 1920x 1080.HamibleSube] Hentai Oui... ipgl This is not an okay thing to do to Fle: 13865349302 i1325 KB, 1540x1000, jon jpg □ Anonymous 12/10/13(Tue00 16 No 98122265 Resies:-emm-amaaz-a122342-1122MS-emua-e12 Fle: 1386652566228 i3-150 KB, 309 346, zygnaty ipg) ROL-39 is so asily amused lab ly Here ai I got you some jngle keys Anonymous 12/10/13(Tue)00:40 No. 98123625 Anonymous 12/10/13(Tu00 45 No 98123772 File 138 432的6.9H630 KB 606x567, 1367115552060 g 2 71 MB, 463 380, SHOKO gf uck yeah, keys. Jingle them for me Anoeymous 12/10/13/Tuej00 41 No 98123542 I don't ike the sound of keys, the metal huts my ears A KEYS File 138665405559000%278 KB 470x440 1381406252624 png Anonymous 12/1013Tu)00 41 No.98123575 Replies: 28172 Anonymous 12/10/1Tue 00 45 No 9812377B yeah f--- off Anonymous 12/10/13(Tue 00:41 No 96123543 File: 138654T1onp(91 KB, 200x200, 002 png Anonymous 12/10/13(Tue)00 41 No 90123582 Anonymous 12/10/13(Tue)00 45 No 9 123782 Fle: 13866543479333 in9-1100 KB, 144010, 1382238805491. jpgl Fle 138Ges41036 Raf4442KB. 400x425, 1361220180762 gめ File 13笾65434賊54.pngH 194 KB、794x 00, t344385712680 png) ounds cuppy lBkkawall 12/10/13(Tue00 42 No.98123613 Anonymous 121013Tue )00 41 No 9123586 File 13笾654104376 9H666 KB. 450x328. com merts nonnon urafaget gf) THEYRE NOT JINGLING Anonymous 12/10/13(Tue10o 42 No 98123619 Senicusly , you couldn't have animated Anonymous 12/10/13(Tue100 46 No 98123817 3123924 3299522545 2-99123571 912397451240033124011 228124925 29912458912402-1R40T 124103 83124222 Anonymous 12/10/13(Tue )00 46 No 98123814 Repls2982557 File: 138885440099 i-(729 KB. 1630x1050, 1385414236934 jpa OH GoO OH GOD Anonymous 12/10/13 Tuep046 No 9B123820 Rapm da zam File 13繃54413431-N34 KB 470x605, 13676457359761g) □ Anonymous 12/10/13(Tuep0 46 No 96123823 Repies-tem File: 1385654416 -(1.01 MB, 358x202, 1384130063033.gt ON](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/883/755/e95.png)

Flat chested girls.

/a/ discusses what to do with tied up anime girl.

/a/ in a few posts

/a/ is a board for anime/manga

/a/ in a nutshell


![丨 THE DAY GAINAX RUINED CHRISTMAS Amonymous 12/24/101Fri)15 20 No 43929962 THE F--- DIDI JUST WATCH H--------, STOCKNG I3 A DEMON?? 1224 10F018 17 110 88 Anonymous 12/24/100Fr)16:08 No.43931379 Repty HORY SHET this f------ ep Fle1293222058 ang1610 KB, 853x48, Wcsnap-2010-12-24-15h20m00s11.p Amonymous 12 24/10 Fri)15 21 No 43929975 AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA WE ALL GOT TROLLED IN THE LAST 2 MINUTES F--- THSI WAS EXPECTING TO BE TROLLED, BUT NOT THAT HARD Umm.Excuse me sir, but but Anonymous 12/24/10Fri)15:24 No 4393007 WHAT TEH HELL IS GOING ON TROLLED BY GANAX AT THE LAST MNUTE THS IS WHY WE CANT HAVE (142 KB, 720u430, 1 Anonymous 1224/10Fn)152a № 43530167 Ohgod Gains. you n (J◆ ▽+V '1iPalase2 12024.10(Fri)1533 No 43930275 WHAT THE F--- DD IJUST WATCH the tuck ddi just Anonymous 12 24/10 Fri)15 30 No 43930228 Amonymous 12/24/101Fr)15 33 No 439 30230 Fle1293222676.MHSpeiler lmage 65 KB 84ax400, [HarriblaSuba] PantyandStock( 〕jpg Your f------ taca Your f------ taca Your f------ taca Your f------ taca Your f------ taca Your f------ taca Oh god, Ihave no face now. My tucking face What have you done, Gain g hard when Gatarba blawa up Troled when WOM □ GameBoo ymp2x7zHN02 1224/10Fn)16:33 No.43930287 File12 7wRg(6 ka, 145x145 1209567399695 pg WHAT THE F--- DD WHAT THE FLUCK WHAT THE F--- WHAT THE FLICK WHAT THE FLICK WHAT THE FLCK WHAT THE F--- WHAT THE FLCK WHAT TE F--- WHAT THE F--- Leathopper 10XLEAF2gg 12/24/100Fn)16:35 No.43930334 2 KB. 124x121, angrytird ipa Fle129R210261剛133 KB 1600x900 hrmnglal F--- THIS EPI30DE. WHAT A SHTTY FINAL EPISODE AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 12/24/10 Fn)15:39 № 43930433 File1291223146pg(23 KB 266x209, sadsadadslpg, Friendly sum Nerd 1224/10Fn)15: № 43930427 mfw the eroing wB5 just 50 they could call the sequel Party VB Stocking with Garterbelt SENSE 5 41 No 439 30511 Fle1293223142 1481 KB, 853x480, Wcsnap-2010-12-24-15h37m23s59 pngt I dont even know what the Anonymous 1224/10Fri 15 45 No. 43930619 Nice way to ruin the Christmas, Gainax. File 12932 1.囚479 KB, 256x344 gatebetwtypg Garterbet stats Sghting S--- YEA DAMMIT GAINAX PACNG DO YOU KNOW IT? Anonymous 12/24/10(Fr)15 45 No.43930613 KB、IJD027 1263205115491 A Gainax ending? Why am IDONT REMEMBER THE LAST TME I WAS TROLLED THS F------ HARD, THIS F------ BRUTALLY H-------- Anonymous 12/24/10Fri)15 46 No 43930663 Wel.. I honesty didnl see that ane coming 問-11 12 KB 1280x720 [HorribleSubs] Party and Stack' This endng was so Ganax t's ike l was expenencing the entire Ganax repertore of dsapporting Ganax endings at the same time }jpg) a Anonymous 12/24/10Fn)18:48 No 43900720 5:49 № 43930735 Anonymous 1224/10Fn)15 48 № 43530716 File 129223T42 i29059 KB, 10090613, [HombleSubs) Panty and Stock..po Episode 13: How Gainax trolled Christmas THE Amonymous 12/24/101Fr)15 48 No 43930730 Oh god what just happaned? DD IJUST WATCH >№ blood when Panty died oymous 12/24/101Fr)15.53 No 439 30864 YFW Stocking tuns evd just to gat har JUST DESSERTS WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT Gainx why da you always do this? ve baen watching anima for a long tima, even bafore this place aistad, but Ive avar watched a Gainax show whie it was aring Anonymous 12/24/10(Fri15 52 No 43930853 I dd, but Hanamaru doeant e Sure, other shows had Ganax endings. but still atar twalve weeks the impact is that much lager than ner two day you Gaina Anonymous 12/24/10(Fri)1553 No 43930673 Anonymous 12/24/10Fri)15:63 No 43930872 Fle1233224022 ing-1126 KB. 609x387, 1278106102647 ipal F---. The. What (navarsed WHAT THE FLCK GANAX stars get jewed in epiaode 12 gainx taca right now Demon sistars get jewed again in apisoda 13 you Gainaxd TTax612, 1291225735087 ipg 四19 KB WHY WHY WIHY WHY WIHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY pnig) mw giant legs from the sky mfw stocking is a demon mfw demon sisters dont get any screentime miw this episode Do you think they work on Angels? These words are buned into my head ak, what the f--- Stocking was a demon -blstent second sesson plug shity ending Wating for glorious OST I WLL REMEMBER THIS DAY AS THE DAY GANAX RUNED CHRISTMAS WHAT THE F--- DD IJUST WATCHED GOO DANN IT Amonymous 12/24/10(Fr)16 02 No 43931148 BURN IN HELL FOR RUNNG CHRISTMAS YOU F------ GAINAX WORST CHRISTMAS EVE EVER Frostrva 'pus DEBYw 12/24/1QFn)16:43 № 43932598 4 KB, 208 208, 1270967669968 No words for this ending. nat even baccon waped scalops, shrimp, and a 15be prime rib with my lamily can for my s right naw uck you gainax GANAX IS A MASTER TROLL CANAX IS A MASTER TROLL CANAX IS A MASTER TROLL GANAX IS A MASTER TROLL GANAX IS A MASTER TROLL GANAX I3 A MASTER TROLL GANAX S TROLL GANAX IS A MASTER TROLL GANAX I3 A MASTER TROLL GANAX I3 A MASTER TROLL GANAX IS A MASTER TROLL GANAX I3 A MASTER TROLL GANAX IS A MASTER TROLL GA MASTER TROLL GANAX I3 A MASTER TROLL GANAX I3 A MASTER TROLL GANAX IS A MASTER TROLL 12/24/10(Fri)16 02 No 43931147 Amonymous 12/24/101Fr)16 02 No 43931145 丨@xpected aGanks ending, but this GAINAX 12/24/10 THE DAY GANAX STOLE CHRISTMAS File1291224NPg(175 KB. 1200x7 19, whatlusthapper 1 I Anonymous 1224/10Fn)16 № 43931383 112 KB, 128dx720, snapsho2010122417 Anonymous 1224 '10Fn)16:02 № 4393 1173 am gonna need a few hours guys WHAT THE F--- DD I JUST WATCH THERESNO WAY MY PIC CAN BE THIS RELATED AND THEN STOCKING WAS A DEMON You wouldnt believe how hard I yellawed F------ seriousy t's nice that we're getting a sequekWhich probably means we might leam samething baout P&S past) but THAT WHAT THE F--- DIDI JUST WATC THAT LAST PART ICANT F------ BEIEVE THS O Anonymous 1224/10Fn)16:04 No.4393 ARE YOU F------ KIDOING ME S NOTHNG SACRED IN THS SHT?](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/000/796/043/f8b.jpg)
![丨 THE DAY GAINAX RUINED CHRISTMAS Amonymous 12/24/101Fri)15 20 No 43929962 THE F--- DIDI JUST WATCH H--------, STOCKNG I3 A DEMON?? 1224 10F018 17 110 88 Anonymous 12/24/100Fr)16:08 No.43931379 Repty HORY SHET this f------ ep Fle1293222058 ang1610 KB, 853x48, Wcsnap-2010-12-24-15h20m00s11.p Amonymous 12 24/10 Fri)15 21 No 43929975 AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA WE ALL GOT TROLLED IN THE LAST 2 MINUTES F--- THSI WAS EXPECTING TO BE TROLLED, BUT NOT THAT HARD Umm.Excuse me sir, but but Anonymous 12/24/10Fri)15:24 No 4393007 WHAT TEH HELL IS GOING ON TROLLED BY GANAX AT THE LAST MNUTE THS IS WHY WE CANT HAVE (142 KB, 720u430, 1 Anonymous 1224/10Fn)152a № 43530167 Ohgod Gains. you n (J◆ ▽+V '1iPalase2 12024.10(Fri)1533 No 43930275 WHAT THE F--- DD IJUST WATCH the tuck ddi just Anonymous 12 24/10 Fri)15 30 No 43930228 Amonymous 12/24/101Fr)15 33 No 439 30230 Fle1293222676.MHSpeiler lmage 65 KB 84ax400, [HarriblaSuba] PantyandStock( 〕jpg Your f------ taca Your f------ taca Your f------ taca Your f------ taca Your f------ taca Your f------ taca Oh god, Ihave no face now. My tucking face What have you done, Gain g hard when Gatarba blawa up Troled when WOM □ GameBoo ymp2x7zHN02 1224/10Fn)16:33 No.43930287 File12 7wRg(6 ka, 145x145 1209567399695 pg WHAT THE F--- DD WHAT THE FLUCK WHAT THE F--- WHAT THE FLICK WHAT THE FLICK WHAT THE FLCK WHAT THE F--- WHAT THE FLCK WHAT TE F--- WHAT THE F--- Leathopper 10XLEAF2gg 12/24/100Fn)16:35 No.43930334 2 KB. 124x121, angrytird ipa Fle129R210261剛133 KB 1600x900 hrmnglal F--- THIS EPI30DE. WHAT A SHTTY FINAL EPISODE AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 12/24/10 Fn)15:39 № 43930433 File1291223146pg(23 KB 266x209, sadsadadslpg, Friendly sum Nerd 1224/10Fn)15: № 43930427 mfw the eroing wB5 just 50 they could call the sequel Party VB Stocking with Garterbelt SENSE 5 41 No 439 30511 Fle1293223142 1481 KB, 853x480, Wcsnap-2010-12-24-15h37m23s59 pngt I dont even know what the Anonymous 1224/10Fri 15 45 No. 43930619 Nice way to ruin the Christmas, Gainax. File 12932 1.囚479 KB, 256x344 gatebetwtypg Garterbet stats Sghting S--- YEA DAMMIT GAINAX PACNG DO YOU KNOW IT? Anonymous 12/24/10(Fr)15 45 No.43930613 KB、IJD027 1263205115491 A Gainax ending? Why am IDONT REMEMBER THE LAST TME I WAS TROLLED THS F------ HARD, THIS F------ BRUTALLY H-------- Anonymous 12/24/10Fri)15 46 No 43930663 Wel.. I honesty didnl see that ane coming 問-11 12 KB 1280x720 [HorribleSubs] Party and Stack' This endng was so Ganax t's ike l was expenencing the entire Ganax repertore of dsapporting Ganax endings at the same time }jpg) a Anonymous 12/24/10Fn)18:48 No 43900720 5:49 № 43930735 Anonymous 1224/10Fn)15 48 № 43530716 File 129223T42 i29059 KB, 10090613, [HombleSubs) Panty and Stock..po Episode 13: How Gainax trolled Christmas THE Amonymous 12/24/101Fr)15 48 No 43930730 Oh god what just happaned? DD IJUST WATCH >№ blood when Panty died oymous 12/24/101Fr)15.53 No 439 30864 YFW Stocking tuns evd just to gat har JUST DESSERTS WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT Gainx why da you always do this? ve baen watching anima for a long tima, even bafore this place aistad, but Ive avar watched a Gainax show whie it was aring Anonymous 12/24/10(Fri15 52 No 43930853 I dd, but Hanamaru doeant e Sure, other shows had Ganax endings. but still atar twalve weeks the impact is that much lager than ner two day you Gaina Anonymous 12/24/10(Fri)1553 No 43930673 Anonymous 12/24/10Fri)15:63 No 43930872 Fle1233224022 ing-1126 KB. 609x387, 1278106102647 ipal F---. The. What (navarsed WHAT THE FLCK GANAX stars get jewed in epiaode 12 gainx taca right now Demon sistars get jewed again in apisoda 13 you Gainaxd TTax612, 1291225735087 ipg 四19 KB WHY WHY WIHY WHY WIHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY pnig) mw giant legs from the sky mfw stocking is a demon mfw demon sisters dont get any screentime miw this episode Do you think they work on Angels? These words are buned into my head ak, what the f--- Stocking was a demon -blstent second sesson plug shity ending Wating for glorious OST I WLL REMEMBER THIS DAY AS THE DAY GANAX RUNED CHRISTMAS WHAT THE F--- DD IJUST WATCHED GOO DANN IT Amonymous 12/24/10(Fr)16 02 No 43931148 BURN IN HELL FOR RUNNG CHRISTMAS YOU F------ GAINAX WORST CHRISTMAS EVE EVER Frostrva 'pus DEBYw 12/24/1QFn)16:43 № 43932598 4 KB, 208 208, 1270967669968 No words for this ending. nat even baccon waped scalops, shrimp, and a 15be prime rib with my lamily can for my s right naw uck you gainax GANAX IS A MASTER TROLL CANAX IS A MASTER TROLL CANAX IS A MASTER TROLL GANAX IS A MASTER TROLL GANAX IS A MASTER TROLL GANAX I3 A MASTER TROLL GANAX S TROLL GANAX IS A MASTER TROLL GANAX I3 A MASTER TROLL GANAX I3 A MASTER TROLL GANAX IS A MASTER TROLL GANAX I3 A MASTER TROLL GANAX IS A MASTER TROLL GA MASTER TROLL GANAX I3 A MASTER TROLL GANAX I3 A MASTER TROLL GANAX IS A MASTER TROLL 12/24/10(Fri)16 02 No 43931147 Amonymous 12/24/101Fr)16 02 No 43931145 丨@xpected aGanks ending, but this GAINAX 12/24/10 THE DAY GANAX STOLE CHRISTMAS File1291224NPg(175 KB. 1200x7 19, whatlusthapper 1 I Anonymous 1224/10Fn)16 № 43931383 112 KB, 128dx720, snapsho2010122417 Anonymous 1224 '10Fn)16:02 № 4393 1173 am gonna need a few hours guys WHAT THE F--- DD I JUST WATCH THERESNO WAY MY PIC CAN BE THIS RELATED AND THEN STOCKING WAS A DEMON You wouldnt believe how hard I yellawed F------ seriousy t's nice that we're getting a sequekWhich probably means we might leam samething baout P&S past) but THAT WHAT THE F--- DIDI JUST WATC THAT LAST PART ICANT F------ BEIEVE THS O Anonymous 1224/10Fn)16:04 No.4393 ARE YOU F------ KIDOING ME S NOTHNG SACRED IN THS SHT?](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/796/043/f8b.jpg)
