/r/freefolk - Images
Reading about the wars after Aegon's Conquest be like. | /r/FreeFolk

What's the best minor house ? | /r/FreeFolk

WHen will you finish the book, GRRM? | /r/FreeFolk

Does Cersei thought this is a wise move to kill them all or another stupid decision she made? | /r/F...

I Find This Line So Funny | /r/FreeFolk

Not once, but twice! | /r/FreeFolk

In the books, it is an act of defiance not kneeling in front of a Lannister, not forgetting. God, th...

Sophie Turner and Kit Harington working on The Dreadful - I actually thought Season 4-8 was The Drea...

I love all four seasons | /r/FreeFolk

Anybody figured out what phase Cersei was going through to even have her spy girl look she's in a Ma...

Bet if Jaime was like his old self, he'd still torture the hell out of Olenna before she died. | /r...

Paid our (dis)respects at the studio tour | /r/FreeFolk

People definitely switched sides just not the way Ryan “intended” | /r/FreeFolk

Plot twist, the god of light sends the king beyond the wall back as a wizard to fight the night king...

ASOIAF fans , what are your thoughts on memory, sorrow and thorn series | /r/FreeFolk

What's the best show only scene | /r/FreeFolk
