/r/freefolk - Images
Just finished S6, worst than I remembered | /r/FreeFolk
Yikes | /r/FreeFolk
New Martell words | /r/FreeFolk
You Want a Mad Queen, I Give You the Mad Queen (pretend the sword is Longclaw) | /r/FreeFolk
Filthy Starkses | /r/FreeFolk
Denaerys Targaryen has a competition for the number of titles | /r/FreeFolk
Daily reminder of how bad S8 was | /r/FreeFolk
MFW "Rains of Castamere" started playing at the wedding of the king in the north, after the previous...
West of Westeros is not what I expected... | /r/FreeFolk
It wasn't a bad thing... it was a really, really, really bad thing. At the time delaying seemed like...
He never knew Viserys to be grumpy a day in his life. What a loss that was. | /r/FreeFolk
Oh the irony! | /r/FreeFolk
Sallhador Saan is a good name for songs ! | /r/FreeFolk
Every time Missandei introduces Daenerys… | /r/FreeFolk
Charlotte Indigo by Reynolds and Miller | /r/FreeFolk
How I felt about D&D while watching s8 | /r/FreeFolk
cAn YoU mAkE iT oR nOt? | /r/FreeFolk
You don't know Cold. You're boys still. And when comes the Winter, you will DIE. Like FLIES. Favorit...
What is season 8 like? | /r/FreeFolk
For Ser Pounce | /r/FreeFolk