/r/freefolk - Images
How do you feel about Lady Stoneheart being excluded from the show? | /r/FreeFolk

That one Long Night theory be like: | /r/FreeFolk

The fuck is Tormund doing in an ad I got while in Germany? | /r/FreeFolk

Who is the most forgettable character in the show ? | /r/FreeFolk

Ser Meryn, I hear you like 'em young | /r/FreeFolk

Robb had one of the most tragic endings in the show. Brutal. | /r/FreeFolk

So these two decide to fall in love with someone of the most powerful family in the land, and someho...

Is there a lore reason Ser Barriston left Dany to fight for the Rebel Allience? | /r/FreeFolk

How do you see Clegane dodging this one? | /r/FreeFolk

You get what you shout for. | /r/FreeFolk

He kinda forgot. | /r/FreeFolk

Making fun of your bro behind his back. Not cool Ned, not cool. | /r/FreeFolk

This may be an unpopular opinion… | /r/FreeFolk

Fine I'll do it myself | /r/FreeFolk

Varys be like | /r/FreeFolk

This cameo was the ONLY good thing about this episode | /r/FreeFolk
