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the most ridiculous thing taught in sex ed

SO worst habit

top 10 changes that actually made the world a better place

Why don't 🅱️lind people just open their eyes?👀

Michael B. Jordan have a one track mind

when reddit autoupvote your meme

same procedure as every time

Gun Expert

/r/grandorder after the new rules

Another case of censorship
![OFFMYCHEST comments other discussions goldfish (62388) I I preferences l logout I am tired of my history being erased. (self.offmychest) ago by gottagetthisoff to r/offmychest search 450 Submit a new link Not everything is black and white in this world. As a modern-day Egyptian, I am tired of black people claiming Ancient Egypt as a black civilization and I am offended by the new Nefertiti statue that was developed by white people. Yes, Egypt is in Africa, but no it is not black. Yes, Egypt is in the Mediterranean, but it isn't white either. Yes, there are dark skinned Egyptians (my best friend is part Nubian) and there are very light-skinned Egyptians (my grandmother has blonde hair and blue eyes). I, along with the majority of other Egyptians are in the middle with olive-tan skin, but that's not the point. Race goes deeper than one's skin color. The point is the people of Egypt today have always existed there and it's just frustrating to see black and white people fight over our history when it belongs to neither of them Submit a new text post offmychest 447270 readers O 1048 users here now Enable custom subreddit styles There is a lot of controversy revolving around this and I feel like it's hypocritical that this is becoming a white vs black thing and Egyptians are excluded from the conversation My history is literally written on the walls and buried in the ground of my country. If you look at the paintings and hieroglyphics in ancient tombs, you can clearly see that the majority of the people depicted are not black or white, but a coppery golden color completely separate from the other two We are our own people and by claiming Ancient Egypt as theirs, black and white people are erasing my history his is the place to unload that baggage that's been weighing you down for days, weeks, months, or years. This is to relieve the pit in your stomach that won't go away, not for the angry rant you could spew at anyone. When you need to make a post for yourself, not necessarily for advice, or to answer questions, but to get it off your chest, we'll be here to listen and, if you want, to talk. [removed by moderators] nsfb The Rules 56 comments 61 scanned 50 [removed] sorted by: best ▼ 1. Do not insult, antagonize, interrogate or criticize the OP. Be respectful. Do not give advice if the NAW (No Advice Wanted) flair/tag is active on a post. Unsolicited advice will be removed from these posts ogasha An old friend of mine, who was born in Egypt and emigrated to the US, had the same sentiment and was very frustrated by both sides. He was often mistaken as being black or mixed, and was very passionate about his culture and history. As you say, he looked just like if a heiroglyph walked off of the wall and started talking I think the only time he was pleased with Egyptian representation was when he watched 'The Prince Of Egypt'. solicited advice will be removed if the OP adds the NAW flair. If you want the NAW flair, submit your t as usual, then click the 'flair link under the post body. A drop down menu will appear, choose NAW and you're done! Or message the mods and we'll do it for you ermalink save report give gold reply [removed by moderators] [-] gottagetthisoff 25 points 4 days ag Honestly, 'The Prince of Egypt was my favorite movie growing up in America too because of its representation! It's so funny that you mentioned that [removed by moderators] e for people of an and all backgrounds. Oppressive attitudes andlanguage will not be aren Any content that eeme Hey! The real stories are more interesting &we keep learning more! Your blonde grandmo ma ar phobic, homophob resting migra orth with t art to North Africa is from my 23&me report- we cla or intolerant of certain ligions will be removed and the user might be related 7,000 years back! ition, slut-shaming 5b1b1 is a relativel members maternal I ng 00 years ago. Given this young age, the geographic spread of U5b1b1 is rea victim-blaming, body-policing are not allowed. Promotion, recruitment and ack to a woman who lived troturfing for communities which violate this rule both on and off Reddit ng migratio be ga berian women carrying U5b1b1 crossed Se sult in a ban. ma Angry rants](
![OFFMYCHEST comments other discussions goldfish (62388) I I preferences l logout I am tired of my history being erased. (self.offmychest) ago by gottagetthisoff to r/offmychest search 450 Submit a new link Not everything is black and white in this world. As a modern-day Egyptian, I am tired of black people claiming Ancient Egypt as a black civilization and I am offended by the new Nefertiti statue that was developed by white people. Yes, Egypt is in Africa, but no it is not black. Yes, Egypt is in the Mediterranean, but it isn't white either. Yes, there are dark skinned Egyptians (my best friend is part Nubian) and there are very light-skinned Egyptians (my grandmother has blonde hair and blue eyes). I, along with the majority of other Egyptians are in the middle with olive-tan skin, but that's not the point. Race goes deeper than one's skin color. The point is the people of Egypt today have always existed there and it's just frustrating to see black and white people fight over our history when it belongs to neither of them Submit a new text post offmychest 447270 readers O 1048 users here now Enable custom subreddit styles There is a lot of controversy revolving around this and I feel like it's hypocritical that this is becoming a white vs black thing and Egyptians are excluded from the conversation My history is literally written on the walls and buried in the ground of my country. If you look at the paintings and hieroglyphics in ancient tombs, you can clearly see that the majority of the people depicted are not black or white, but a coppery golden color completely separate from the other two We are our own people and by claiming Ancient Egypt as theirs, black and white people are erasing my history his is the place to unload that baggage that's been weighing you down for days, weeks, months, or years. This is to relieve the pit in your stomach that won't go away, not for the angry rant you could spew at anyone. When you need to make a post for yourself, not necessarily for advice, or to answer questions, but to get it off your chest, we'll be here to listen and, if you want, to talk. [removed by moderators] nsfb The Rules 56 comments 61 scanned 50 [removed] sorted by: best ▼ 1. Do not insult, antagonize, interrogate or criticize the OP. Be respectful. Do not give advice if the NAW (No Advice Wanted) flair/tag is active on a post. Unsolicited advice will be removed from these posts ogasha An old friend of mine, who was born in Egypt and emigrated to the US, had the same sentiment and was very frustrated by both sides. He was often mistaken as being black or mixed, and was very passionate about his culture and history. As you say, he looked just like if a heiroglyph walked off of the wall and started talking I think the only time he was pleased with Egyptian representation was when he watched 'The Prince Of Egypt'. solicited advice will be removed if the OP adds the NAW flair. If you want the NAW flair, submit your t as usual, then click the 'flair link under the post body. A drop down menu will appear, choose NAW and you're done! Or message the mods and we'll do it for you ermalink save report give gold reply [removed by moderators] [-] gottagetthisoff 25 points 4 days ag Honestly, 'The Prince of Egypt was my favorite movie growing up in America too because of its representation! It's so funny that you mentioned that [removed by moderators] e for people of an and all backgrounds. Oppressive attitudes andlanguage will not be aren Any content that eeme Hey! The real stories are more interesting &we keep learning more! Your blonde grandmo ma ar phobic, homophob resting migra orth with t art to North Africa is from my 23&me report- we cla or intolerant of certain ligions will be removed and the user might be related 7,000 years back! ition, slut-shaming 5b1b1 is a relativel members maternal I ng 00 years ago. Given this young age, the geographic spread of U5b1b1 is rea victim-blaming, body-policing are not allowed. Promotion, recruitment and ack to a woman who lived troturfing for communities which violate this rule both on and off Reddit ng migratio be ga berian women carrying U5b1b1 crossed Se sult in a ban. ma Angry rants](
Meanwhile on reddit
![SP The dangerous belief that white people are under attack ( 0 nality Social submitted 20 hours ago by InDissent 67 comments share save hide report all 67 comments sorted by: best ▼ Want to add to the discussion? Post a comment! CREATE AN ACCOUNT [-] mrsamsa [M] [score hidden] 17 hours ago-stickied comment Just a reminder that this is a science sub so conspiracy theories and victim narratives about white people being "oppressed" aren't appropriate here. Keep the discussion about the scientific evidence and facts of the possible cause:s and effects of white people mistakenly believing that they're oppressed when they're not. permalink embed save report reply load more comments (10 replies) - Ideleted] 9 hours ago [removed] + [deleted] * (2 children) + InDissent [S] comment score below threshold (2 children,) -] [deleted] 19 hours ago [removed] +] gocast comment score below threshold (2 children) +] autimaton comment score below threshold (25 children) -] [deleted] 20 hours ago [removed] [-] 1nDissent [S]-2 points 19 hours ago None of your "facts" are cited and you want me to prove a negative? 14 days on Reddit and you're starting off the right way! permalink embed save parent report reply -] [deleted] 19 hours ago [removed] gocast 0 points 18 hours ago What a joke permalink embed save report reply + InDissent [S] comment score below threshold (10 children)](
![SP The dangerous belief that white people are under attack ( 0 nality Social submitted 20 hours ago by InDissent 67 comments share save hide report all 67 comments sorted by: best ▼ Want to add to the discussion? Post a comment! CREATE AN ACCOUNT [-] mrsamsa [M] [score hidden] 17 hours ago-stickied comment Just a reminder that this is a science sub so conspiracy theories and victim narratives about white people being "oppressed" aren't appropriate here. Keep the discussion about the scientific evidence and facts of the possible cause:s and effects of white people mistakenly believing that they're oppressed when they're not. permalink embed save report reply load more comments (10 replies) - Ideleted] 9 hours ago [removed] + [deleted] * (2 children) + InDissent [S] comment score below threshold (2 children,) -] [deleted] 19 hours ago [removed] +] gocast comment score below threshold (2 children) +] autimaton comment score below threshold (25 children) -] [deleted] 20 hours ago [removed] [-] 1nDissent [S]-2 points 19 hours ago None of your "facts" are cited and you want me to prove a negative? 14 days on Reddit and you're starting off the right way! permalink embed save parent report reply -] [deleted] 19 hours ago [removed] gocast 0 points 18 hours ago What a joke permalink embed save report reply + InDissent [S] comment score below threshold (10 children)](
r/all be like
![Furr On Account、 999 DO85 haha nice Randomreddito I see you everywhere! 49 [insert story that relates to the pic], 1998 undertaker threw manhood off cell of hell and into table of annoucement Rndomreddito gosh darn got me again and then my dad actually beat with me jumper cables, which is why i haven't posted in 2 years Imao jumper cables bahahaha](
![Furr On Account、 999 DO85 haha nice Randomreddito I see you everywhere! 49 [insert story that relates to the pic], 1998 undertaker threw manhood off cell of hell and into table of annoucement Rndomreddito gosh darn got me again and then my dad actually beat with me jumper cables, which is why i haven't posted in 2 years Imao jumper cables bahahaha](
I had a vasectomy yesterday and when I woke up this morning my wife surprised me with this

Redditor gets corrected after posting about jobs in the US being at a high risk of being replaced by...
![Making sandwiches in a factory (x-post r/mechanical_gifs) ( 17.3k submitted 1 day ago by MoustacheSteve 1376 comments share save hide report sorted by: best ▼ Want to add to the discussion? Post a comment! CREATE AN ACCOUNT you are viewing a single comment's thread view the rest of the comments → [-] blacksmithwolf 46 points 1 day ago Marketable at what? You seem to be under the impression that there are other jobs these people can and should be moving into but there aren't. Every new industry being created today employs less than the industry's they are killing. Automation used to replace menial repetitive tasks but now machines are getting better at thinking than us as well A study found tat 47% of jobs in the US are in the high risk category of being automated within 2 decades. Not planning for this is monumentally stupid because I guarentee you half the population will not starve to death quietly There will be violence and the position of "lol should of been a STEM major" is going to look real silly when the heads start to roll permalink embed save parent report reply [-] Should-have-listened 42 points 1 day ago should of Did you mean should've? I am a bot account. permalink embed save parent report reply [-] SteveThe7th 72 points 1 day ago Cripes, /u/blacksmithwolf is right, even the pedantic corrections are automated these days permalink embed save parent report reply [-] ewbrower 13 points 1 day ago This just brought me so much joy. What a perfect comment chain permalink embed save parent report reply](
![Making sandwiches in a factory (x-post r/mechanical_gifs) ( 17.3k submitted 1 day ago by MoustacheSteve 1376 comments share save hide report sorted by: best ▼ Want to add to the discussion? Post a comment! CREATE AN ACCOUNT you are viewing a single comment's thread view the rest of the comments → [-] blacksmithwolf 46 points 1 day ago Marketable at what? You seem to be under the impression that there are other jobs these people can and should be moving into but there aren't. Every new industry being created today employs less than the industry's they are killing. Automation used to replace menial repetitive tasks but now machines are getting better at thinking than us as well A study found tat 47% of jobs in the US are in the high risk category of being automated within 2 decades. Not planning for this is monumentally stupid because I guarentee you half the population will not starve to death quietly There will be violence and the position of "lol should of been a STEM major" is going to look real silly when the heads start to roll permalink embed save parent report reply [-] Should-have-listened 42 points 1 day ago should of Did you mean should've? I am a bot account. permalink embed save parent report reply [-] SteveThe7th 72 points 1 day ago Cripes, /u/blacksmithwolf is right, even the pedantic corrections are automated these days permalink embed save parent report reply [-] ewbrower 13 points 1 day ago This just brought me so much joy. What a perfect comment chain permalink embed save parent report reply](
Someone does not like different viewpoints
![reddit STOy comments ↑ Has slavery always been part of human nature? (self.history) 10 submitted 14 hours ago by FoolsGhold 35 comments share save hide give gold report crosspost Was slavery a big part of the past? Im talking basically since the beginning of man. I know Egypt had slaves. However we all know very well that africans where enslaved in the past. And I feel that everyone has this notion of only white people where enslavers. And that only blacks are slaves. Im just looking for evidence to defeat that argument. [-] TomThomas 1 point 13 hours ago Up until the 1800s, a mere 200 odd years ago, every country in the world had slavery. Every one America and the Commonwealth were among some of the first to abolish it. Many Arab and African countries practiced slavery well into the 1900s Of course, the segregation and Jim Crow stuff lasted well into the 1900s too, but this was also true of many areas in the Commonwealth as well - Canada, Australia, and of course South Africa Anyone that tells you "white people", or even Americans, are the worst historical offenders when it comes to slavery is just playing politics permalink embed save edit disable inbox replies delete You've been banned from participating in r/history subreddit message via /r/history [M] sent 10 hours ago You have been banned from participating in r/history. You can still view and subscribe to r/history, but you won't be able to post or comment. If you have a question regarding your ban, you can contact the moderator team for r/history by replying to this message Reminder from the Reddit staff: If you use another account to circumvent this subreddit ban, that will be considered a violation of the Content Policy and can result in your account being suspended from the site as a whole permalink delete report block subreddit mark unreacd re: You've been banned from participating in r/history to /r/history sent 2 hours ago Banned for what? permalink re: You've been banned from participating in r/history subreddit message via /r/history [M] sent 2 hours ago No current politics or soapboxing permalink delete report block subreddit mark unreacd re: You've been banned from participating in r/history to /r/history sent 36 minutes ago I didn't think I was. Even if you choose to interpret what I said as "soapboxing", was really worthy of a perma-ban? You don't think that's a bit much? permalink re: You've been banned from participating in r/history subreddit message via /r/history [M] sent 33 minutes ago No permalink delete report block subreddit mark unreacd You have been muted from r/history subreddit message via /r/history [M] sent 33 minutes ago You have been temporarily muted from r/history. You will not be able to message the moderators of r/history for 72 hours permalink delete report block subreddit mark unreacd](
![reddit STOy comments ↑ Has slavery always been part of human nature? (self.history) 10 submitted 14 hours ago by FoolsGhold 35 comments share save hide give gold report crosspost Was slavery a big part of the past? Im talking basically since the beginning of man. I know Egypt had slaves. However we all know very well that africans where enslaved in the past. And I feel that everyone has this notion of only white people where enslavers. And that only blacks are slaves. Im just looking for evidence to defeat that argument. [-] TomThomas 1 point 13 hours ago Up until the 1800s, a mere 200 odd years ago, every country in the world had slavery. Every one America and the Commonwealth were among some of the first to abolish it. Many Arab and African countries practiced slavery well into the 1900s Of course, the segregation and Jim Crow stuff lasted well into the 1900s too, but this was also true of many areas in the Commonwealth as well - Canada, Australia, and of course South Africa Anyone that tells you "white people", or even Americans, are the worst historical offenders when it comes to slavery is just playing politics permalink embed save edit disable inbox replies delete You've been banned from participating in r/history subreddit message via /r/history [M] sent 10 hours ago You have been banned from participating in r/history. You can still view and subscribe to r/history, but you won't be able to post or comment. If you have a question regarding your ban, you can contact the moderator team for r/history by replying to this message Reminder from the Reddit staff: If you use another account to circumvent this subreddit ban, that will be considered a violation of the Content Policy and can result in your account being suspended from the site as a whole permalink delete report block subreddit mark unreacd re: You've been banned from participating in r/history to /r/history sent 2 hours ago Banned for what? permalink re: You've been banned from participating in r/history subreddit message via /r/history [M] sent 2 hours ago No current politics or soapboxing permalink delete report block subreddit mark unreacd re: You've been banned from participating in r/history to /r/history sent 36 minutes ago I didn't think I was. Even if you choose to interpret what I said as "soapboxing", was really worthy of a perma-ban? You don't think that's a bit much? permalink re: You've been banned from participating in r/history subreddit message via /r/history [M] sent 33 minutes ago No permalink delete report block subreddit mark unreacd You have been muted from r/history subreddit message via /r/history [M] sent 33 minutes ago You have been temporarily muted from r/history. You will not be able to message the moderators of r/history for 72 hours permalink delete report block subreddit mark unreacd](
The Senate