/r/freefolk - Images
if I were Edmure, I'd sell out the Blackfish for this line alone. | /r/FreeFolk

If Jon Snow started a house after learning his heritage what will it be called? | /r/FreeFolk

Age gap between Talisa and Robb? | /r/FreeFolk

IT'S OFFICAL!!! Kong is dead. George RR Martin to reveal TWOW release date on feburary 29. He has of...

King Bobby B caught on camera: | /r/FreeFolk

Emilia Clarke in the movie about the disabled guy. Oh, we're supposed to find this character clumsy ...

Which insult(s) from the show you've used on people irl ? | /r/FreeFolk

Take: Jaime killed Aerys so that Jaime can live and reunite with Cersei, not because he cared for "i...

Am I dumb or are they? | /r/FreeFolk

Who can be the best life partner for Tyrion? | /r/FreeFolk

Wholesome moment | /r/FreeFolk

Why do you think Jorah Mormont was Friendzoned? | /r/FreeFolk

I always wondered how would Maester Aemon would've reacted if he somehow recognised or knew Jon Snow...

How do think things would've turned out for him if he accepted? | /r/FreeFolk

| /r/FreeFolk

The odds of this guy swimming to shore from all the way back there, and just in time to stumble on t...
