/r/freefolk - Images
Lord Cregan Stark | /r/FreeFolk

Forget about the twenty good men. | /r/FreeFolk

Shout out to the real WW MVP! Without him sparing Sam, who else would've been able to fact check Jon...

Don't forget about this symbolism, it'll come full circle later in the series.... | /r/FreeFolk

Why is Ironman in Westeros? Does he know nothing? | /r/FreeFolk

Best caption is Hand of the King today: | /r/FreeFolk

Regarding GOT only, what do you think? | /r/FreeFolk

Robert never stops the fight between these two, what then? | /r/FreeFolk

The Fanbase right now. | /r/FreeFolk

Even Caillou isn’t safe | /r/FreeFolk

A brotherly bond that go's beyond time and space | /r/FreeFolk

He is the richest man in Qarth | /r/FreeFolk

"Fuck Thanksgiving, imma host the first oppsgiving" - Arya Stark | /r/FreeFolk

The endbattle we deserved...//- | /r/FreeFolk

| /r/FreeFolk

The whole thing was darker than Uranus | /r/FreeFolk
