/r/freefolk - Images
The Life and Death of Sean Bean | /r/FreeFolk
Not even a second thought….. | /r/FreeFolk
(...) if GRRM decides to work and finish ASoIaF, which we know will never happen. Biggest troll ever. | /r/FreeFolk
From Alistair Reynolds new book "inhibitor phase" | /r/FreeFolk
Who is the best character ??? | /r/FreeFolk
D&D killed the franchise better than any GoT character could. | /r/FreeFolk
Ramin Djawadis "The Night King" will always remain as the only good part of entire season. | /r/FreeFolk
This prophecy turned out to be spot-on. | /r/FreeFolk
Lol | /r/FreeFolk
"The lone wolf dies but the pack survives." So I will fuck right off... | /r/FreeFolk
This definitely belongs here. | /r/FreeFolk
But now the rains weep o’er his hall. | /r/FreeFolk
Oh GRRM. You warned us the whole time. | /r/FreeFolk
The Bad Timeline. | /r/FreeFolk
And who has a better story than… | /r/FreeFolk
Where is the Winter that was promised? | /r/FreeFolk
As a matter of fact yes I did, thank you | /r/FreeFolk
‘Game of Thrones’ Caused Kit Harington’s Mental Health Issues | /r/FreeFolk
Tyrion did Dany dirty | /r/FreeFolk
Characters finding out about their death scenes. | /r/FreeFolk