/r/freefolk - Images
Too stunned to speak | /r/FreeFolk
Have we forgotten that the hound further humiliated ned stark by cheering his head to the masses? Fu...
I swear the God, if this mf shows up next season... | /r/FreeFolk
My wood burning of Shireen Baratheon. | /r/FreeFolk
So young | /r/FreeFolk
He never got over it | /r/FreeFolk
Shoutout to the most under appreciated beauty | /r/FreeFolk
Do you think this is accurate? | /r/FreeFolk
A real king fights his own battles like Aegon II did, a real king wouldn't hide in his cave like the...
I Asked an Ai to Write a Scene in Got Discussing Who Was a Better Ruler: Viserys I Targaryen or Robe...
No poster is so accursed as the reposter. | /r/FreeFolk
Ned Stark looking at GoT memes with his Orc friends | /r/FreeFolk
Does this passage from The Rise of the Dragon finally settle the debate of who was in the right? Kee...
Well well well, if it isn't the consequences of my own actions | /r/FreeFolk
Are we really going to act like this never happened? | /r/FreeFolk
Yohn Royce Character Arc | /r/FreeFolk
What was in Dorne's letter to Aegon I (wrong answers only)? | /r/FreeFolk
What if Aegon II accidentally sees the prophecy while trying to do hot knife hits? | /r/FreeFolk
Real | /r/FreeFolk