/r/freefolk - Images
everyday i think about what got me banned from r/asoiafcirclejerk was a furry version of the barathe...

Would they be lovers? | /r/FreeFolk

Do you think that this is a terrible method for lighting a casket? | /r/FreeFolk

Battle between two garbage storylines. | /r/FreeFolk

The battle that was promised. | /r/FreeFolk

If you had to dethrone one of them, which one would you go with? | /r/FreeFolk

Bet these movies will probably get a sequel/reboot before TWOW. | /r/FreeFolk

I can’t believe we were robbed of the most epic collab in history! | /r/FreeFolk

this moment seemed so personal | /r/FreeFolk

It is known | /r/FreeFolk

random kid on youtube writes better plot than d&d | /r/FreeFolk

Jon wouldn’t even get food | /r/FreeFolk

Unforgivable | /r/FreeFolk

Which GoT character are you reviving - and how? Wight, Beric, Stoneheart or whatever the fuck Arya p...

Ned raging at the gods for how Jon' s story ended. | /r/FreeFolk

It was at this point in the show that Arya died for me. | /r/FreeFolk
