/r/freefolk - Images
Don't forget about this symbolism, it'll come full circle later in the series.... | /r/FreeFolk

Why is Ironman in Westeros? Does he know nothing? | /r/FreeFolk

Best caption is Hand of the King today: | /r/FreeFolk

Regarding GOT only, what do you think? | /r/FreeFolk

Robert never stops the fight between these two, what then? | /r/FreeFolk

The Fanbase right now. | /r/FreeFolk

Even Caillou isn’t safe | /r/FreeFolk

A brotherly bond that go's beyond time and space | /r/FreeFolk

He is the richest man in Qarth | /r/FreeFolk

"Fuck Thanksgiving, imma host the first oppsgiving" - Arya Stark | /r/FreeFolk

The endbattle we deserved...//- | /r/FreeFolk

| /r/FreeFolk

The whole thing was darker than Uranus | /r/FreeFolk

Tywin serves as Tommen's Regent, Sends Cersei to the Rock to chill. What does Tyrion do? | /r/FreeFo...

Let's give a shout out to Tormund, who, after learning the big woman was now taken, moved on in resp...

@HBO | /r/FreeFolk
