/r/freefolk - Images
Vhagar attacks Arrax in the skies near Storm’s End, 129 AC | /r/FreeFolk

Me at the end of Episode 3, 4, 5 and 6 realizing it's getting worse and worse | /r/FreeFolk

Throwback to one of my favorite Emilia-moments when she looked into the camera like she was on The O...

Missing person : Have you seen this person ?? But seriously I don't remenber any leaks talking about...

Can we just agree that the witch is an absolute chad | /r/FreeFolk

Haven't heard it yet, but I'm sure some of you might be interested. | /r/FreeFolk

“The NK’s not dead, we’ll learn more about him in Episode 4” | /r/FreeFolk

Zayn Malik for Cregan Stark?? | /r/FreeFolk

here is a diagram | /r/FreeFolk

princess Ryanna Baratheon first born Daughter of King Robert Baratheon and his Queen Lyanna od house...

It's perfect, It's beautiful | /r/FreeFolk

This graph just reminded me about how much I hated season 8, also remembering how great game of thro...

Proceeds to remake it | /r/FreeFolk

All Hail King Bran the Broken | /r/FreeFolk

What’s the point | /r/FreeFolk

Is this how they make the swords? | /r/FreeFolk
