CollegeHumor - Videos
CollegeHumor video about Don't Eat Tide Pods - that perpetuated the Eating Tide Pods memes

CollegeHumor video about Don't Eat Tide Pods - that perpetuated the Eating Tide Pods memes
Just Let The World Die

Just Let The World Die
How Tall Is Grant?

How Tall Is Grant?
A Video With Text On Top And Bottom

A Video With Text On Top And Bottom
Extremely Real People Who Are Definitely Not Actors

Extremely Real People Who Are Definitely Not Actors
Fake News Investigative Journalists

Fake News Investigative Journalists
The App That Does Everything... Poorly!

The App That Does Everything... Poorly!
The Conspiracy Behind Your Glasses

The Conspiracy Behind Your Glasses
If The Speech From Independence Day Happened Today

If The Speech From Independence Day Happened Today
CollegeHumor Goes Full SJWtard

CollegeHumor Goes Full SJWtard
If Google Was a Guy (Part 5)

If Google Was a Guy (Part 5)
Why People Think Video Games Are Just For Boys

Why People Think Video Games Are Just For Boys
30 For 30: Angels In The Outfield

30 For 30: Angels In The Outfield
If Google Was A Guy (Part 4)

If Google Was A Guy (Part 4)
Chicago O'Hare Airport Toilet

Chicago O'Hare Airport Toilet
Seinfeld Gets Auto-Tuned (Sponsored)