/r/freefolk - Images
Literally calls D&D “geniuses.” Have lost all professional respect for Eiza Gonzalez. | /r/FreeFolk
Buy the damn candy before I piss meself! | /r/FreeFolk
Hot Take: This ending is actually worse than the show ending (as awful as that was). | /r/FreeFolk
Ask Reddit on which villain deserved to win. | /r/FreeFolk
R.I.P. | /r/FreeFolk
Thought You'd want to see this too | /r/FreeFolk
This was probably the best review of the finale I ever read | /r/FreeFolk
There certainly was betrayal | /r/FreeFolk
I think the answer is NO! | /r/FreeFolk
Immediately thought of this man | /r/FreeFolk
i kNoW a KiLlEr wHeN i sEe oNe... | /r/FreeFolk
Time to protest against MeUndies…seriously who thought this was a good idea? | /r/FreeFolk
Missed Opportunity: This could've been made into the darkest, most satisfying reveal in the history ...
"Fucking slander if ya ask me!" | /r/FreeFolk
All you GOT seasons 7 and 8 haters ruin the experience for so many people. It was definitely rushed,...
Because GOT turned into pure shit, is that why I’m seeing this ad? | /r/FreeFolk
I feel sorry for Kit Harrington, Eternals is getting terrible reviews | /r/FreeFolk
Now they'll just read about the achievements of better men. | /r/FreeFolk
I’m sorry | /r/FreeFolk
Production shots | /r/FreeFolk