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cultural revolutionaries vs rushmore

using the BLM riots to justify the death of online privacy
![H-------- retail organizations name the culprits behind flash mobs. It's finally happening!!!! [177 / 33 / 143] AnonymouS ID:RqMq0P8D Mon 13 Dec 2021 08:06:23 No.351952459 E View Reply Original Report Quoted By: >>351952567 >>351952677 >>351952752 >>351952849 >>351952942 >>351953014 >>351953025 >>351953172 >>351953228 >>351953310 >>351953346 >>351953677 >>351953811 >>351953813 >>351954119 >>351954896 >>351956822 >>351957176 >>351957233 >>351957531 >>351958759 >>351961468 >>351961596 >>351962113 >>351962709 >>351963678 >>351963959 >>351965070 >>351965335 >>351965443 >>351966668 >>351966678 >>351966742 >>351969510 >>351970075 >>351970158 >>351977079 >>351977306 >>351977586 >>351977604 >>351977781 >>351978030 >>351978246 >>351979196 >>351982461 >>351982535 >>351982599 >>351982625 >>351982891 >>351983450 >>351984384 >>351986209 >>351986348 >>351986900 >>351987588 >>351988715 > "Criminals are capitalizing on the anonymity of the Internet and the failure of certain marketplaces to verify their sellers," the CEOS wrote. > In a letter signed by the chief executives of 20 retailers - including Best Buy, Target, Nordstrom, Home Depot and Dollar General - House and Senate leaders were urged to pass legislation that would make it harder for people to remain anonymous when they sell things online. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/retail-ceos-online-marketplaces-fueling-221148064.html Anonymous ID:XE80FKFN Mon 13 Dec 2021 08:08:59 No.351952677 Report Quoted By: >>351953069 >>351985347 >>351985823 >>351952459 This why the media has been hyping up shoplifting stories in ca lol. Get you ready for this AnonymouS ID:4d79EnUh Mon 13 Dec 2021 08:09:58 No.351952752 [1 Report Quoted By: >>351982327 >>351952459 >House and Senate leaders were urged to pass legislation that would make it harder for people to remain anonymous when they sell things online. So THAT'S why there have been so many robberies lately. It makes sense now. AnonymouS ID:bi/XswXu Mon 13 Dec 2021 08:11:19 No.351952849 Report Quoted By: >>351952955 >>351953464 >>351961311 >>351962621 >>351962941 >>351952459 What a f------ joke! Because of criminals, instead of hiring security or police that can do their jobs, they're going to regulate the internet. F--- those criminals and f--- these corporations, f--- the government, f--- all these people. AnonymouS ID:nYK1XNgd Mon 13 Dec 2021 08:13:47 No.351953069 Report Quoted By: >>351953755 >>351953787 >>351981519 >>351982492 >>351988228 >>351952677 >The National Retail Federation estimates that such incidents cost companies roughly $700,000 for every $1 billion in sales. Imagine wanting to erode people's privacies for a .07% loss, corporate America are the real thieves. Anonymous ID:DXdXo24R Mon 13 Dec 2021 08:21:09 No.351953677 Report Quoted By: >>351953828 >>351954089 >>351952459 These morons are destroying anonymity and forcing us into a digital identification code police state. If they thought the police were bad before... they'll end up f----- worse than ever... and they're taking us with them. AnonymouS ID:XkWaliiQ Mon 13 Dec 2021 08:58:36 No.351957176 Report Quoted By: >>351968884 >>351969222 >>351986697 >>351952459 >House and Senate leaders were urged to pass legislation that would make it harder for people to remain anonymous when they sell things online. shoplifters make things worse for everyone. can we just start arming mall cops and letting them shoot shoplifters instead? AnonymouS ID:H94hpQuz Mon 13 Dec 2021 09:52:25 No.351962113 Report >>351952459 Or, and stay with me here, we have thing called the criminal justice system already in place and the people doing the initial stealing should just be arrested and put in jail. View Same Google iqdb SauceNAO Trace Ł 1639103408900.jpg, 274KİB, 825x688 AnonymouS ID:mkQ0+utY Mon 13 Dec 2021 10:12:16 No.351963920 Report Quoted By: >>351965247 >>351967098 The legislation they are asking for is bad. They're going to eventually force everyone to identify themselves on every website with some form of real identification. Not just retail sellers. You guys are failing to see the bigger impact this will have. They're going to enable even more authoritarian internet control because they apparently can't help themselves but to steal. AnonymouS ID:8Gn7qily Mon 13 Dec 2021 10:27:58 No.351965335 Report >>351952459 >Let's kill online anonymity because of losing 0.07% revenue Instead of going after the criminals, they go after the privacy of online retailers. AnonymouS ID:7K×5JWAP Mon 13 Dec 2021 10:42:19 No.351966742 Report Quoted By: >>351982800 >>351952459 so instead of arresting and punishing the people that committed the crime, we must give up more privacy. makes sense AnonymouS ID:miXZEkQw Mon 13 Dec 2021 13:52:07 No.351987588 Report Quoted By: >>351987940 >>351952459 "why yes, we fund the organization responsible for all the looting to take away your internet anonymity and there is nothing you can do against it" Anonymous ID:brN0hL07 Mon 13 Dec 2021 14:02:01 No.351988715 = Report >>351952459 >Allow people to shoot looters Noooo, not the heckin' looters! >Tighten control on the internet and remove anonymity Now we're talking!](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/002/268/395/f19.png)
![H-------- retail organizations name the culprits behind flash mobs. It's finally happening!!!! [177 / 33 / 143] AnonymouS ID:RqMq0P8D Mon 13 Dec 2021 08:06:23 No.351952459 E View Reply Original Report Quoted By: >>351952567 >>351952677 >>351952752 >>351952849 >>351952942 >>351953014 >>351953025 >>351953172 >>351953228 >>351953310 >>351953346 >>351953677 >>351953811 >>351953813 >>351954119 >>351954896 >>351956822 >>351957176 >>351957233 >>351957531 >>351958759 >>351961468 >>351961596 >>351962113 >>351962709 >>351963678 >>351963959 >>351965070 >>351965335 >>351965443 >>351966668 >>351966678 >>351966742 >>351969510 >>351970075 >>351970158 >>351977079 >>351977306 >>351977586 >>351977604 >>351977781 >>351978030 >>351978246 >>351979196 >>351982461 >>351982535 >>351982599 >>351982625 >>351982891 >>351983450 >>351984384 >>351986209 >>351986348 >>351986900 >>351987588 >>351988715 > "Criminals are capitalizing on the anonymity of the Internet and the failure of certain marketplaces to verify their sellers," the CEOS wrote. > In a letter signed by the chief executives of 20 retailers - including Best Buy, Target, Nordstrom, Home Depot and Dollar General - House and Senate leaders were urged to pass legislation that would make it harder for people to remain anonymous when they sell things online. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/retail-ceos-online-marketplaces-fueling-221148064.html Anonymous ID:XE80FKFN Mon 13 Dec 2021 08:08:59 No.351952677 Report Quoted By: >>351953069 >>351985347 >>351985823 >>351952459 This why the media has been hyping up shoplifting stories in ca lol. Get you ready for this AnonymouS ID:4d79EnUh Mon 13 Dec 2021 08:09:58 No.351952752 [1 Report Quoted By: >>351982327 >>351952459 >House and Senate leaders were urged to pass legislation that would make it harder for people to remain anonymous when they sell things online. So THAT'S why there have been so many robberies lately. It makes sense now. AnonymouS ID:bi/XswXu Mon 13 Dec 2021 08:11:19 No.351952849 Report Quoted By: >>351952955 >>351953464 >>351961311 >>351962621 >>351962941 >>351952459 What a f------ joke! Because of criminals, instead of hiring security or police that can do their jobs, they're going to regulate the internet. F--- those criminals and f--- these corporations, f--- the government, f--- all these people. AnonymouS ID:nYK1XNgd Mon 13 Dec 2021 08:13:47 No.351953069 Report Quoted By: >>351953755 >>351953787 >>351981519 >>351982492 >>351988228 >>351952677 >The National Retail Federation estimates that such incidents cost companies roughly $700,000 for every $1 billion in sales. Imagine wanting to erode people's privacies for a .07% loss, corporate America are the real thieves. Anonymous ID:DXdXo24R Mon 13 Dec 2021 08:21:09 No.351953677 Report Quoted By: >>351953828 >>351954089 >>351952459 These morons are destroying anonymity and forcing us into a digital identification code police state. If they thought the police were bad before... they'll end up f----- worse than ever... and they're taking us with them. AnonymouS ID:XkWaliiQ Mon 13 Dec 2021 08:58:36 No.351957176 Report Quoted By: >>351968884 >>351969222 >>351986697 >>351952459 >House and Senate leaders were urged to pass legislation that would make it harder for people to remain anonymous when they sell things online. shoplifters make things worse for everyone. can we just start arming mall cops and letting them shoot shoplifters instead? AnonymouS ID:H94hpQuz Mon 13 Dec 2021 09:52:25 No.351962113 Report >>351952459 Or, and stay with me here, we have thing called the criminal justice system already in place and the people doing the initial stealing should just be arrested and put in jail. View Same Google iqdb SauceNAO Trace Ł 1639103408900.jpg, 274KİB, 825x688 AnonymouS ID:mkQ0+utY Mon 13 Dec 2021 10:12:16 No.351963920 Report Quoted By: >>351965247 >>351967098 The legislation they are asking for is bad. They're going to eventually force everyone to identify themselves on every website with some form of real identification. Not just retail sellers. You guys are failing to see the bigger impact this will have. They're going to enable even more authoritarian internet control because they apparently can't help themselves but to steal. AnonymouS ID:8Gn7qily Mon 13 Dec 2021 10:27:58 No.351965335 Report >>351952459 >Let's kill online anonymity because of losing 0.07% revenue Instead of going after the criminals, they go after the privacy of online retailers. AnonymouS ID:7K×5JWAP Mon 13 Dec 2021 10:42:19 No.351966742 Report Quoted By: >>351982800 >>351952459 so instead of arresting and punishing the people that committed the crime, we must give up more privacy. makes sense AnonymouS ID:miXZEkQw Mon 13 Dec 2021 13:52:07 No.351987588 Report Quoted By: >>351987940 >>351952459 "why yes, we fund the organization responsible for all the looting to take away your internet anonymity and there is nothing you can do against it" Anonymous ID:brN0hL07 Mon 13 Dec 2021 14:02:01 No.351988715 = Report >>351952459 >Allow people to shoot looters Noooo, not the heckin' looters! >Tighten control on the internet and remove anonymity Now we're talking!](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/268/395/f19.png)
orwell was overly optimistic

Ninja Attacks Military Base At Night

Become Unflushable
![: Anonymous (ID: hKrxNXS5 ) M] 09/11/21(Sat)13:53:59 No.338702619 DO NOT FLUSH CEMENT DOWN THE TOILETS OF BUSINESS AND EMPLOYERS WHO MANDATE VACCINES OR MASKS 33333 333333333 333333333333333.jpg 76 KB JPG How much concrete would you need to poor down the businesses that enforce the vaccine passport in minecraft? like would you need a few cups or an entire bag? (in minecraft of course) 53 Replies / 11 Images View Thread](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/002/198/066/244.png)
![: Anonymous (ID: hKrxNXS5 ) M] 09/11/21(Sat)13:53:59 No.338702619 DO NOT FLUSH CEMENT DOWN THE TOILETS OF BUSINESS AND EMPLOYERS WHO MANDATE VACCINES OR MASKS 33333 333333333 333333333333333.jpg 76 KB JPG How much concrete would you need to poor down the businesses that enforce the vaccine passport in minecraft? like would you need a few cups or an entire bag? (in minecraft of course) 53 Replies / 11 Images View Thread](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/198/066/244.png)
My political beliefs? Depends on who I'm trolling today

Hillary Clinton and a 4 Star general analyze 4chan posts

Anon wants to have sex with a robot dog

Anon will literally rape their robots

SpongeBob Analysis by a Romanian /pol/ack

Black anon is a rigger

slavs Comic

The official mammal of /pol/: The Beluga

I look Cromagnonic as fuck. Atlanto-Med ethnicity

Turks are white

Filipinas post on /pol/
