Hunger Games Simulator - Images
Golden cocks out for Harambe

Hunger Games Simulator
"Are we on AT-X?" "Yes." "You're a fu-"

Hunger Games Simulator
"Stopping the Rumbling... How hard can it be?"

Hunger Games Simulator
"Last time I'm ever walking in the midst of the camp..."

Hunger Games Simulator
Least unhinged episode of the Filthy Frank show:

Hunger Games Simulator
"Which makes me... THE WINNER!"

Hunger Games Simulator
Issei went after the wrong oppai

Hunger Games Simulator
That oughta sound lovely

Hunger Games Simulator
Are you sure this isn't just some Top Gear crack fic?

Hunger Games Simulator
Jerma cannot escape judgment

Hunger Games Simulator
"This episode of Bluey is called 'Trench Club'"

Hunger Games Simulator
Off to a great start

Hunger Games Simulator
And the answer is "Yes"

Hunger Games Simulator
Bibles out for Harambe everybody

Hunger Games Simulator
The biggest JRPG crossover

Hunger Games Simulator
"Oh hey Civvie! The radiation is finally getting to me!"

Hunger Games Simulator