/r/freefolk - Images
So, what was your reaction when the Mannis came in with the steel chair? | /r/FreeFolk

Was Balon a fucking idiot? | /r/FreeFolk

Shout out to all these things having ZERO impact on the story | /r/FreeFolk

Meanwhile, at grrm hq. | /r/FreeFolk

So many missed opportunities. | /r/FreeFolk

No one in my friend circle appreciated this meme i made | /r/FreeFolk

Drogo on his wedding night | /r/FreeFolk

Overall, despite the strike and last minute studio cuts, HotD S2 was a good season that contained so...

Ormund Hightower: "Lyonel, my eldest son, you are still only a lad 15 years old. I march to war, but...

How to farm for Karma | /r/FreeFolk

Facts. | /r/FreeFolk

Play as John Thrones in this official licensed Game of Thrones: Winter is Coming mobile game! | /r/F...

I love how this meme transcends fandoms | /r/FreeFolk

ok ok, no need to get hasty judgements. if you guys would hear me out for just a moment | /r/FreeFol...

My father won the REAL war while you were sitting around shitposting under Casterly Rock! | /r/FreeF...

POV: You're a king, your life is in danger, and you're waiting for one of these guys to come and sav...
